Beginners - December 2014 (Page 38)

how to make this program with for loop and while loop
Write a simple c++ program that displays a range of numbers in reverse order according to your roll number i.e. if your roll number is 142090, take last two dig...
[1 reply] : Do you know about the mod operator (%)? (by Brenn)
Problem with input String
I'm writing a program which does some stuffs such as reading information and printing them. My problems here is when I run the code, instead of inputting the ID...
[1 reply] : Typical "getline after formatted input" problem http://stackoverflow.c... (by MiiNiPaa)
vs2010 load up template?
Is there a way (i think there is) to have VS2010 C++ load up the below in my .cpp console application on start up after saving solution name. // #inc...
[no replies]
by ebucna
restricting string input to numbers and letters only (1,2)
Hi all, in a part of a program I have to restrict user to input only letters and digits in a string, so I did this string name; bool test; do { test...
[27 replies] Last: thanks I removed cin.ignore() (by ebucna)
taking input of pointer to char in struct
I am facing problem in taking input for pointer to char.Program compiles without any error but while running it gives error when I hit enter after first loop of...
[2 replies] Last: why e .name = "Hello world!"; works consider an array char string... (by shadowCODE)
SDL snake game could use some help?
so i have every thing working but i cant figure out a way to get the snake to grow when he eats?
[2 replies] Last: here is my main @lachlan Easton int main(int argc, char** argv) { ... (by freecody24)
reverse an integer
i want to make a var equals the revers of the digit's of another var . suppose that we have two integers (x , y) .. x=123 we want to set y to be y=321 . what...
[4 replies] Last: didn't he say he just wanted integers? (by ebucna)
In need of some tips
Hello. I previously had a question regarding my program and am now stuck again in another section of it. edit :D So I need to get the name of the highest ...
[8 replies] Last: One, or more of these: Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++... (by JLBorges)
help with SQL files
I'm having trouble making a bank statements with SQL input and output files. The formula should be in the input, and the output should display numbers. Since I ...
[1 reply] : Here is what I'm suppose to do. Put the eq... (by grashtrike)
Missing data from input file
Greetings, I am trying to get the program to display the contents of I have 10 lines in employee in. When I run the program, only lines 2-10 a...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks for your insight! Sorry for the late reply; early the followin... (by Scythifuge)
by Scizor
Printing a class' info as a string?
Hello there! I feel that my teacher gave me some vague instructions. I have created a class named Player with the data members name and score. I then have the s...
[2 replies] Last: The first task is asking to create a string holding all of the player ... (by Brenn)
Tic Tac Toe Game help
Im having a hard time creating a loop that checks to see if its a win or not. #include <iostream> using namespace std; char square = { 'o', '1', '2', '3'...
[3 replies] Last: After looking through it a little more I noticed a couple things. The... (by RadWayne)
by iihi
testing forum
[2 replies] Last: I want to know the results of the test. (by RadWayne)
Dropping the lowest number in an array
I have a homework assignment that asks me to enter 10 grades into an array then find the average after dropping the lowest grade. I got the average part down ea...
[3 replies] Last: > I had the average part without dropping the lowest... What I posted ... (by JLBorges)
by Grock7
Function returning to main
My program is almost done. However, when trying the second and third option the program returns to the main menu instead of calling the next function. The only ...
[1 reply] : I just messed around with it a little. If you select "Inventory Databa... (by RadWayne)
Strings inside structs: How to set it?
Hi! Why i'm getting the following error message when i try to set a sentence for Question and how can i fix that? I'm using 2d array because i want to organize...
[1 reply] : I am not sure what you want to do in the setQuiz function. On line 24... (by ats15)
Converting morse code to english text?
Hi, I wrote a program that converts an english text and vice versa. The text to code conversion works fine however my code to text doesn't exactly work well.For...
[9 replies] Last: You could have a counter for spaces, and if you find 3 then append it ... (by giblit)
Is this cumbersome?
I am creating a elaborate number guessing game that will have special abilities, highscores, and numerous other additions to the basic number guessing game to m...
[6 replies] Last: > Is size_t same as unsigned int std::size_t is an alias for an (im... (by JLBorges)
Finding mean as a double
Hi, I'm having trouble understanding how they found the mean of the integers as a double. The question is as follows: Given a list of N integers, find its m...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by Khuslen)
Defining and accessing objects in a large framework
What would be a good method of defining wrapper class objects (outside of main) for which there should be no more than one instance per class in a large framewo...
[no replies]
December 2014 Pages: 1... 3637383940... 55
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