Beginners - December 2014 (Page 37)

Address Book Program
Hi everyone, I'm new to C++, taking my first course, and as one of the assignments we have to create a record management program. One of the things it ha...
[9 replies] Last: Welcome :) (by closed account SECMoG1T)
by Korcha
Mendelbrot Ascii plot
So for CompSci class we have to create an Ascii plot of the mendelbrot set. I've gotten this far but don't know how to run the actual program. Any help would b...
[no replies]
Code questions
We are supposed to "expand" a payroll program to utilize arrays. looking at the examples in our textbook, it appears that we actually have to reprogram (drasti...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, I missed that; was very tired. This assignment is stressing m... (by Scythifuge)
Reading file into an array
Hi, I am using Visual Basic 2013. When I try and compile this program, the output is -858993460 , repeating 10 times. I am baffled. I tried to change the en...
[7 replies] Last: I use Visual Studio Professional 2013, and if Visual Basic is like min... (by JayhawkZombie)
Employee and ProductionWorker Classes Assignment
I do not see my error here, would someone please be kind enough point it out to me and explain what I am doing wrong and how I fix it? Thanks so much! I a...
[6 replies] Last: Be careful and read what the popup error says. They are useful for se... (by JayhawkZombie)
Snake Console Game Laggy
Hey everybody. Sorry for the long and messy code. I'm still learning :) Anyways, please try running my code and then playing the game. Sometimes the game will l...
[2 replies] Last: //Powerups void powerupMenu() { Sleep(2000); menukey == NULL; sy... (by dannyboy212)
error: too few template arguments for class template 'vector'
I'm still in first semester here, and i don't know how fix the error given in the title. here is the relevant part of movie.h: class Movie{ public:...
[3 replies] Last: push_back adds an element at the end of the vector, so I don't see tha... (by wildblue)
Binary Search Tree
Hey, everyone. I'm working on a school project to make a binary tree, but I cannot make it work. I am not allowed to change the function definitions, so I am...
[no replies]
Help with Bubblesort and Arrays
Hi, this is my first time using this website, i have been taking a programming class at my high school this semester and i have been enjoying it alot. I fell a ...
[1 reply] : When printing out the vector contents at line 26, you need to take a s... (by wildblue)
by tatai
Yes/No Statement
I want to make a program which can ask the user YES/NO answer and if YES then the program continues otherwise stop. i have made the program but doing some mista...
[1 reply] : The break statements that are there just exit the switch statement. If... (by wildblue)
Adventure game
hey there ! guys ! i am working to make a rpg game ! but i don't know why it is not working ! please someone ! can explain to me ! so that i can find out th...
[5 replies] Last: here my code has ended ! so please help me by giving a proper solution... (by Muhammad Anim)
by Nyck
Function returns 0
Hello. I'm new to this forum and to C++ programming as well. I'm also quite new in programming (only had some experience with VBA before). I just started to le...
[2 replies] Last: Whoops~ Thanks. (by Nyck)
Objects in C++ help
Hi, I have an assignment, that i'm rather confused on how to execute and could use the community's help on figuring this one out. We did most of this in clas...
[7 replies] Last: MiiNiPaa and dhayden, your replies were clear and concise and helped m... (by sparkler17)
problem with binary translator
hello. I have a problem. I hope the translation makes sense. as I can read spaces. as I can make it closes the translator. #include<iostream> using na...
[18 replies] Last: De nada :) (by wildblue)
by ebucna
Box around text using iomanip
Hi all, I have to display final result of my program in a centre and with a box around it. to Do that I was given notes on <iomanip>. I am complitely new to c++...
[7 replies] Last: I got this for now: string name; float score; unsigned sh... (by ebucna)
please help me
Q: create a structure with bank account number and balance and an other class as a person. create relation between account structure and a person.
[no replies]
please any body tell me how i can make a pyramid with Star in nested loop?
[1 reply] : The way I would do this is to create a 2D char array. I would then ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Run file from given location
Hi! I am trying to run a file from a given location,in this case CCleaner,from path C:/Program Files/CCleaner/CCleaner64.exe...But the program won't even let me...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by GamingDj)
Does anyone know how to use ncurses?
I have been trying to read the "how to" but I am completely baffled. I have made some decent progress with a server/chat program I have made, and I have been t...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the links J, I'll try and do some reading. My problem is I... (by megatron 0)
File extensions
So Ive been seeing extension names like .h*.hh*.hpp*.hxx*cpp*cph(or chp don't remember right now). I know that .h are just basic header files and .cpp is just b...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks every one! (by REAMSEY111)
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