Beginners - December 2014 (Page 34)

by NoBark
Debug assertion failed
Just started working with SFML and cant get this to work im trying to get a sprite to move on the screen using this: 1st part #include <SFML/Graphics.h...
[6 replies] Last: One thing to keep in mind is that defining global sfml objects is a no... (by cire)
Simplify nested loops with functions?
I have to re-engineer, re-write, simplify and modularize my program’s source code using functions. I'm confused as to where to start. I get the general concep...
[6 replies] Last: So how would I set the variable? (by ApertureScience101)
Help With array
I need help with some guidance, there's this equation for calculating 2D array matrix , and it goes something like this: A + (I*(#colums) + J) * Size of da...
[2 replies] Last: ya, i know i'm being very vague. A is suppose to be the matrix I and... (by Shipoopi)
by EvE12
Code editing
So this code should print the reverse of any number user enters example: 123 output: 321 but in line "16" can I remove cout << "-"; but still print the num...
[3 replies] Last: You can either change the sign of the first element of arr that is bei... (by JayhawkZombie)
by wolfv
error: type 'nested class' is not derived from type 'class'
What does this error message mean? C:\Users\wolf\Documents\demo_MinGW>g++ staticDestroy4.cpp staticDestroy4.cpp:25:35: error: type 'Wrapper::Employee' is not...
[no replies]
Only getting one answer
no matter what answer I enter, the answer keeps popping up as "you owe $250 dollars." #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int ...
[4 replies] Last: You need to take into account that, for example, January 31 is "less t... (by dhayden)
Problem with comparing string characters
I tried to create a program that counts the number of words in a line by comparing " " with every character from the line , counting them in a j++ But it alwa...
[7 replies] Last: Try this, I use strtok() function to tokenize or break the line into p... (by tanezavm)
need urgent help on a project
I'm just starting to use c++ and I've to make a hangman type game as a project. I have no idea what to do and need assistance thanks It includes displaying a w...
[2 replies] Last: I've got this to open the file: void openfile() { string getword; i... (by patrickstewetOG)
libraries to start programming
What libraries are good and easy to start programming (cmath, iostream, fstream, cstring ...)?
[7 replies] Last: thank you all (by closed account ypLhURfi)
hi guys, i need help with this exercice
2. Write a program which will make some operations on a set of randomly generated numbers. First write a function generating n random numbers of type double f...
[1 reply] : Please check the code below, randDouble() which generates random numbe... (by tanezavm)
Switch Statements Trouble
Hello, I'm currently taking a C++ course which I thought would be a worthwhile class. I know how to do switch statements with a single character as the case. Ho...
[2 replies] Last: The condition within a case has to be a constant-expression. case (t... (by PopEye)
I am working on a sudoko program and the final grade is based off of how well the program solves sudoku puzzles. I believe that the only way for the program to ...
[2 replies] Last: I wrote a sudoku solver several years ago. It was a lot of fun. You d... (by dhayden)
How to ask user if they want to run program again?
I have to have this program loop if the user is asked if they want to run it again, I know i might have to use a while loop but I don't know where to put it :S ...
[5 replies] Last: Try a do-while loop. It will run through once before checking the cond... (by HatchetMan302)
returning multiple variables from functions
What I'm trying to do is return int, int, string variables from one function back to main and then use those variable initialization in another function. In o...
[2 replies] Last: A function can only return one thing, so if you want to change multipl... (by HatchetMan302)
by davtk8
Put a limit on string size in a string array (using C-style Strings)
Hi, how do I tell the if statement to output this error message 'exceeded the maximum amount of characters' that has its characters stored in an array using c-s...
[no replies]
Codes runs once but not a second time
It has been happening to me ever since I started writing codes.I write a code, it runs, gives me the right outcome and then the next time I run it again or rewr...
[11 replies] Last: Should it return temp? I changed it but it still gave me wrong answer (by parmih4)
by mshah
assignment help plzzzzzzz(c++ code )
In this assignment, you have to implement the same report card application in the below given format. This time, you have to implement C++ code using loops, f...
[1 reply] : Please move this to the "Beginners" section if you need help. You will... (by megatron 0)
if statements using dates?
the input I enter is both a month and a day, my problem is this input has to coincide with these three sets of dates: January 1st - April 20th: $250 dollars ...
[3 replies] Last: make the middle one && instead of || ! :) (by Muhammad Anim)
by pik
Class dayType program always starts me on Monday
/* I have fixed my problem with the overloaded member functions but when I run my program and choose a day to start off with, no matter what day I choose(Frid...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you very much for you help. I messed with my program and was abl... (by pik)
declare dates
how exactly would I declare dates such as January 1st? or April 20th?
[1 reply] : See this: And... (by coder777)
December 2014 Pages: 1... 3233343536... 55
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