Beginners - December 2014 (Page 33)

by meifly
selection sort
it keeps saying that 'error expected initializer before 'void' how can i make it work? and how can i let it sort an array of 10 elements type integer? ...
[1 reply] : You missed {} after main () I also hope you aren't attempting to de... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
Having Problem in Width Specifier
Having Problem while using %*d Width specifer I want to make a program of output like * ** *** **** ***** Traingle square but reverse using %*d...
[1 reply] : forum is removing spaces! i want like this 4spaces * 3spaces ** 2 spac... (by Razaf1420)
Using Functions in Math Program
Below is my code. My math program basically consists of a do while loop that allows the user to input a number that corresponds with a mathematical operation su...
[13 replies] Last: Honestly man I didn't even know that the order mattered when calling t... (by UGAman22)
Beginner std::cin question/problem.
In the code below the first thing the program will do is ask the user their Username. I have an IF statement just after that to determine if the user has left i...
[6 replies] Last: > I guess it doesnt need to call guessNumber as it's already assigned... (by ne555)
do-while loops to stop with a char
I would like to make my do-while loop stop using a char. is that possible or should i use just a while loop? What is the problem in my code, it runs but when i ...
[5 replies] Last: This could be a solution. #include <iostream> using namespace std; ... (by Jacobhaha)
Creating more than one record in binary file using a structure
I'm trying to write a program that keeps records in a binary file. When I write more than one record it only displays the last one. How do I write and display ...
[2 replies] Last: You need to move line 60 to right after line 70. That way after you r... (by dhayden)
using sscanf and fgets
I'm trying to use fgets and sscanf to get up to 20 numbers from a user in one line. I tried doing two things. Using an array of floating points, and using a...
[1 reply] : Try: int num = scanf("%f %f %f %f", &floater , &floater , &floater , ... (by ShodanHo)
How to pass different number of flags to function
Hi everybody I put several checkboxes on the form to test function. Each checkbox represent one FLAG. My question is how to pass to function different number...
[4 replies] Last: Pass a list of structures/classes with whatever data you want. eg: s... (by ShodanHo)
by Thor66
Classes/member functions
Can anyone help me with writing this program that allows the user to rent things, return things. I need to keep track of inventory, profits made, and who the us...
[1 reply] : Start with a class named "rentBox", and build it from there. This que... (by JayhawkZombie)
How to compare two different data types
I have to compare the contents of a char array to a string. I have to use an if statement to see if one of the characters of the array match one of the letters ...
[3 replies] Last: First, what forces the use of a char array? One can do input to std::... (by keskiverto)
User-defined functions
It errors. Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "char __cdecl price(char,int)" (?price@@YADDH@Z) referenced in function _main c:\Users\sony vaio\...
[5 replies] Last: should call price(sprice, slength); instead after defining the decl... (by bonho)
by Ziggy8
Help using .find_first_not_of to check true or false.
It runs well now but my I only have 2 problems... 1.even if I press Hi1234 still shows that i need lowercase,upper and number. 2.doesnt recognize the true for...
[4 replies] Last: No worries I already worked it out , thanks anyway :) Heres the code s... (by Ziggy8)
Homework help please
Hi, First let me start off by saying this is a homework assignment. It is my last one and I'm stuck. Below are the instructions provided by my professor and...
[5 replies] Last: EDIT : nvm I fixed it but need help calling the functions so it doesn'... (by greeneyes1234)
Where should a function prototype be located?
Write your question here. This question has no code as well.
[1 reply] : Anywhere before where the function is being used. Generally prototypes... (by ModShop)
What should the name of your file be to make use of the make command?
Write your question here. This question obviously has no code. I know that it touches on makefiles.
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much! (by brandontuley43)
Hello, My name is Jae Kim and I am currently studying c++ on my own (I am currently studying "Jumping Into C++" by Alex Allain and "Fundamentals of C++ Progr...
[8 replies] Last: I would be down for turning this into some organized type of mentor/me... (by Immo)
by Naulee
Write Backward using recursion
I'm having trouble reversing a string of n length using recursion. So far I've gotten it to print "e" and "eeeee". The current code prints "e". I was trying...
[12 replies] Last: Considering this lab is about recursion and this problem is for a lab ... (by JayhawkZombie)
by NoBark
Debug Assertion Failed!
ok so im lost... #include <SFML/Graphics.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cctype> #include <vector> #include <sstream> std::vector<std:...
[3 replies] Last: Somewhere, your 2D vector is going out of bounds. That's what the "ve... (by JayhawkZombie)
Using loops
Im a new coder when it comes to loops. i have worked with GML but c++ is more unforgiving. I am trying to get a loop that goes back to the beggining after user ...
[17 replies] Last: No problem (by Jacobhaha)
Checking a Match After Each Guess
So I had a previous thread about functions. I have all my functions down, I hope lol So now, I want to check each guess the user enters against the computers se...
[4 replies] Last: Amg I figured it out. The for loop in getguess had it going and going.... (by justinc978)
December 2014 Pages: 1... 3132333435... 55
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