Beginners - December 2014 (Page 30)

Help with factorial....not what you think
Below is my code. Its not the entire code but i want to concentrate on my factorial. I am a beginner and while the variables are not well organised i have a bit...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks. (by firthaa01)
by klea h
error when calling a function
I have been trying to write a code that converts a string to ASCII and reverse. When I call the functions at case 1 and 2 of main(), it says an error:expected...
[1 reply] : I don't see why you would want to convert a string into a 2 dimensiona... (by poteto)
Why aren't values being stored in this array?
I'm reading in files from a txt file and attempting to store it in an array. Something with my logic is messed up, as nothing is being stored in the array. I'm...
[9 replies] Last: How exactly do I see this error message? This function is almost simpl... (by lovestogame227)
Please need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How can i create a program that follows the ff. rules in Dev C++ 5 letter input or more have alternating consonants and vowels display "accept" if the input ...
[7 replies] Last: no unprintable characters always come (by closed account ypLhURfi)
by DouDou
Load a Tab Delimited Text File into into a 2-D Vector of Strings
Hello, Can someone please provide a snippet to load a tab delimited text file into a 2D vector of strings. Thanks in advance.
[1 reply] : assuming there is a set amount of columns in file, say, 10 and no spac... (by MiiNiPaa)
Correct my Program
Help me fix the syntax errors! #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() double area, length= 0.0, width= 0.0, area= 0.0; { ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, now I can pass this class. (by Unholy Roc2)
Unsure how to write date/time to txt file.
Hi, as the forum says, I'm a beginner. I'm used to higer level languages where things are quite a lot simpler. What I've been trying to do and what I need help ...
[3 replies] Last: Hi guys, thanks for answering. @mutexe, I forgot to mention but I'm c... (by BadBanjo)
by dd86
Creating macros and errors encountered.
Good Day. I am using a program to verify certain results and I would like to replace my function calls with macros to speed up the verification process. H...
[3 replies] Last: better use inline instead. (by coder777)
Strange bug - help needed
Hello, I'm working on a simple program that will be checking if Sudoku is correctly solved. Here's a part of the program that I have problem with: #incl...
[3 replies] Last: Man, that was quick! So obvious bug and I just could't find it! Thank ... (by HighRollersLounge)
by xuepam
how to sort array
Input file 000001<SORTID>64<IP>1<EMB01>5187 <EMB02>07/20-07/25<EMB03>SIMON 000002<SORTID>33<IP>1<EMB01>1341 <EMB02>07/20-07/25<EMB03>RYAN 000003<SORTID>125<I...
[4 replies] Last: create a struct or class struct T { int a; int b; int c; int d; ... (by anup30)
Passing a pointer by reference problem.
I'm not to sure why this doesn't work. I get a syntax error ',' for this comma on the call line. The prototype. Card* CreateDeck(Card*&, Card*&, Card*&...
[1 reply] : Exact error text? How head, tail and newNode are declared? (by MiiNiPaa)
how to compute the final grade uisng an array
i need to write a C++ program to compute the final grade of each course taken by a group of students in an institution of higher learning for particular semeste...
[no replies]
by davtk8
Reverse a string array
I want to reverse a string in an array and also every alternating word in a string for example: The mouse was caught in a clothes peg. The esoum was thguac...
[3 replies] Last: try (by anup30)
by Immo
How do you set up a project to use .cpp files and what not?
For example, say I have: - main.cpp - Header1.h - Header1.cpp What needs to be included in each of these so it does the whole 'separate compilation' thi...
[1 reply] : The files you listed need to be included if I'm reading what your aski... (by mishappp)
Using Arrays to Determine the Greatest Value
I am trying to determine the greatest value among the 25 values inputted from the user. However, the code seems to only output 24 rather than the index of the h...
[2 replies] Last: I don't know why you need two functions to accomplish this, and the na... (by cire)
by Sym8
index position in array Issue
my program takes the values from one array and searches for their index position in another array(linear search algorithm). this is an example of the issue im ...
[5 replies] Last: I didn't write your code, only you know that. To be honest, I can't t... (by LB)
please help, i'm begginer
Can someone write a program? make a value calculation program. ''a'' calculate by formula a=m^2*n!/(n-m) n and m integers entered by keyboard and satisfies ...
[2 replies] Last: first try to make a loop which will calculate factorial. remaining par... (by anup30)
Displaying results
I'm having some issues getting the answer to display (gasSpeed * gasTime). The loop just repeats but the total is not printed. Anyone can help me figure out wha...
[no replies]
Using Fstream in C++
I'm looking to write a program in C/C++ to traverse a Fasta file formatted like: >ID and header information SEQUENCE1 >ID and header information SEQUENCE2...
[3 replies] Last: Full question was here: (by sha9002)
Header guards how to
Write your question here. Write the header guards for a Something.h file
[1 reply] : Do you know what a header guard is? I really don't want to just give ... (by JayhawkZombie)
December 2014 Pages: 1... 2829303132... 55
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