Beginners - December 2014 (Page 3)

by Lee125
Hello guys. Why the function call just only have one,two,three respectively in this program. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace ...
[3 replies] Last: I just forget about the reference. Now I realise about value of x. Sor... (by Lee125)
Changing syntax highlighting in editor
I am trying to change some syntax highlighting words in the following program: In this code I have added the ...
[1 reply] : It is using binary search to find the word. If you want to add new wor... (by ne555)
by Lee125
Operator ::
Hello guys. What is tne function of this operator :: (line 25)? What is function of that operator? #include <iostream> using namespace std; voi...
[4 replies] Last: Oh. I see now. Whenever we declared in the local but by putting :: wil... (by Lee125)
by Lee125
Static and automatic variables
Why the value y=11 after lopping and only the value of x changed. Can anyone help. I didn't understand at all. //Program: Static and automatic variables ...
[2 replies] Last: Ok thanks for that link fabtasticwill. When we declared x as the stati... (by Lee125)
Matching two different variables in a structure
So in this code, first the program asks male and female names and their ages. Then the program asks the wives of the males.(wives being the females as previousl...
[8 replies] Last: Andy's code lets you enter the male and female participants, but it do... (by dhayden)
Tree problem
Hey guys how would you solve this problem. Lets say we have a tree structure: A / \ B C | D The tree shows company hierarchy A is the ...
[4 replies] Last: How would you find the size of longest path in tree? This is a diffe... (by dhayden)
Data storing method
Hey guys, I am developing a game and I got a question. So, I am loading data files, but not sure about its data storing, here's example: ( pseudocode ) texture....
[no replies]
extra long numbers ?
Hello, I have a question about the length of the output. The code works but... #include <iostream> using namespace std; template<class T> T Add(T ...
[3 replies] Last: > Which of the 2 do you prefer, and why? Whichever makes code easier ... (by JLBorges)
Year Born Program
I am trying to write a basic program where the user inputs their name and age and then the program will output the year they were born but my program won't let ...
[6 replies] Last: @ Code Apprentice Sure, that's fine. At least the idea has been ment... (by TheIdeasMan)
Hi, need an explanation for a simple program
Hello guys & girls, my name is Robert. I have done some c++ back in highschool and now I'm trying to do it again. So, I've already written my hello world progr...
[4 replies] Last: age is an integer; we can compare it with an integer eg. if( age ==... (by JLBorges)
by atro
New to programming
Hey guys, I'm new to c++ and i'm struggling quite a bit. I've been watching thenewboston videos, tried reading a few E-books such as "jumping into c++ with ale...
[11 replies] Last: To get it clear, to make a function , 1) Specify return type, if none... (by Code Apperentice)
SFML drawing
When I go to the sfml 2.2 tutorials and setup the example code I am unable to do so. I have linked everything and when I compile it I get a segmentation fault. ...
[1 reply] : You can post this in the SFML forum: A... (by Aceix)
rotate a set of random points
I must rotate a set of random numbers 0.122 radians, to do it i found the center of equilibrium of the system, which code you recomend me to rotate it? ...
[7 replies] Last: I think that you have a + where there should be a - and that is not th... (by keskiverto)
Why the conditional expressions need a bracket
I'm a newbie of C++, the following conditional expressions after "cout" need a bracket, otherwise them would occur with running errors. Any help would be great!...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for JL Borges's hlep, got it! (by xiaolifeiti)
by csharp
help in writing a class
Hello, I am having issue in writing the showName() function //CS 540, Final Exam, Fadi AL Sheikh Aleais. Problem2. #include<iostream> #include<str...
[11 replies] Last: The Student ctor(s) and the setNumber mutator all make sure that numb... (by csharp)
Reading Specific Parts of a Text File
I am trying to read user setting from a file and need to be able to read the name and the settings. The text file layout would be like this UserName set1,set...
[4 replies] Last: good point so it would have to be more like this. while ( getline ... (by marzdor)
Making a constructed language translator.
Hi, I am an absolute beginner at coding, and am in way over my head. I have created a conlang which is a pretty basic substitution cipher, with some extra...
[5 replies] Last: If you list the rules/show some code I am sure we could try and help e... (by giblit)
ISO C++ forbids variable length array 'k' [-Wvla]|
i need a 2d array with lenghts that can change how can i get around this? my program compiles but i don't want to leave it with big warnings everywhere. i sa...
[9 replies] Last: std:: vector<int> asda; And notice that your header does not uses... (by MiiNiPaa)
pointer 2 class member function??? how
hello, I don't understand why the code in line 14 doesn't work. I want to make an array of functions so the user can choose at runtime what function to execute...
[2 replies] Last: hey thanks a lot. :-) I implemented the array. So I post it to share ... (by skorefish)
When an audio file has finished
Hey there, I'm using a Teensy v3.1 to play 3 different sounds with a push button. Although I'm not actually using the audio shield or an sd card, just the cont...
[no replies]
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