Beginners - December 2014 (Page 28)

Please HELP!! final due tomorrow
I am trying to write a program where you enter a football team's win/loss record and it displays the info by reading a txt file. P.S. I am using xcodes on mac...
[1 reply] : my fault, i entered in the txt file, Patriots 10 3 instead of Patriot... (by BeastlyMango)
References !
Hello every one ! I have completed my course of c++ in my university ! so i have completed and now i want to learn more and more about c++ and want to do pro...
[4 replies] Last: yeah ! thanks i was looking for google code jam and now here i have it... (by Muhammad Anim)
by Thor66
program not outputting anything
AM I missing something in my main that allows for outputs? class BLUEBOX { private: std::string user, ID, Taylor, EJ, Donnita, Admin; public: void...
[1 reply] : yes. nothing in that class outputs anything. edit: give your class a ... (by mutexe)
by goldyn
Object Oriented Programming
So I'm learning Object Oriented Programming and I need to declare a class called myAccount. I have this code and it's very very simple but I now need to answ...
[5 replies] Last: What further help do you require? MiiNiPaa answered the question fully... (by LB)
I need help please!
So i have been at it for the past couple of days, but i can not seem to find what is wrong, i have a feeling its something to do with my display function, and t...
[7 replies] Last: On lines 90 to 92, you are shooting yourself in the foot by using a fo... (by LB)
by Thor66
classes & constructors
In this class I have created a constructor...I call one member function (customer) in a another function (screen)...but the default value is be ...
[1 reply] : So through the constructor you call these functions to initialize the ... (by wildblue)
Can you tell me what is wrong with this code?
thanks everyone! this problem has been solved
[11 replies] Last: Please don't erase your post after people help you :) (by wildblue)
Command-line Arguments
Write a program that prints one complete line of output and nothing more. The output the program prints is "IN ORDER" if its command-line arguments are in ...
[7 replies] Last: There's an extra { on line 6. And you're missing semicolons on lines 3... (by wildblue)
string::compare is not working
I need to do some breathing exercises. I have no idea why it is saying these two strings are not identical. I have an array filled with movie titles and I am ...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks again. I tried using pop_back(), compare does not like it. Ve... (by disturbedfuel15)
Best approach to this task.
So I want to make a library inventory program and I have a pretty good idea on how I want the code should look like. The only problem I see myself having is arr...
[1 reply] : I was thinking of using the .at member functions from the string heade... (by deathslice)
Array function
write the function int secondlargest(int x , int cap) the function returns the second largest value in array x.assume the capacity of array x is at least 2.als...
[4 replies] Last: Here is an example of sorting that I made for you. If you have any que... (by deathslice)
My prof gave us a question that states "Write a function according to the following specifications: The function will attempt to calculate, print out, and retur...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you so much for your help! I think I have it down now! (by KrisKringle)
Need Help
i have a code that is suppose to read from a file. but im trying to make the code output only the users first or last name from the file. if the file does not g...
[8 replies] Last: OK, but you'll read the data into the struct array first, not try to s... (by wildblue)
by EffyPT
do while loop not working properly
Hi everyone, my program should read in a number of judges and a number of participants and then ask for a score from each judge, calculate and output the winner...
[8 replies] Last: I found other problems in your code code fixes: #include <iostream> #... (by jasonwynn10)
final project!
I'm trying to create a program that is for a car rental agency, its purpose is to find out what car is the most popular and the average number of days it was re...
[1 reply] : I recommend these changes: leave your name on it, make the amount of c... (by jasonwynn10)
addition and subtraction
How can i add the ability to a user to select either addition or subtraction and the perform the operation Thank You!
[no replies]
by Sym8
index issue
This is the assignment. if anyone was confused. everything works except for the part in which it reads the first match and sends it back even if there are multi...
[no replies]
Of classes and output
Sorry about asking a third question but for some reason, this program's output doesn't work too well. This is the file: Barack Obama DC 100 50 300 2000 Bil...
[1 reply] : This works for me - putting the input variables into the while conditi... (by wildblue)
recursion function
Well I am learning about recursion. The exercise is I have to code a recursive function named sumSquares that returns the sum of squares of the numbers from 0 t...
[3 replies] Last: Yeah I thought of using double, but the exercise calls for nonnegative... (by chick3n13)
My String Function isn't working again
The string function reverse is supposed to the words in a sentence from a file, for example "This is red" to "red is This." #include <iostream> #include <...
[5 replies] Last: Could the problem be that I'm using a MAC? For me, the last word is al... (by ProgrammerSoul)
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