Beginners - December 2014 (Page 27)

Visual C++ 6.0 and Notepad
hi, I have a Visual C++ 6.0 program which automates excel and works with excel files. Now I need to work with a text file. I am wondering how I can open a Note...
[no replies]
Help Please!!
Can someone please help me to understand what my prof wants in this program. I am a little confused on what he wants us to put in the for loop. Here is the ques...
[7 replies] Last: why aren't you using data (by anup30)
by Nanyo
hi any ideas why I get error on line 3? Thanks! string name; cout<<"What is your name: "; cin.getline(name); cout<<endl << "your name is '" << na...
[3 replies] Last: many thanks!!! (by Nanyo)
by Jon15
Class and header file questions
Hey, is there a way to run this exactly the way it is except without using the (stdlib.h) header file? I am not too familiar with it at all and I had a friend ...
[no replies]
How do i make input stop if invalid key entered
Im trying to make the input stop but it ends up showing the whole thing the problem is in the Fill_array() function #include <iostream> /* 6. Wri...
[3 replies] Last: fixed it void Fill_array(double *array, int Max, int *counter) { s... (by maximumcapacity)
Urgent array help?!?!
I may be posting this in the wrong forum but I have 11 homework problems on arrays due tomorrow as well as a quiz. I am so swamped with stuff for finals. I was ...
[2 replies] Last: I agree. I was careless and did not use my time wisely. It was a stupi... (by and kand 97)
How to store values into vectors/arrays?
For my assignment I have to create a library using text files as our input source of data. The data from the text files look like this with several entries 11...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks for the help! I finished my assignment and got a good grade on ... (by Dlazyguy)
How can I display the sum of total from the input entered for each salesperson? This is in C++
#include<iostream> #include<string> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { // decalre variables const int NUM_NAMES = 3; const int NUM_SALES = ...
[2 replies] Last: The program should display at the end the total sales for each salesme... (by mnoemi10)
by Torm04
Array Assignment Help
Hello, I have been assigned a program where you need to ask the user how many random numbers they want to display, generate that many random numbers, loop them ...
[1 reply] : int sum =0; for(int i = 0; i < randNum; i++) { sum = sum+ array ... (by anup30)
help with my fraction class that i created
i created a fraction class and in the main function included the necessary checks to see if my class works properly but it looks like there are some things that...
[10 replies] Last: thank you for the explanation, it seems like i always overlook the sim... (by idknuttin)
error LNK2019
I am new in C++ programming. My code gets error but i can't find and fix it. can someone help me? error: 1>g:\assignment2\gpa_computation.cpp(51): warning...
[no replies]
Difference between auto and decltype
So I've browsing the web for a simple concise explanation of these two types and I'm still not quite getting it. What I've gathered is that auto is very limitin...
[3 replies] Last: thanks for your input. (by deathslice)
What is wrong with this code?
3this problem has been solved! thank you everyone :)
[10 replies] Last: The standard requires that omitting the return statement from main be... (by dhayden)
by vxk
const expression error
The following piece of code is giving error in visual studio but not in website. error on line 27 of code : function call must have a constant value in ...
[2 replies] Last: ohh thanks !i was using vs 2013 community edition , with everything up... (by vxk)
by lax378
Boobs C++ Moar Boobs Linked Lists - Click here -
Now that I have your attention, I need some much appreciated help if somebody has a few minutes. I'm working with linked lists right now and I have a progra...
[16 replies] Last: I'm not so worried about if else statements, I can figure those out. I... (by lax378)
by vxk
friend class declaration
I noticed the following piece of code //#include "Alien.h"// #pragma once class Monster { friend class Alien; public: Monster(); void scratch(Alien*); ...
[13 replies] Last: 1. A class declared at class scope of another class declares a nested ... (by JLBorges)
Help with Vector Median
Hi there, I am pretty new here. I need some help with this statistics program i am writing for a c++ class I am taking. We are using Code Blocks 13.12. I am stu...
[5 replies] Last: how does look? No offence, but it's terrible. You're making the same... (by mutexe)
Need to Convert Classes Program to Also Use Vectors, Pointers, Polymorphism
My Intermediate C++ professor wants this program updated as follows: "The project should contain a vector of package pointers to objects of classes TwoDayPackag...
[1 reply] : I think he means your class Package inside the vector. Such as #incl... (by Callum5042)
by nemo3
Program gives me random results
In the first try block, for the first parameter, I am using a string of "1", "2", or "3" to test out the corresponding error messages. However, I would get mixe...
[1 reply] : look at line int r = rand() % 100; of Client::open, for example. Yo... (by tipaye)
When outputting variables to a textfile, how could I make it skip a line after each?
Hello, my question is as titled pretty much. //sameple code while{ switch (char1) { case 'A': output( cout, result, ordervector); or...
[1 reply] : how could I make it skip a line after each? [...] I tried ' << "\n";... (by MiiNiPaa)
December 2014 Pages: 1... 2526272829... 55
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