Beginners - December 2014 (Page 25)

Reverse array not working?
I am trying to get my reverse array to print numbers backwards but instead I get this once I compile and run: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83 ...
[3 replies] Last: Also, since you want to stop the loop after index hits DATA_SIZE/2, ju... (by dhayden)
Output giving smiley face?
This question was solved, i figured it out
[no replies]
Code not working
Could someone help me with a code I've been having some difficulty with? With this code, I should be able to take a string with a full name and output the names...
[1 reply] : The second parameter of substr() is not a position, it's number of cha... (by tipaye)
by vxk
declaring static undefined size arrays in class
Why is this statement valid : class Hen{ static char s ;//valid ... .. } but not this : class Hen{ static char s ;//invalid ...
[9 replies] Last: The compiler needs to know all sizes except the first one. This has te... (by Peter87)
Getline function returns nothing
So I have this in my main function. string input_string; ifstream instream;"document/document1_short.txt", ios::app); getli...
[3 replies] Last: I figured it out, ios::app doesn't allow you to read the file.... (by DyslexicChciken)
Inheritance help
Hi, I am having trouble understanding inheritance. How do I get class monster to inherit the functions from class Actor. It doesn't let me. It gives a inheritan...
[3 replies] Last: seeing i don't have your Room class i swapped that class ... (by mutexe)
Help please!
Hi, This is my last assignment for my intro to programming class and it due tomorrow. If anyone can help me get it to do display the below after inputting...
[17 replies] Last: Yes i did that and turned it in im so excited pnoid you rock! (by greeneyes1234)
by vxk
void vs void::
are the following 2 piece of code same, because they are both compiling fine ... //1 void class1::function1(){ } //2 void::class1::function1(){ } ...
[3 replies] Last: I believe what is actually being parsed for the second is: void ::cla... (by Zhuge)
sqlite3 user input question
I am writing a program using word net. I have made the database. I can not find out how to get a user input word. I have read the api as well as sqlite definiti...
[no replies]
Output File issue!
Hello all, In my count function i want it to output the 1st and last index on to the same file that is being used on my main function, every time i run this pro...
[1 reply] : Show example of input. Also, do you need count before replacement or ... (by MiiNiPaa)
get mouse to move down
I'm trying to make a simple macro/program that moves your mouse down slightly whenever you press MOUSE1. Sorry for clunky code, I'm very new to C++ and have no...
[1 reply] : (by MiiNiPaa)
Is my pattern good or bad?
Hello. I need a brief review from good and expirienced C++ programmer. Not in theory but in practice. I am using a pattern I came up with, which is like a lambd...
[no replies]
by Danny7
function magnitude (1,2)
Write C++ program that calls a function magnitude which returns the number multiplied by 10 have the user enter an integer and then call the function how wo...
[34 replies] Last: i finally figured it all out. thanks for helping me and pushing me to ... (by Danny7)
Different Color Text
How do I change the color of text in c++. I've used system("color") to change all the text of the console output, but I need to find out how to do with just two...
[6 replies] Last: it's not impossible you just need to get creative. #include <iostream... (by Yanson)
General Summation Program (Looking For Experienced People Also)
If you can solve this for me, message me for inquiry if you are interested in programming a few simple programs for money. I can't wrap my head around a lot ...
[1 reply] : bump (by JohnDeBord)
Why does the output look the way it does?
Why is my output look the way it does when it should print something else? Please help, i can't figure it out. So this is what my file looks like and what my o...
[5 replies] Last: Glad it worked for you. But next time don't delete your original post,... (by pnoid)
i have to make a program in which i have to make a list of books with ID, And when a book is issued that book should be removed from the list of available books...
[no replies]
How do I average all the numbers in a random number generator string?
I need to find the average of all "CHUMP'S" thickness. I feel like it's really simple, but I just don't know. #pragma endregion // Instance Variables...
[10 replies] Last: Replace this:[code firstline=28] for (int counter = 1; counter <=... (by LB)
Hi help with homework
Hi guys! I'm very new at programming (but I'm loving it). I probably logged 20 hours of actual programming. I have questions regarding about my homework. So ...
[10 replies] Last: I'm going to try that tomorrow. I'll post up the results. (by amaranthboar)
invalid initialization of non-const reference of type 'info' from a temporary of type 'info*'
Can someone tell me what i am doing wrong? I can't seem to figure it out and i keep getting this error: invalid initialization of non-const reference of type 'i...
[2 replies] Last: thank you so much!! it worked (by Sarah409)
December 2014 Pages: 1... 2324252627... 55
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