Beginners - December 2014 (Page 23)

by SimonB
Switch statement
Hi, I found an exercise online where and i almost finished it but when the final message is displayed the cmd window closed. #include <iostream> #inclu...
[3 replies] Last: MiiNiPaa, Thx for the anwser! TheIDeasMan, Sorry didnt see that one... (by SimonB)
by Tals
While(!fin.eof ()) Loop not ending
Hi everyone, I am new to coding, and I can't find any useful infomation to help me with my problem, so I was wondering if someone here could help me. I have th...
[2 replies] Last: You are the best!!! thank you soooooooo much!!!! (by Tals)
by Life24
C++ Support
Hi, Now, which company support and extent c++? Thanks
[9 replies] Last: (by MiiNiPaa)
by xsxsux
Password validation help!!!!
I am currently working on a password Validation program. It requires: at least 8 digits long, at lease 1 uppercase letter and 1 lowercase letter, and at least 1...
[7 replies] Last: Ok, that's another solution. You are wasting some memory but if you do... (by minomic)
by Daviid
Displaying items in a vector?
I have a Vector of an class called Zombie. im trying to read out the next instance of Zombie every time the function is called void DisplayZombie(vector...
[1 reply] : I'm not sure I understood the question... Do you want to access a part... (by minomic)
by Nezar
a file of ints
Hi, the question is : in what file format should i store a bunch of ints in order to be able to retrieve them using a std::istream_iterator one int at a ti...
[1 reply] : You can simply use a .txt file for the numbers. Then the code could be... (by minomic)
by xsxsux
Wondering if this works...
I am writing a program of checking how many vowels are in one word and the uppercase vowels in that word... #include<iostream> #include <cctype> #includ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you very much! (by xsxsux)
Storing the input in the same variable the second time fails,
I am writing a simple program to check if the input is an integer greater than 0. I have noticed that strings and characters get converted to zero when I do cin...
[6 replies] Last: Oh right, you need to ignore it. Basically it will erase up to 10000 ... (by S G H)
by Immo
Program from C++ Primer not compiling?
I really have no idea what the problem is as Visual Studio doesn't find a problem with any of the code. I've been trying to read along and get the program that ...
[no replies]
How to use sizeof()?
Where would i use sizeof() in my program? Would it be in the main body or in my function store_name? And would the code look like this: n = sizeof(child); o...
[3 replies] Last: That has nothing to do with sizeof . If you have an open array of o... (by Duthomhas)
error ISO C++ forbids...
Greetings, My professor is allowing an extension for me to work on this and said he will help me so I sent him my code, though I told him that I am going to ...
[10 replies] Last: I may leave it out and toy with it later so that I can turn the progra... (by Scythifuge)
Why Is My Function Returning 0?
The program simply multiplies us_dollars * rate, and always gives me zero no matter what! private: void ReadData(double readUs_Dollars, double readRate) ...
[3 replies] Last: For starters that's not even standard c++ looks like c++/cli or c++/cl... (by giblit)
passing 2d arrays and counters
Hello! I am very new to C++ and have been assigned a game of life project. My problem is that my neighbors counter doesn't seem to be counting correctly or pass...
[no replies]
Programming the computer to guess and improving the program.
I'm almost done with this program that I made. All I want to know is what are the many different ways to emit a response from the computer(AI's, garnering a res...
[3 replies] Last: So, I've been fixing some errors inside my program and I was wondering... (by deathslice)
how to read each line of a file
I have this program that takes employee information and outputs their paystub to a file. My code is working properly but it only works for the first line. How c...
[no replies]
Why alltime output 0?
#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main() { int n; scanf("%d",&n); while(n--) { long double Y,R; scanf("%l...
[1 reply] : In function 'int main()': 12:23: warning: format '%lf' expects argume... (by keskiverto)
How not to do cryptography
I am trying write a simple program to encode something using SHA-3 and the crypto++ libs. I have not found a tutorial on this. Rather I have look at some other ...
[4 replies] Last: Since you are only hashing a single string you can use CalculateDigest... (by naraku9333)
How to delete a local dynamic object in a function?
I have declared a dynamic object in a local class function. The problem is I am using new to declare the object, which means I have to use delete to release the...
[5 replies] Last: You would indeed, but not until your LinkedList object goes out of sco... (by mutexe)
Payroll Program
Hi im trying to make a payroll program that calculates gross and net pay given the hours worked, wage, # of exemptions and marital status. the input file loo...
[no replies]
Dynamically allocation of bitsets
Hi, I don't have any idea why my program crashes. Is this the wrong way to dynamically allocate a bitset? #include<iostream> #include<bitset> using na...
[4 replies] Last: > bitset<400UL>& coord = *(new bitset<400UL>()); that's a leak.... (by ne555)
December 2014 Pages: 1... 2122232425... 55
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