by musman2015
drawing shapes
[6 replies] Last: work for the stars #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main... (by anup30)
by DerpOverlord
C++ Help
[12 replies] Last: I tried your array and it worked and I understood it after I ran it. T... (by DerpOverlord)
by bulba5aur
Regex to match 3 numbers in parentheses
[2 replies] Last: Thanks so much JLBorges! (by bulba5aur)
Common C++ Uses |
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for the information, it really is encouraging! (by CorvetteDude427)
by Rose12345
Help making a program :/
[2 replies] Last: Look into: Programming syntax. Arrays/Vectors. Functions. Variables. ... (by UglyIgloo)
by dub1987
Help with Overloading Unary Operators
[15 replies] Last: thats the link to my n... (by dub1987)
by entrails
Counting words from text file issue
[4 replies] Last: why your loop runs for ever. When you open a file to read, the file... (by shadowCODE)
by amarthy
Converting recursive function into a loop
[3 replies] Last: also got it to work with the for loop! int factorial(int n) { int a... (by amarthy)
by bigzigzag
First letter keeps getting cut off in my string output??
[5 replies] Last: You're welcome :) (by deathslice)
by musman2015
decision making in c++
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl;... (by Uk Marine)
by khlester
Input files and taking integers out?
[1 reply] : Here's a sample: std::ifstream inputfile{"input.txt"}; int a{}, b{}... (by benbalach)
by merna
How Can i move this figure
[6 replies] Last: Thank you (by merna)
Adding in While loop |
[1 reply] : Theres not enough code to see what the problem is. (by CS Student)
by Kman
Passing an array to a function?
[14 replies] Last: > So I was right in that % had something to do with the output. Again... (by minomic)
by vorpalsledge
"..." is not a type name
[5 replies] Last: Well is the point class or PointArray class declared first? If you cou... (by giblit)
While loop not working... |
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your reply, then my next step should be to put and if state... (by createpepemad)
by patriic48
After sort need specific index to print with value
[4 replies] Last: I think now understand what you mean. You want the numbers to correspo... (by deathslice)
by abdalimran
Why the program is not giving output?
[3 replies] Last: @Peter87 I've Fixed that..but still not giving output. (by abdalimran)
by Nezar
virtual table pointer
[1 reply] : As implementation would make it. It is possible, that it will not use ... (by MiiNiPaa)
by pacman169
Function call
[4 replies] Last: Choose a move... Enter row and col : 0 2 ------ . . X . . . . . .... (by pacman169)