Beginners - December 2014 (Page 16)

by rko786
can not get this to work (1,2)
#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main() { float temp_c, temp_f, result; int i; FILE *outputFilePtr; outputFilePtr = fopen("output.t...
[21 replies] Last: ill check this thanks (by rko786)
by Neek
Why Input Data type conflict is causing infinite loop
The code below shows a simple program, which is a small piece of code from simple math game.But in the add() function...if we cin a data type other than an int....
[2 replies] Last: Formatted input. See (by keskiverto)
by rko786
need help to clean up
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cmath> #include <windows.h> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string temp; ...
[2 replies] Last: why are you printing out c when c=0 and you never change that? (by ninjarun)
I need help reading in from/writing to files in C++
I am writing a program that reads in a list of pilots' names followed by a set of coordinates for each pilot from a file. The program takes the pilots' coordina...
[3 replies] Last: My first suggestion would be to read an entire line with getline() the... (by jlb)
Can someone take a look at my final project?
Hi my final project for my C++ class is due thursday. Can someone take a look at it and tell me what's wrong cause there are a lot errors apparently? I posted...
[1 reply] : code now compiles. (by rafae11)
Using a flag-Controlled while loop to determine who has the most points
I have a homework assignment where I to read in from a data file a list of names with an integer under each.I have to use a boolean to end the loop once the str...
[1 reply] : things like: mostPoints = 0; will need to be: int mostPoints = 0; ... (by mutexe)
by a73417
How to Generate a random array in C ++ , with 100 different numbers
hi guys, i'm learning c++ and I have problems how to create a random board , in C++ with 100 differents numbers. my actual code is this, but I don't know ...
[11 replies] Last: thanks a lot guys ! :) (by a73417)
Need to help for fix error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
Hi Devs. I am working in Visual C++ and having this error. I have declared below extern lines both in .h and .cpp file. //.h File #include <stdlib.h> #inclu...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for you reply. I have found the problem! (by Kkomia7)
Two dimensional validation and string;
Trying to set a string input into the two-dimensional array and validate the spot taken. I want to print a output a 3 by 3 with the name of the passenger and ...
[no replies]
IP of server in socket
hello! i'm beginner and need your helps. i've wrote a program that uses socket to connect to it's client but after writing all the code, I don't know what ip ...
[6 replies] Last: if i set ip address INADDR_ANY what will happen? (by rm classic)
go to new line
Hello! I have a text file "try.txt", which has 10 lines: Chun Mee Pu-eth Slightly sweet and earthy Wuyi Green Strong and smooth Genmai Mixed with flower...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot! It works now! (by orbisunum)
by NoBark
SFML and matrix drawing
I've been working on this for a while and after cleaning it up/optimising it, nothing wanted to show up anymore #include <SFML/Window.hpp> #include <SFM...
[1 reply] : keymove() is undefined so this shouldn't even compile. Don't load t... (by Yanson)
Regarding .h and .cpp files.
So I've been taught to never include .cpp files in the main.cpp but instead include the .h that references that .cpp file. This has been fine as my standard .h ...
[5 replies] Last: player() is the constructor; it is called when an object of the class ... (by firedraco)
Help me in programming
Write your question here. Which operator will be used here and why? I want to create a short program that is : User inputs 2 numbers answer should be shown ...
[6 replies] Last: you need two variable that will hold the " 2 integers" and one for the... (by xenovia12)
by Ch1156
Assorted C++ Questions
Here are some c++ questions I had written down after reading some books. 1. When would I need to use a body (New scope) inside of a function body? EXAMP...
[6 replies] Last: I'll give it a try too #1: as tcs said, it's for short-lived resource... (by Cubbi)
by Lee125
Array 2D
hello guys. i cant count the sum of milk. Please help me. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { const int the_number_rows=4; const in...
[2 replies] Last: You have a big problem: you are accessing a position of an array that ... (by nbro)
C++ help needed: Infinite loop
The program should properly display a box of the given link. However, the box keeps going on for infinite. I've tried multiple things, none of which worked. I h...
[4 replies] Last: @AbstractionAnon C++ and C + 1 both increment C by 1. They are interc... (by AbstractionAnon)
Dynamic Array of Structures
This is a problem from C++ Primer Plus that I am stuck on. I googled around and I am still not sure how my syntax is wrong. I'm getting this error on line 19 ...
[2 replies] Last: Derp... thanks keskiverto. #include<iostream> #include<string> u... (by bulba5aur)
loop problem.
i cant figure out how to size the length of string when there's null. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> ...
[7 replies] Last: @minomic, why STR-1 ? cant quite understand. in func morse, i should... (by wek9876)
by far123
how to read specific char like "and" from .txt file?
[7 replies] Last: thank you. (by far123)
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