Beginners - December 2014 (Page 14)

Help me Out With Factorials
How to write a program for the sum of this series Sum= 1/1! + 2/2! + 3/3! + 4/4! + 5/5! + 6/6!
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int main() { double sum = 0; int dProduct = 1... (by Renthalkx97)
by Ch1156
Displaying Japanese text in C++
I'm unsure if this is a c++ issue or a Compiler issue, but i believe you should be able to display foreign characters in C++ so I assume its a C++ thing. So I w...
[10 replies] Last: I use Code::blocks too, it has to do with the encoding. If you encode ... (by jasonwynn10)
Text Frame
I'm transitioning from python to C++ and am doing the classic text frame problem. I need to surround a welcome sign in "*". The text dose not have to be center...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <algorithm> using name... (by jasonwynn10)
Error with adding String to struct in header file
Hi all, I've been trying to create this header file that only contains this prototype struct so that I can use it across the different .cpp/.h files across my w...
[4 replies] Last: Ok, thanks a lot, I think I understand now, I will do that. Just to cl... (by mkeras2)
data type range
Hi, what is range mean in data types?? for example: char 1 byte and -127 to 127 range i want to know what is this -127 to 127?? thank you
[1 reply] : signed char 1 byte and -12 8 to 127 range (unless you are working... (by MiiNiPaa)
How would I go about cleaning up this program and making it easier to understand? Any advice? #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #i...
[12 replies] Last: Thanks! (by Newie0001)
Advice please
I have to write a program that does the following: Write a program that produces a bar chart showing the population growth of the triokites until their popula...
[no replies]
Bugfix help
Write your question here. HI am trying to make a program that evaluates and gives a response based on the users name and gender. I cannot figure out why it i...
[4 replies] Last: I wouldn't really consider that messy. Maybe put some spacing in betwe... (by Renthalkx97)
saving app setting
I want to save my app setting like this example: ShowGeneralTab = 1 ShowFanTab = 1 ShowMonitoringTab = 1 ShowOnScreenDisplayTab = 1 ShowScreenCap...
[12 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <str... (by kam hagh)
Separate colors in a listbox on Visual C++/CLI
I have been banging my head trying to find the answer to this question. I found this.
[no replies]
by ebucna
last char of a string
Hi all, I have to make this program to check if a string is a palindrome, so I wanted to check if first and last char are the same, if second and second from la...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks to both of you, it was really helpful. I ended up using std::r... (by ebucna)
by subut
Calculation of time difference
I was trying to write a code where the inputs are strings like this 16:15 and 16:40 as en example and i want my program to store the difference 25 in a variable...
[no replies]
by rko786
radiant to degrees
#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main() { int i, n; float x, val, sum, t; printf(" Enter the value for x : "); scanf_s("%f", &x); n...
[1 reply] : i'm struggling to make it convert back to from degrees to radiant (by rko786)
by simons
Error in linked list implementation
Hi , The code I have pasted is a linked list implentation where I am doing some create/insert/delete operations on a linked list. But I am getting the follow...
[2 replies] Last: Hi it microsoft visual studio 2013. See below the full error Error 1 ... (by simons)
by rko786
its fixed
[1 reply] : What's the problem? (by Renthalkx97)
cygwin input mode trouble
im using cygwin, and i use vim when im opening a program to code. my cursor keys are doing some whack things when im in "insert mode" or if i make a mistake and...
[no replies]
DSO missing from command line - SFML
Hello I'm using SFML to make a connection with a FTP-server; but for some reason it ain't working. I still do use approximately the same code as provided at ...
[3 replies] Last: Ah, I just had to ad -lsfm-system to my G++ command? :) Thanks for the... (by Nielyboyken)
Array of Functions?
Hello, I have been trying to create an array of (void) function pointers but so far to no avail. I'm not too sure how to create an array function pointers. The ...
[2 replies] Last: #define ARRAYSIZE(ar) (sizeof(ar) / sizeof(*(ar))) typedef void (*... (by tcs)
stl is missing from the tutorial?
Hey I love this website. The explanations here are terrific. But I miss something. I have to learn about stl. I need to use lists and vectors in my homework,...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you :) Rafael11, I really appreciate the fact that you wrote a c... (by Octopus)
by r0bot
loop for and pow() function
Dear C++ forum. I wish to make a series of numbers in a loop for , where each subsequent number equals 2 raised to the power of following natural numbers. I tr...
[3 replies] Last: I got it! thanks a lot! (by r0bot)
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