Beginners - December 2014 (Page 12)

by Jon15
Classes and functions
Hi, I know I can't ask for a program to be written for me (I wish), but I am lost and almost overwhelmed with this assignment i have to do. I just finished a s...
[14 replies] Last: @Jon15 --- To give you an example on why we need a constant 48 I will ... (by PopEye)
by savanh
help me
hello, i worte this code but i want to reverse the elemnts after show up in screen but i stuck and i dont know where is the error can any one please help me wit...
[3 replies] Last: Does this fit your intention? #include <iostream> using std::ostream... (by tcs)
Letter and number
What is the variable that allow both letters and numbers inside? Here is an example of the code. It is just an example to give you guys an idea of what I am tal...
[4 replies] Last: Char can hold charachters (both, numbers and letters). Like Minipa sai... (by hekri)
A few questions about pointers
Hello, so I've been learning about pointers, and I have a few things that need clearing up. Consider this: int *width = NULL; width = new int(30);...
[1 reply] : If part of a functions body, line 1 creates a pointer on the process' ... (by tcs)
why does this code throw an error
Hi , am faced with a little bug here, I don't get why my compiler couldn't afford to convert the parameter in my constructor to a reference, instead it throws t...
[2 replies] Last: Absolutely correct it's workin now, thank you very much @Yanson for th... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
colors problem
hi, i have made this ascii game and i am still working on it it have some bugs like invisible walls. but what i want help with is how to change the '@' color o...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <Windows.h> #include <string> char color... (by Yanson)
by savanh
hello, i hope you doing well all of you . i have a question how can i find the max and the min value of 2d array when i ask the user to put the elements , i tri...
[3 replies] Last: thank you so much for help me with that i appracit it thannnnnk you mi... (by savanh)
how uppercase and lowercase be identified as one variable type?
Sorry, I really do not have idea on how to make the uppercase and lowercase be identified as one variable type. For example a == A . I don't have any background...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much! :) (by kimmykals)
polymorphism and templates
Write your question here. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; template<class T> class Base{ private: static int myVar; public: s...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you so much. You are the best. ps. change Empty to Ant. (by Townsheriff)
SOLUTION - Programming Principles and practice using c++ "std_lib_facilities"
I checked most of the answers on how to make std_lib_facilities.h working and actually didnt found a one saying exactly what to do. thats why im adding this one...
[no replies]
by Ch1156
Proper Pointer use
I wrote a program to pass a large string to make passing it a point, since passing a number or two isnt really pointer worthy so instead i decided on passing a ...
[6 replies] Last: You can always pass by reference instead of pointer except if you want... (by Peter87)
Could someone teach me the proper access specifier class thing
Could someone tell me the proper way of doing this? And explain it well. Thanks. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class MyC...
[5 replies] Last: I'd like to offer an even better way (in my opinion) to do the above a... (by Renthalkx97)
Task Implement a Circle class. Each object of this class will represent a circle, storing its radius and the x and y coordinates of its center as floats. Inclu...
[5 replies] Last: Ok, so here is a revised version of the code: #include <iostream> #... (by minomic)
Nesting if else statement help
This is a bit from a program I am writing. How do I nest if else statements? while (PROMPT != 4) { cout << "I, " << BOTNAME << " a...
[1 reply] : What do you mean nesting if else ? if( con ){ } else if( con2 ){ ... (by rmxhaha)
by anhnha
strange typedef for a newbie in C++
Hi, I am a beginner in C++ and just came across a definition that is very strange to me with characters like & > and <. Sorry, I am not allowed to put the code...
[4 replies] Last: (by closed account SECMoG1T)
by spatio
Hovering Over Code
just changed to Visual Studio 2013 Express from 2010, I am trying to learn by reviewing some snippits. I used to be able to hover over the code, and info re...
[1 reply] : I'm pretty sure intellisense doesn't work if you're just copy + pastin... (by kong288)
URGENT HELP NEEDED: Using Exception Handling to eliminate punctuation...
First, I want to preface this discussion with "I KNOW THERE IS AN EASIER WAY BESIDES EXCEPTION HANDLING!!" However, my assignment REQUIRES me to use exception ...
[15 replies] Last: Did you remove line 49, i also told you to erase 54 - 61. If you still... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
Function called with two variables as parameters without commas, is this valid ??
Hi All, I came across this question where the function is called with this kind parameters snape(num &(mask-1),(count-1)) What type of function call is...
[7 replies] Last: whoa! Thanks, but working with bits is either brilliant or madness. I... (by dhayden)
Destructor Call?
Write your question here. Why is the Destructor called after the Move assignment operator? Construction from repeated character Move construction: Cont...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you very much. (by phztfte1)
How to bypass a class and look for the dll file instead
Hi! I am adding my own classes to an existing opensource software (OpenSees). The executable file OpenSees.exe already contains previous version of my class. I...
[1 reply] : Are you asking to make sure your program loads the correct of several ... (by Duthomhas)
December 2014 Pages: 1... 1011121314... 55
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