Beginners - December 2013 (Page 8)

Need .mp3 playlist using queue, playsound() does not work with this, any help would be appreciated
I need to make a simple queue playlist, using array. I've tried using playsound function, with winmm.lib & windows.h but there's no way to wait until the song i...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply, but, could you provide an example of the basic c... (by SyedMoazzamAliShah)
by samo
2d array of integers display problem!!
hey guys.. so i'm trying to build a 2d array of randomized numbers and display them properly ,now all the numbers inside the array are generated properly but fo...
[1 reply] : (by keskiverto)
by alsade
unable to understand why there's a leak ...
can anyone explain me plz whats wrong with my distructor? #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class String { public: int len;...
[2 replies] Last: Your constructor allocates memory and stores a pointer to it in s You... (by Cubbi)
Filling an array
Hello, i want to split an string into 3 pieces and to store them into an array.Why does the expression speicher =s ; not work? thanks for your help! ...
[1 reply] : else acc += s ; speicher =s ; Because you didnt... (by jaded7)
Reading coordinates from Matrix file without 2D arrays
Hi all, I'm currently working on a program (bioinformatics project) that involves reading multiple files, including a matrix, and outputting the results onto...
[6 replies] Last: . (by Macalay7777)
Help with Allegro
I am trying to make pong with allegro and c++. As of right now everything is going good but I came upon a problem. I am trying to create a score counter on the ...
[5 replies] Last: I'm sure MatthewRock is asking you to step into your programming and w... (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
by boing
Game of life review
Hi, for my abstract data structure class i wanted some training with objects and linked lists. Therefore i programmed a little "game of life" programm. It is d...
[no replies]
by pb26
Printing Matrix at a specific coordinate
I want to print a matrix at a specific coordinate using gotoxy. Please help me where I went wrong? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clr...
[1 reply] : Questions on goto: (I dont believe it's a part of the native library) ... (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
beginner's problem with the use of class
Hello I am new to c++ programing. can anybody help me identify the problem with my code below? it says "need primary expression before abc" for line 17, but eve...
[2 replies] Last: Yeah ats15 is right, the substitution of setabc(string abc) with priva... (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
HELP learning c++ I kinda don't get what's wrong with my code . ( sorry I just started like an hour ago )
So I'm trying to get the user to enter two numbers and get the sum of it as an answer but it gives me the errors error: 'y' was not declared in this scope error...
[12 replies] Last: global variables are very bad for a lot of reasons. there are much bet... (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
Guessing Game
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for the ideas. I'll let you know if I have progress. Thanks! E... (by BrotherFromAnotherMother)
I need the code so badly...I'm having exercise and i know nothing about queue. Anyone please help me. Question: Write a C++ programming using queue impleme...
[no replies]
by qmzh85
A simple question on return statement
Hi all: I'm testing a simple C++ code from C++ Primer Plus, 6 edition, chapter 10. The code runs as the book suggested, but I have one simple question. I...
[4 replies] Last: no problem. while not neccesary to understand this, an interesting top... (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
by algo89
Template function
I have a problem writing a template function that takes the mean of a container. The container should either be a vector or an array and should work with all ar...
[5 replies] Last: You could improve this by sorting only as much as necessary: std... (by Cubbi)
by ryan01
Storing user input in an array of objects
I've always had a hard time with arrays of objects when it comes to storing user input for each objects members and then outputting them. I created a class call...
[5 replies] Last: Not to be off topic, but does anyone know of any good C++ books. I've ... (by ryan01)
by Hergie
Hi! I've been doing C++ for 2 days now and love it. I'd like to know what these lines do. Also, what are 'game loops'? Can someone please explain this in-dep...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! This helped a lot. :) (by Hergie)
by Saints
virtual bool ZPSocketConnection::send(ZPSocketRequestMessage_ref &, Z2Error_ref *): [request: req=0, service=auth, command=getAccountInfo, data={"cred":{"_t":"Z...
[no replies]
how long does it take to learn c++
Hello I'm stormviper and I 16 for the past year I have been doing c++ now and then I started off wanting to be a c++ developer. After a few months I wanted to d...
[1 reply] : learning by doing (by Chriscpp)
Can't find Direct2D App (XAML) in Visual Studio 2013
Hey all, I am relatively new to the coding scene, and I am currently well-versed in the basic fundamental of C++. I've run into quite an embarrassing issue that...
[no replies]
Accces through pointers
A pointer to the derived class can point to the objects of the base class. True/Flase? What is the answer to this statement , i guess it should be true becua...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you :) (by Sharan123)
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