Beginners - December 2013 (Page 54)

working on an ptr program for class
I've gotten an error that I'm not sure how to fix. lnk2019 unresolved external symbol void__cdecl. these are the two areas the error talks about int mai...
[no replies]
Finding sizes of string.
Find the length of each column in this string image. Store it as largest length. Can anyone help me find the size? please { { " _____ ", ...
[no replies]
Function not working right
The last function displayHighest won't output any numbers higher than double digits #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; double...
[1 reply] : Well your coded didn't compile until I removed the displayHighest va... (by yulingo)
Reading in strings & merging
I have a final project in my intro C++ class that I'm having trouble with. I have made two classes (a list class and a strand class) and I have to read in user ...
[3 replies] Last: What the assignment seems to be requiring is an algorithm which will... (by yulingo)
Need help, switch function.
I wrote this code, and somehow it didn't work, please help me fix it // this is switch practice #include <iostream> using namespace std; #define PI 3...
[1 reply] : Hi slimfit, use float instead of string and unsigned long. (by krugle)
by Garion
A simple question about vectors
I started reading about these vectors a little while ago and I had a question about data types of a vector and using vector functions like .size() or .capacity(...
[8 replies] Last: index<(long)vectorOne.size() They are not changing the vector's elem... (by Cubbi)
Shuffling values help? (Random Numbers with NO repetition)
Hello, I'm writting a memory matching game for my final project of my C++ Procedural programing class..., I need to shuffle the cards for every game so that it ...
[7 replies] Last: If your professor does not allow you to use the standard library, then... (by Josue Molina)
by Lily92
Please help me!Xcode c++ dicegame with fake money bet!
Hey Dear programming friends! I'm Lily and i really need your help now and fast.. I´ve got this assignment for school, studying computergamedevelopment with mu...
[1 reply] : and right now I'm getting a thread1: breakpoint 2.1 error at; srand(t... (by Lily92)
by layanM
quick help... very important!
everything is right except for the circumference it keeps giving me 6.22523e-322.. can someone tell me whats wrong with my code ? //layan zuhair // U0...
[1 reply] : Hi @layanM, warning: variable 'r' is uninitialized when used here [... (by eyenrique)
Trouble with displaying vector values.
Trying to display the greatest and smallest difference by taking the previous entry and comparing it to the present. The smallest value is always zero. The answ...
[6 replies] Last: Edited the topic to include. (by BlueBomberXTJ)
entering into arrays/ crazy compiler problem
I am working on what should probably be a pretty basic coding project, requiring me to write a few functions sending values back to main. I am compiling after ...
[4 replies] Last: I see. Good to know as a beginner. I figured out what the error was.... (by arsonholiday)
Numbers Appearing At End Of Program
Ok, so I'm very new to C++, just started out yesterday. I'm working on making a program that allows you to type in certain inputs. It takes the numbers you type...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you very much! I saw void before online but didn't completely un... (by Jonnymodo)
Storing 20 sets of 3 numbers into an array
I have been looking for a couple of days online and I am stuck on getting my 20 pairs of 3 randomly generated numbers stored in array. I need to sum them eventu...
[2 replies] Last: We haven't discussed classes yet. I would like to use a for loop to ta... (by Nick C123)
by Nefri
split years in string
Hello, if i have years in string something like string years = "2001,2008,2015-2017"; how can i split it into array of strings ? array = 2001 arra...
[7 replies] Last: yes thats what i want, "2020-2030, 2043, 2047-2050" have int array whe... (by Nefri)
Help on border pelase :(
I know this a a long code. All this code over here does is print out block letters horizontally. What i'm trying to do now is have a border outside of those blo...
[3 replies] Last: It depends on the type of border you want to make. One function I ofte... (by CplusplusAcolyte)
Help With Code
This was the assignment presented to our class: "Create a payroll program which reads in an employee's first name, last name, hours worked, and pay rate from...
[no replies]
by BrianA
Question about if...
Hello I need to finf if line has more a than b letters. string b = "bB"; string a = "aA"; for(int i=0; i<E.length(); i++){ if(a.find(E ) > b.find(E )){...
[4 replies] Last: on line 7 i try to check if if a > b my line E = abcdefghaaaaa (by BrianA)
help please
Hey guys im new to c++. Wondering if someone can help me with this code helping me generate succefull drops compared to not succesfull drops #include<ios...
[1 reply] : What is up with line 27 and 28? (by giblit)
Destructor & Pointers?
Hi, This is probably a really straightforward (and potentially stupid) question. In a class, I've set a private double pointer called val. Now, in my construct...
[5 replies] Last: An assignment like that is wrong, because val is a pointer. You shoul... (by keskiverto)
Printing borders outside words? help?
Have images of string letters intitialized const string letters = { { " _____ ", " / _ \\ ", " / /_\\ \\ ", "/ | \\", "\\___...
[2 replies] Last: dhayden nice find. Thanks! however I still can't seem to figure out ho... (by fahmankhan75)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 5253545556... 69
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