Beginners - December 2013 (Page 52)

Redefinition of class as a different kind of symbol
I have an issue where it says: Next to "class AStar{": Redefinition of "AStar" as a different kind of symbol Next to "int AStar::calcH(int x, int y, int endX,...
[1 reply] : on line 8 you're declaring class AStar again. I presume you've alrea... (by yulingo)
is this how you dynamically allocate have 10 pointer to a single object of class *ptr =new class_name; ptr ->call(); delete ptr; and is this how y...
[4 replies] Last: YEs but its edited now no syntax error if this was dynamically allocat... (by Sharan123)
by leo255
Trying to input numbers from text file into array with Stringstream
I'm relatively new to stringstream, and to inputting numbers from a text file into an array. Right now, I just want to store the odd and even numbers from a fil...
[4 replies] Last: Ah I learned something too. interesting. (by yulingo)
Overloading ostream for vector class
Currently making a programme which allows the user to create vectors of size n, input the values and perform operations on them, such as addition, scalar multip...
[3 replies] Last: Something like this, maybe... template <class T> ostream & operator <... (by Chervil)
Multidimensional array and pointer arithmetic
int a ; a = 1; Why must I use the deference operator twice to get the value at a (**a). Why isn't it just *a like it is in a non multidimensional ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help! (by MasterT)
Hii experts.. i want suggestions..
i am yet a beginner. i have an assignment in my oop class in which i have to make a social networking application. can anyone please help me how should i start....
[1 reply] : Social networking implies a online networking app. Thinking of Facebo... (by SamuelAdams)
Polymorphism in C++, couldn't find what's wrong
Hello! I just have a base class and two derived classes to calculate the area of Rectangle and Trianlge: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class ...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you, MikeyBoy . I'll look up the correct way. Sorry about the w... (by match88)
by Roua
I really need ur help!
I am a CE student and I am still learning the basics so far I am studying the array on c++ program I have this question and Unfortunately I have no idea how ...
[4 replies] Last: thanks (by Roua)
for loops within for loops
I've been having trouble with a project I've been working on. The program is supposed to allow the user to enter an unknown number of payroll amounts for three ...
[7 replies] Last: No problem! Cheers! :) (by Tresky)
Inheritance question
Hey Guys, I have two abstract base classes, one derives from the other. Then i Have 3 other classes deriving from the second one and so on. Im having trouble ge...
[7 replies] Last: You're welcome. :) Cheers! (by Tresky)
Write a to transpose the value by using while loop??? I can't understand this!!! any one can help!!!!!
[1 reply] : I can't understand you!!! (by Chriscpp)
Pointer to object
I can not paste the whole code cause problem is in my concept about making a pointer to an object there are 3 classes Account is the base class and CurrentAccou...
[2 replies] Last: Yes thank you its working now but there is still this one problem whic... (by Sharan123)
Not sure where I went wrong
This is what I am trying to accomplish...You need to implement a recursive function namely Apowerfun. Apowerfun is a power function which receives the value o...
[4 replies] Last: There should only be 2 files: "Apower.h" and "Apower.cpp". An outline... (by Rbroke)
making a function
i have to write a function called scaleData that accepts an array of doubles and a double named scaleFactor. The function must multiple each element of data by ...
[7 replies] Last: double scaleData( int scaleFactor, int arraySize) { double sum = 0; ... (by bowleruu16)
making a 2-d array
i have to write a function called transpose that accepts a two-dimensional array of doubles named matrix and an integer named size. the matrix is assumed to be...
[1 reply] : (by Josue Molina)
making a array
I have to write a function called calcMean that accepts an array of doubles named data and returns the simple average (mean) of the data elements i need help do...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for pointing out my mistakes. (by Nikko YL)
by mgehad
initializing 2d array in classes
Hello . This is the code. and I'm getting the following errors, Any tips please ? ./file.h:15:42: error: a brace-enclosed initializer is not allowed here ...
[2 replies] Last: Yes it makes :) , Thanks so Much (by mgehad)
Why we use function template?
like this one: template<class T> void nice(T a, T b){ cout << a + b<<endl; } the template can take int, double, long ... but i can make it with type cast by ...
[1 reply] : While it's true that sometimes a set of overloads and a function templ... (by Cubbi)
start class and add class that adds to class
Ok If I have a class that is abase class and works how to have the base class by it sell and add all of that class to another class like your base to stack and ...
[no replies]
cmath, can I use floats with atan?
Can I use atan in <cmath> with floats or do I have to convert floats to doubles to get it working?
[1 reply] : Yes, atan in cmath has an overload that takes a float and returns a fl... (by Cubbi)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 5051525354... 69
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