Beginners - December 2013 (Page 51)

help with member function
im trying to get a memeber function to perform a cout statement but everyt time i compile it tells me that in this member function that "cout" was never declare...
[4 replies] Last: Does the file cdie.cpp have #include <iostream> and using std::co... (by Chervil)
by Al BQ
Problems with auto and decltype
Hello, I'm a complete beginner in programming itself. Being only learning the basics of Python and R for the last couple months and decided to also learn a b...
[4 replies] Last: I was just trying to use: g++ -std=c++0x something.cpp -o something... (by Al BQ)
NEED HELP RUNNING MY PROGRAM! let me know if it does what is asked!
Problem: In this problem you will write a Python program to generate a list of all the the prime numbers between a starting number and an ending number (inclu...
[2 replies] Last: As long as you have internet, there is always But from the... (by Smac89)
by Zork
Trouble with functions.
Hey guys. I've been working through a c++ guidebook I bought and have been recently tip toeing through functions. The exercise is basically to read in a number...
[no replies]
Need help with 2D array input
Hello all, I've been stuck on this problem for sometime. Originally I have create 2x3 2D array where the values are entered by the user then print them out. Als...
[1 reply] : For input, all you really need to do is the reverse of the output oper... (by yulingo)
How to correctly exit/close classes?
I'm writing a dll and I think I'm doing everything correctly. I'm placing every object in a vector to later delete every object in the vector with a loop and a...
[1 reply] : but sometimes I see some dynamic float values still running and messi... (by yulingo)
by Na9er
array that keep track of numbers?
Hi all, Can anyone tell me how to write a integer array that keep track of numbers? I've been thinking of a way and am not able to figure it out. tha...
[1 reply] : By "keeping track" of numbers, I would immediately think of simply sav... (by Tresky)
How do I add a resource file to a project?
So, I am making this thing like clevorbot... (it is no AI, just LOTS of switch and if statements. It's actually pretty cool) And I have like, 300 lines of code....
[no replies]
Display error message if invalid user input
Hello everyone, so I'm writting a memory matching game. and I'm working on the main menu, there is this part where I want to reprint the menu in case the user i...
[1 reply] : So here's why your program is "freaking out": if cin encounters an ... (by yulingo)
Hi there, could you guys teach me how to use destructors properly? can't seem to make it work. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class cRectangle { ...
[10 replies] Last: Complicated != easier. That said, I'm not contradicting myself. It's... (by IWishIKnew)
String Subsript error out of range? HELP ME FIND THE ERROR PLEASE :(
const string letters = { { " _____ ", " / _ \\ ", " / /_\\ \\ ", "/ | \\", "\\____|__ /" }, {"__________ ", "\\______ \\", "|...
[11 replies] Last: Cire, your absolutely correct about that :D It was suppose to be index... (by fahmankhan75)
by tablo
Input from external file, then average using nested loop.
I'm having an extremely difficult time figuring out this programming problem. Basically I have an external file called "numbers.dat" which contains this data "5...
[2 replies] Last: You are a lifesaver. Thanks a million! (by tablo)
by ihnena
Using bubble sort
Hi. I'm very new to C++, and I cannot seem to figure this problem out. This code is just supposed to have the user enter a list of animals (no more than 25 anim...
[1 reply] : I wasn't able to replicate your problems on my system, but I see that ... (by yulingo)
by ayo
functions problem
I'm having trouble interpreting how to code this there has to be a deck 24 cards of 6 animals and 4 adjectives so example"silly tiger".
[no replies]
matrix margins
Hello, I have to write a program which go through a matrix and look for filled cells with letters, and then count its neighbours. The problem is that each cell ...
[1 reply] : The question isn't one of adjusting your math, but of whether or not y... (by Duthomhas)
converting hex to int
i need to convert a negative hex value to an integer. could somebody please explain to me why when i am convert FFFFEFFFE. it produces 4294901758. but whe...
[1 reply] : Both 4294901758 and -65538 are correct, depending on whether the value... (by Chervil)
To Loop
So my assignment is to make this program run as many times as the user wants, then create a file with multiple outputs. With my research I was able to deduce ...
[2 replies] Last: Can anyone help? (by GoodWilling)
by Chubby
Array Problem
This is what I try to do: Take an integer array of leght 5 call num and return the max in the array. const int NUM = 5 int max ; int i; int max2; for (i=...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you so much Joseue (by Chubby)
making this array
i have to write a function called scaleData that accepts an array of doubles and a double named scaleFactor. The function must multiple each element of data by ...
[3 replies] Last: what is suppose to go in the multiple every element part of this array... (by bowleruu16)
by MST
Write your question here. Hi I want to know is there any function available for error function(erf) in Visual C++? thanks
[11 replies] Last: Visual Studio 2013? That is supposed to have std::erf() . http://bl... (by JLBorges)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 4950515253... 69
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