Beginners - December 2013 (Page 49)

Need help arrays.
I have to build a Your program that : Declares a 2-dimensional array of 8×8 integers (8 rows, 8 columns). Call a function that fills the array with random ...
[4 replies] Last: i dont know what its asking for exactly. Then go through each part ... (by Chervil)
by enemy
#ifndef- #define-#endif
Hello! Please, where is the datothek made by these saved? Is it lasting during one program or how? What is the sence of it? Many thanks!
[no replies]
by enemy
function and main adresses starting from same point?
Hello! please, is it possible to achieve that first run of po* and second one (from main) give same addresses?- if it is easy!!! //(both are ment to give add...
[1 reply] : When the operator new is used, there is no way to be sure what actua... (by Chervil)
by gee1
Homework help
I need help how to start on this homework , it's harder for me because of the * symbol Thanks
[1 reply] : A simple if-else with condition to detect odd / even numbers placed in... (by JockX)
by enemy
HUH...a[1] nto declared in main...
But what way to declare it? It is generated in po*? int* po(int b){ int d1; d1=3*b; int d2; d2=d1+5; int a ; a =d1; a =d2; a =a +3; int *...
[13 replies] Last: The thing is, you have had all the necessary ingredients for success, ... (by Chervil)
by enemy
Line 21 appearing twice...???
[2 replies] Last: sorry, my mistake, solved. Thing in functionis of course executing bef... (by enemy)
by enemy
generating array in function po*
Hello! I am generating array in function, and want it nt to dissapear after function po * scope. Want to send it to main. Please, where is the mistake now? Ma...
[1 reply] : It looks you can write English. Then probably you can read the error m... (by rodiongork)
Could someone post good IsNan IsInfinite and Sgn methods for float values?
Sofar I found these to work but sometimes they seem to fail template <typename T> float sgn(T val) { return (T(0) < val) - (val < T(0)); } #ifndef ...
[1 reply] : ¿have you considered RTFM? (by ne555)
Class help!
Hi, I tryed compiling my code but its not working.... A little help please! #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Student{ public: student(); ...
[2 replies] Last: Your constructor should have the same name as your class. Your dest... (by MikeyBoy)
Transfer information from class to file
Hello , I am a newbie here. I have this assignment. I have to transfer information entered into a class to a file whose name has to be specified by the user. Th...
[no replies]
name consists of letters spaces, can contain 1 single quotation mark and 0ne hyphen mark
hi everyone im looking for some help on a program it is to "input persons name using only letters & spaces and can contain only 1 single quotation mark and only...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks again nikko will give it a go there now. (by chris7daly)
by zoyar
Dev C++ catche (?) problem
So I was learning ANSI C programming on linux, but now i have to do it on windows. Ive downloaded Dev C++ as my friend requested. And I have small problem, when...
[1 reply] : I hope it is Orwell Dev C++ which you are using: http://orwelldevcpp.b... (by Chervil)
by enemy
a not declared???
Hello! please, where can I find syntax how to write this? Many thanks! int* po(int b){ int d1; d1=3*b; int d2; d2=d1+5; int * foo; foo=new ...
[no replies]
Linked List Help
I am attempting to implement code in which I use a linked list to order a set of data ( name, surname, id, mark). While it will work for a small number of input...
[2 replies] Last: Still need help with this guys (by irishmts)
by enemy
Memorising array from function
Hello! OK, this function memorised a , but why did it no memorise a ? Many thanks! int* po(int b){ int d1; d1=3*b; int d2; d2=d1+5; int a ; a =d1;...
[4 replies] Last: Just reading this...not sure all clear still (by enemy)
understanding linking and compiling
I believe i have an OK knowledge of basic c++ and OOP concepts. However i get completely confused in the linking process. For example, the process in install...
[no replies]
What the difference between :
what the difference between: #include<iostream> using namespace std; void main(){ char a('1'); } with this code : #include<iostream> using n...
[1 reply] : Your first code value initializes a char (a) to the value of '1', or 4... (by TwilightSpectre)
by zagzag
Queue Linked List
Hi I am doing this project working with linked lists ,however everything works fine until I try my Clear() function which is suppose to clear the queue and de a...
[3 replies] Last: I have a problem when I got the task from my lecture task: Made a pr... (by lie20)
by enemy
why is cout changing the array value?
Hello! Version with cout gives completely different result! Please, how can COUT influence result in main??? MANY THANKS! int* po(int b){ int d1; d...
[no replies]
by Ch1156
Help fixing this error, never encountered this before
Ok so in my program i have all my headers in main, and I have my constructors in seperate files and for some reason it keeps telling me this error: expected in...
[2 replies] Last: oh ok i did this #ifndef GAMECLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_H_INCLUDED #define G... (by Ch1156)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 4748495051... 69
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