Beginners - December 2013 (Page 48)

I need a Game Menu for my games
I have Four games: -Tic-Tat-Toe -Guess the Number? -Roll a Die -Jumble Worlds -Secret Game(Password Protected/Beat the computer in Tic-Tat-Toe) I want t...
[1 reply] : Umm.. What have you done? It sounds to me like you want to create a f... (by giblit)
IMO, C++ is more simple and easier to use than Java
Hey guys, I just registered and this is my first post. I'm currently learning C++ and I found it to be very easy and comfortable than any other languages that ...
[2 replies] Last: This seems more lounge worthy. Anyways, I don't think that your dista... (by xismn)
Bubble sort array - program locking up
Hello, Wondering if someone would take a look at this program and help me figure out why it's locking up when I compile it please? It is supposed to take the ...
[5 replies] Last: Got it figured out. Thanks for the suggestions. They finally helped ... (by newlearn33)
by Chubby
Add Array Problem!
When i try to add it up, it show me a 0; How fix this?; #include <iostream> using namespace std; int add_arrays(int a , int b , int n); int main () { in...
[1 reply] : The initializer of total is zero because the value returned by the ... (by closed account 2b5z8vqX)
bool loop?
So I have been poking at this program for a few months now, just in my spare time. It's just a magic 8-ball with some custom responses. I'm trying to use a bool...
[9 replies] Last: Here's the basic structure of your program. If your question is anythi... (by heebleworp)
by spadec
Reading Values from Text File into Array
Ok I basically need someone to explain to me how to do this. If anyone has a link to an example of this or can toss me a really quick example. I mean I know how...
[no replies]
help with this assignment
I need help in part(2) question /******************************** ASSIGNMENT: (1) write a program that declares a class called "employee" with the...
[3 replies] Last: What do you have so far ? (by aleonard)
Can someone explain this please
Hi there, Why do i get this error for auto, i am reading c++ primer 5th edition with is rewritten for c++11 and i get this? thanks #include <iostream> int...
[2 replies] Last: I don't know what the problem was but after some research I tried this... (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
by ayo
bool function
I'm a bit confused on how would i use the bool function in this situation to make sure rand() doesnt generate two of the same numbers. Any ideas :3? https://...
[1 reply] : You should assign the random value to a temp variable then assign it t... (by giblit)
Char(169) not printing
i know I'm not giving much information here and just a minor code. On line 23 (char)(179) doesn't seem to print on the 6th index. I think the error might be in ...
[4 replies] Last: Yes, that's correct, but note, onky on index 6 is when this happens. W... (by fahmankhan75)
How is this even possible
Hi there, I just came around this and don't understand how a const reference can do this with out. const int &ri = 0; How is that possible? Without...
[2 replies] Last: thanks James i had something like that in my book but forgot about it ... (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
Program to swap letters from a text file
[no replies]
by taku
Slot Machine - code review
Hello! I have recently started programming C++ for college classes ( im in data structures now.. its getting pretty difficult) So I am trying to make little pro...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply :) I will definitely look into those. I really li... (by taku)
by mjyz
Why is my Average 0?
Hello, I've been trying to create my functions and calculate the lowest score from the 6 test scores of each student so I can then drop the lowest score and fin...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you guys! (by mjyz)
Help with this? Sorry if title isn't specific. I don't know how to make this one specific.
So, I have my code right here (it is for a program like cleverbot, except a console application): #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdli...
[2 replies] Last: I fixed it I ended up having an empty file added to the program. I was... (by AceDawg45)
lower and upper letters
Hello everybody, I am beginner at c++, so I need some help and it would be very nice if you could help me. I have a task to find out how many words (e. g. "bo...
[no replies]
how to find no of bits
how to find no of bits taken by integer e.g no of bits of 42 is 6
[1 reply] : If I'm reading your question correctly I believe you use the standard ... (by NullInfinity)
I am unable to get a new line in a text file
I am writing a linked list in C++, I cant seem to get a new line in my text file, everything I enter seems to wind up in one line, please help, here is my code....
[1 reply] : endl is outputting a newline to the file. The problem doesn't seem t... (by Chervil)
by gee1
I made this code with a litte help but the task is to have exact number of columns(9) , and odd numbers need to be like this
[6 replies] Last: no nvm that dosnt work... (by iamlearning)
What is wrong with this code?
gradebook.h: #include <string> // class GradeBook uses C++ standard string class #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; // GradeBook c...
[4 replies] Last: these should not be in your header #include <string> // class GradeBo... (by giblit)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 4647484950... 69
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