Beginners - December 2013 (Page 45)

I need Help on my arcade game collection
I need help on this end of semester project. My project is to make a arcade video game collection. I need Help on making the Game Menu, putting in function form...
[6 replies] Last: Connect-4 have 5 errors: #include <iostream> using namespace std; //... (by jakesweater)
by Haani
alternate of switch or a better way?
Hello everyone, i have a project to develop a simple calculator which loops.i did it.but is there another way of making it? a better way perhaps? can i use retu...
[no replies]
cin in a loop
So I've noticed something, and I've always just made a work around, but I would like to see if I could either get the issue solved so I don't have to make a wor...
[4 replies] Last: Sorry for the late response, all three of these answers helped out a l... (by Protomega)
File --> array(s) --> cout output!
Plz help! Im trying to read a list of (2 sets of "int", 2 sets of strings, and 5 sets of floats) all in one file than place them into an array than cout them.! ...
[no replies]
I'm supposed to make a hospital program.
It keeps pointing to line 26. Did i forget to declare something? #include <iostream> using namespace std; void answer(char &); char getPatie...
[10 replies] Last: I'll give u the code for one of them: double calctotal(double char... (by Glandy)
C++ Array and Statistics
Hello all I am new to C++. I have been given a problem domain. I must prompt the user for up to 100 values. Negative values will be used as sentinel value.we ...
[9 replies] Last: So you need to sort your list. Simplest way I can think of off the top... (by heebleworp)
Opinions about formatting code + comments
First question is about what to do with long conditional tests. For example: if (puzzle.one_possible(row, col) && (!(puzzle.two_possible(row,col) || puzzle....
[7 replies] Last: Thanks for recommendations guys. When code starts to become long and... (by heebleworp)
by Ch1156
Numbers outputting differently
Ok so in my program I have 3 random numbers being created and each number need to be seperately used to create pet characteristics and then they are all lined u...
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int num1 = 2... (by naraku9333)
How do I extract part of a string?
Let's say I have the string: "a, b, c, d, e, hi" I saved it as a .txt file and then converted it to a .csv file. How would I write a code that will extract "...
[no replies]
by KamKan
I am creating a store updater, and the customer would be the user. The customer is supposed to buy, see full lists of fruits, search an item and can exit anytim...
[2 replies] Last: Your error messages explain themselves. At lines 126 and 135, you're ... (by MikeyBoy)
by elfeck
Collecting headers into one header
Hello, I'm writing a few libraries (statically and dynamically linked) for my own use. Each lib comes with quite a few header files and it's a little bit (!)...
[3 replies] Last: Do you just mean basic naming conflicts like two separate variables w... (by Disch)
f2 was not declared
Not sure why , please help ! #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include<cmath> using namespace std; void f1() { int x = 5; f2( x ); co...
[2 replies] Last: Thank u (by Cutefriendzoned)
by Ross
Help me with my tic tac toe please. I need to have a loop, for the user to pick <y/n> is the user wants to try the program again. I dont know what seems to be t...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; char sq... (by Yanson)
by Xesna
Car Class
I'm not sure if my program is working or not, but I've been having trouble with the compiler. :/ "Source file not compiled" I reinstalled it and same resp...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks. I did what ya said, "new name and location" and it worked. Kin... (by Xesna)
[solved] SDL Tutorial (Coordinates & Blitting) fails to yield expected results.
What (immediately) follows are background details that may or may not be relevant. Ctrl+F <TheMeat> if you want to get to the meat of my problem. I say thi...
[6 replies] Last: I tried commenting out both SDL_Quit/QUIT events, one at a time, runni... (by NullInfinity)
by Xesna
Monthly Budget
Why is MonthlyBudget set_budget not displaying the numbers? #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; struct MonthlyBudget { ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks. Really, the set_budget.set_budget was needed. #include <i... (by Xesna)
by Xesna
I can't to seem to understand why is void getRate(Population &geo); giving an error? New types may not be defined in a return type. #include <iostr...
[2 replies] Last: *Face palm* Sigh. Thanks. Let me check if it works. EDIT: I had an is... (by Xesna)
by enemy
Hint for sorting brothers (from structure person) by age- pseudocode
Hello! Plese, can someone give me just a hint how to ORGANISE program (pseudocode) sorting 3 or more persons borther by age? Many thanks! ... st...
[no replies]
problem in program to calcuate the tax
this is a homework our doctor gave it to us and no one was able to solve it . The assessor in your town has estimated the market value of all of the propertie...
[no replies]
ERRORs: names the constructor not the type & can't resolve address of overloaded function !!!
Hello experts, How r u ? Kindly, I've a problem regarding the default constructors (as I believe). The errors which I get are: 1) ‘CElement::CElement’ na...
[2 replies] Last: @Keskiverto: Thanks a lot, that works well :D I'm grateful for u **... (by engmeshmesh1)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 4344454647... 69
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