Beginners - December 2013 (Page 44)

Class functions problem
I'm writing a program to read in fractions, from user input, and then have them select an option on how to calculate them. I'm running into an error where insid...
[5 replies] Last: Been working on the code for a bit, its still not ready to run. Hoping... (by emerald18)
hint or algorithm to solve this
/* 006.6.c Write a program to evaluate the following investment equation V = P(1 + r)^n (here ^ means square) and print the tables which would give th...
[no replies]
by CoderX
Can you please help me with this pattern ? 1 22 3** 4444 5**** 666666 7****** 88888888 9********
[4 replies] Last: Thank you very much guys. (by CoderX)
atoi on FILE
I am doing a cashier type of program, where in I have to convert the last part of the file since it's the stock. It's not yet complete but I'm stuck after doing...
[no replies]
no matching function error
Im having trouble with my code I have an error that I cant figure out. error: no matching function for call to ‘employee::employee(double, double)’ empl...
[2 replies] Last: I do here. #include"depot.h" 7 8 9 depot::depot(int num) 10 ... (by antonioruns)
by mjyz
Modulus and Hyphens
[1 reply] : The question relates to your other thread: (by keskiverto)
by ayo
bool function check question
What im trying to do here is to check if the numbers stored in compcards match with what the user inputed and return whether theres a match or not. Is the logi...
[2 replies] Last: are my if statements wrong? cant find bug (by ayo)
invalid conversion from 'employee' to 'char'
Im getting a this error and I can't figure out whay can somebody help error: invalid conversion from ‘employee*’ to ‘char’ [-fpermissive] x.push_bac...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your help. (by antonioruns)
by BrianA
Array getline
Hello, I have a array vard and when i try use getline to read txt file My computer is 123456789 Best computer is 987654321 But my computer is good int ...
[4 replies] Last: Hope to get answer, ciz now I don't know whats wrong??? (by BrianA)
by mjyz
Printing Dashes/Hyphens ?
[3 replies] Last: I don't think you should use modulus unless it is a requirement for yo... (by Garion)
by NRich5
Simple array issue
having trouble getting this to work correctly. the question is write a function called calcMean that accepts an array of doubles named data and returns the simp...
[7 replies] Last: thanks for the help, had no idea it was so simple. (by NRich5)
by Ratham
Basic If Statement Question
Write your question here. I'm looking at some code and I got to an if statement if(x%y) || (y == 2){ } What in the heck is the x%y? I get that it'...
[1 reply] : No. if(any expression here) will be true when the expression evaluat... (by S G H)
return value from a void function?
So my teacher for C++ has some very specific requirements on his assignments, he gives 0 credit for assignments that are completed that aren't EXACTLY how he wa...
[15 replies] Last: Almost forgot too, James2250; this doesn't really turn me off to progr... (by Arctic Fox)
by leo255
Inputting numbers from file into array - Most efficient way to remove zeros/negatives?
I think I have this down, more or less. The only thing is that I would like to remove all of the zeros and negatives. Should this be done before or after line 4...
[no replies]
In this program I need to count the amount zeroes but I think I got it but every time I run it, it goes into a infinite loop. What am I doing wrong? co...
[5 replies] Last: here it shows how many zeros the user inputs. did you replace the line... (by krugle)
I'm trying to build a simple payroll code
This is supposed to be a simple payroll calculation program but i seem to be having a small problem. this is the current code and it will now work, but it doesn...
[4 replies] Last: I don't know why it unexpectedly stopped working if anyone can tell me... (by ramirez618)
Write a C++ program that will display the following menu and work accordingly.
Write a C++ program that will display the following menu and work accordingly. A menu which contains functionionality that will allow the following choices:...
[2 replies] Last: cannot get code to handle firstName and id in struct and input, no let... (by Epn5014)
Can seem to figure this out.
This is what I am trying to accomplish...You need to implement a recursive function namely Apowerfun. Apowerfun is a power function which receives the value o...
[1 reply] : Line 10 you are trying to use an argumented constructor no such constr... (by mobotus)
Non-member function vs member function
Which is preferred for something like this in general? bool isTooYoung (Person* person) {return person->Age() < 10;} or bool Person::isTooYoung ()...
[4 replies] Last: Ah! A different answer. Let me read this article now before I decide... (by prestokeys)
Utilyty that converts dollars to coins, need help please
I'm writing this utility that converts dollars to coins, but keep gettinmg this error message, (Run-Time Check Failure #3 - The variable 'amount' is being used ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, did a few changes and now it works somewhat but still having p... (by mclarren2)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 4243444546... 69
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