Beginners - December 2013 (Page 42)

by exenam
Linking boost library makefile error
Hi! I am to use boost library in my project. I have it already installed on Ubuntu, but when running makefile in terminal I encountered such an error: tes...
[2 replies] Last: Thank a lot! It helped;) (by exenam)
by enemy
for loop shape
Hello! Please, what is the exact meaning of s in the middle of the for loop? Many thanks! //strlen function //input: s= sequence of chars //output: ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, Chervil, finnaly clear!!! (by enemy)
file input & modifying strings
Hello, I hope you are having a fantastic evening! I am trying to write code that takes a textfile, gets the information in strings, shifts it (by the users c...
[3 replies] Last: Well, as a high-level view of the requirements, I'd say you need to r... (by Chervil)
any one have the code of e-diary?
is anyone have the code of electronic diary(e-diary)?
[1 reply] : Dupe post (by SamuelAdams)
2d-array syntax problem
Hi it's my first time posting in this forum and a new member here in this site. I'm testing a little program fragment for my homework and my objective is to pas...
[9 replies] Last: oh... ok i found it! :D gotta do some studying here... (by NoobProgrammer03)
What does the & in front of a string name means
Well, my instructor just gave me a sample function to determine if a char string contains a substring. Here it is: bool IsInString(char s1 ,char s2 ) {...
[1 reply] : In C++, the ampersand symbol & has three possible meanings depending... (by Catfish666)
Reverse, max & min, sort, average of an array
Hello Everyone! So same project, bigger issues...I'm in crunch time and I don't even think I'll be able to turn this code in for credit at this point but I'm...
[1 reply] : Well, not a word of thanks (or disapproval, or any response at all) fo... (by Chervil)
by nvrmnd
no match for operator << ?? why ??
I see no reason why the compiler is complaining in the implementation of operator<< starting at line 22 this might be a dumb error, forgive me class User...
[5 replies] Last: oh, i see thanks for the help !!! (by nvrmnd)
by enemy
#ifndef PERSON_H
Please, what is wrong here? I wrote iet literarily from one book down... #ifndef PERSON_H #define PERSON_H enum gender {male, female}; struct date ...
[4 replies] Last: You will need to make a new file called "person.h" and copy paste thos... (by Mats)
by BrianA
Hello, I have a matrix 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 9 4 and I need to add matrix rows, how I need to do that? I need 1+5+9 2+6+5 3+7+9 4+8+4 Thanks...
[1 reply] : You can store a matrix in a 2D array. int matrix ; //A 2 x 2 matri... (by Mats)
Dynamic Arrays of Objects
Hi There, for a university project I have to recreate the STL Map class. Something I'm struggling with right now is making a vector, without using the STL Ve...
[2 replies] Last: Hey, yeah, I already have my templates setup as well as my base class.... (by Zorthos)
Should I learn C++ as a first language?
I was wondering if I should learn C++ as my first language. I'm a linux user so programming would be very important for a person like me. I tried learning Java ...
[13 replies] Last: C, C++, Java, Python, they are all about as good as languages get and ... (by Mats)
by Ch1156
Need help with this dont know whats wrong
Ok so im working on a big text game and i am having a problem with the loading from a file, im not sure whats wrong i cant seem to figure it out, im sure its so...
[5 replies] Last: you can put the declarations in the header/.h file and the implement... (by coder777)
by roe10
Pointers and references
hello I have some questions regarding pointers and reference. 1. in the code that shown, can I delete the new object using delete &a; ? (suppose class...
[6 replies] Last: and can't function return a const value? It can, but this way it's a ... (by coder777)
by h4ever
abstract methods, virtual methods (1,2,3)
What I have tried Condition& source; // not initiated - produces error Effect& source_; // not initiated // I cannot initiate the source and source_ becau...
[53 replies] Last: Ok, thanks for explanation. I was looking for some result declaration ... (by h4ever)
Books for a beginner.
Hello C++ community. I would like to start learning how to program in C++. My goal is to be fluent in the language and be able to write my own computer game ...
[2 replies] Last: there is a book i always hear : Beginning C++ through game programmin... (by nvrmnd)
Getting rid of a period
The code is fully functional, I am just wondering if there is a way to get rid of the period when you output the list of words but not all 25. In order to termi...
[2 replies] Last: Great idea, thank you! (by jjaworski321)
Reading text file into a struct
Hello everyone! I have a project due soon and I am really frying my brain. I have scoured the internet for some answers but I can't seem to get a straight o...
[7 replies] Last: Well, there are a number of issues here. For one thing, the use of glo... (by Chervil)
getting the average within a file
How do you get the average of scores inside a file? I can get it if it's 10 scores, but the assignment says the number of scores can vary and that it would not ...
[6 replies] Last: Is it possible to do it using arrays? (by cplusbeginner)
Need Help with DNA String Validation
Write your question here. I must verify that a string of any length contain only valid characters:G,A,T,C. If any characters do not contain G or A or T or C ...
[3 replies] Last: Ok. Thanks for clearing things up a bit. However, you still haven't sa... (by xismn)
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