Beginners - December 2013 (Page 38)

Incrementally adding and displaying array elements
Im trying to add the elements I entered into an array in increments until the total but I just get the exact same erroneous value when I enter it reaches the fu...
[2 replies] Last: I want the total in increments line 38 was a function call (by Cariboss newb)
Should I take this college course?
I've been learning C++ for a little while now, and I have a good foundation. When the opportunity to take a free VG Dev. course arose, I was ecstatic. But my ex...
[2 replies] Last: If you're confident in your ability with C++ for now then I would go w... (by Computergeek01)
All my variables are using the default constructor?
How do I set the values of my array to the variables in the class? #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Card { ...
[1 reply] : The index you use at line 60 range from 13 to 64, so you'll need to fi... (by i like red pandas)
possible improper syntax with filling a structure
I'm getting a "field .. cannot be resolved" message. Perhaps I'm not using the proper syntax? Do I need to declare the structure in main before I can fill it i...
[no replies]
by Wiebs
Homework Question
I am stumped on a homework problem and need some help. The constraints of the problem are unique and well...interesting to say the least. Truly Im confused w...
[3 replies] Last: Put a function in your toolkit in case you need to generate numbers in... (by booradley60)
Help on simplifying this?
The code below has too much repeated code. How do I Write a function which will return an integer value for a letter then multiply it in the equation. Appa...
[1 reply] : Check this out: // your char: char c = 'B'; // (for example B) // I... (by Glandy)
I need some help inputting from text files
I need to set up a loop that will pull a set of data from a text file for example, wet.txt In the text file will contain high and low temperature data, as well ...
[2 replies] Last: I'd start by adding in a check that the file exists before opening it:... (by lizzy hail)
inheritance of class data
I'm looking for a way to use members of a class in a struct inside that class. See example below. The real code is more complicated but I think this illustrate...
[1 reply] : You need an instance of the class A in order to access that variable. ... (by Smac89)
C++ Programming (2D Array)
Hey guys. I need help in adding the values stored in the columns and rows of an array. I'm having a hard time with this, I don't know what I should add to the c...
[1 reply] : To print the passengers you need to have a nested for loop with the ou... (by yulingo)
Need help with binary search
int main() { StudentRecord student ; //int num_std; char key ; int number_of_students=0; enterKey(key); getInformation(stude...
[no replies]
I really need help.
I need to write a connect 4 game against an AI using arrays and I really don't know what to do. I have spent hours on it and I can't figure it out #include ...
[1 reply] : 1.) This program does not compile; so you are not even at the step whe... (by closed account G30GNwbp)
by Ch1156
How to make a map in console? (1,2)
Ok so for my text pet game im making i want there to be a small map so that the pet can move around but i honestly done even know how or where to begin with the...
[39 replies] Last: bump (by Ch1156)
problem with while loop :(
Hey guys; This is my code for a project I was working on, the code is supposed to accept two strings from the user and determine if they are anagrams (by remov...
[2 replies] Last: that makes sense, I probably should have just used getline for the ask... (by chickens7)
by Mayah
Output military time correctly
Hi there! I'm trying to figure out how to output the default time 00:00:00 as opposed to 0:0:0 which is what currently happens. I know I need to put quotes a...
[3 replies] Last: Well, you do know that if num<10 then you can print an extra 0 before ... (by keskiverto)
by ianol
How do I make a string false if it counts more than one symbol?
Hi I want to input a name into a program and it can only accept one (') and or one (-) ,if it finds more than one than one of each of these symbols, I can have...
[4 replies] Last: Actually if a valid name can contain both an apostrophe ( ' ) and dash... (by Catfish666)
deleting a linked list
ok so this is what i wrote for deleting a whole linked list...can someone check on it and tell me if it will work? //assuming my struct list is declared al...
[1 reply] : No. There is no such thing as a while-else construct in C++. //use t... (by booradley60)
by Skylar
Code Assistance
This assignment I have been working on has been stumping me, I even refused to turn what i have in just because I want to understand. The premise is this: "W...
[6 replies] Last: This doesn't address your issue, but your storenumber() function is de... (by kooth)
by gladi
I have an error when I declare the array line 11. Can anyone help in this #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main () { ...
[1 reply] : Current C++ requires that the number of elements in an array must be a... (by JLBorges)
by Edonis
Immediate Help!
Write a program that tells how many ones and how many tens are there in a number from 10-99; example the number 34 has 3 (tens) and 4 (ones) ??
[1 reply] : 34 / 10 = 3 34 & 10 = 4 The first line demonstrates integer divisi... (by booradley60)
array initialisation inside class
I had to create an array of 16*16 and initialize with values in class unsigned int* sub_arr ; sub_arr = 0x63; sub_arr = 0x7C; sub_arr = 0x77...
[9 replies] Last: > then in old gcc versions, How it would be implemented Move the init... (by JLBorges)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 3637383940... 69
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