Beginners - December 2013 (Page 37)

Roman Numeral converter assistance
I have to write a program to convert roman numerals into actual numbers. Like I to 1 or XI to 11. I have to read the roman numerals from a file which is also ea...
[7 replies] Last: With recursion: This code may be executed on the commandline with ./m... (by ritstudent)
need help creating a code
hey guys, i need help and ideas creating a code for pizza shop application, the user must choose pizza size, and how many they want (5max), and select toppings,...
[10 replies] Last: anytime thxx :) hey btw, here the messagebox errors Please enter a ... (by MarkMMA1)
Multi dimensional arrays
Before I get to far and realize I wasn't using the correct method. may someone tell me if this would be a good method to use where I all the user to input and h...
[1 reply] : That's fine to use a 2d array like that. Suggestion: enum { Lows, ... (by Duthomhas)
Copying Elements of arrays
I have to make a function that will copy the first row of instock to gamma. Can someone tell me if this is the correct way to do it. also, if I can modify this ...
[2 replies] Last: Yup, I noticed myself that I had several basic errors in there. Thank ... (by fahmankhan75)
Piggybank Homework help (1,2)
I'm getting a few errors, also I'm struggling with how to approach coding the addCoins function in order to keep the weight under the declared constant THREE_LB...
[22 replies] Last: O my goodness, thank you so much, you've been so patient and helpful, ... (by halamaker)
Create A Menu and calculation of total amount(Function)
Hi.i'm a beginner to C++.And i have some problem with my C++ program that i need to calculate the total amount for a customer based on how many he/she has order...
[no replies]
by tablo
Sorting Program
Hello, I'm working a programming problem for class. Need help. Prompt the user for the name of an input file. Open and read the first line of this user-speci...
[1 reply] : What exactly do you need help with? The instructions are pretty clear ... (by i like red pandas)
Beginner C++ g
Write your question here.
[no replies]
Error with Template
I keep getting error C3857: 'ListNode::data': multiple template parameter lists are not allowed in VS2012. I am not quite sure what I am doing wrong. Can anyone...
[2 replies] Last: Its a reference to a class called Movie which holds a title and a rati... (by ZedjayCoder)
Char and String together?
Write your question here. Can you use both char and string data types to a specific variable? //example code #include <iostream> #include <cstring> usi...
[no replies]
Employee class with 3 files help with string in Constructor
The first file is the header file and it saying there is an error with the strings so maybe I did something wrong with the strings. There are 3 files a Declarat...
[4 replies] Last: I didn't think about that after putting it in it fixed it. Now I only ... (by OmegaZero69)
Logical Error With c++ Program
I've made a math quiz with three different difficulty levels with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. I appear to be having a logical error wit...
[1 reply] : try using the code tags to make it easier for people to read. Either ... (by Garion)
Need some help with C++ code fragment
For the first question, I am required to write a code fragment that will allow the user to test whether a number is positive, negative, or zero. He wants us to ...
[1 reply] : Your first code snippet would indeed check if a number is positive, ne... (by Garion)
Runtime Error
So I have to write a .cpp file and header file that will compile and pass all of the tests of a test program. The problem is that the program compiles and pas...
[4 replies] Last: Alrighty! I figured it out thanks! So what I did is in the header fi... (by chelseaR)
by kensta
why it doesnt display's anything.. plsss help //Our Creation FILE #include<stdlib.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #def...
[2 replies] Last: is there any problems with this? (by kensta)
by Dall
User input math
Hi there. Let's say one would have the user input a couple of variables, x and y. After that, the user will input a function, you know, with the usual y = 2 + ...
[2 replies] Last: Oh, I'm aware that its 2 + (3*x), I guess it's just an old habbit from... (by Dall)
Basic Calculator - How to terminate the program?
hi, I am trying to write some code to create a basic calculator. That is it will read a number, read an operator, read another number, then do the operation. Th...
[5 replies] Last: looks like booradley is right; so here is something that is not good b... (by closed account G30GNwbp)
Found a Typo here.
There should probably be a simple Contact form so I don't have to make a thread. But the typo is on this page. Thi...
[1 reply] : Those articles are independently submitted by users so there will prob... (by Computergeek01)
by rubait
How To Find String Length
function to find the length of a string. Decide the parameters and return type yourself: ____ LengthOfString (___________________) The caller function should...
[12 replies] Last: for (int x=0; arr !='\0'; x++) { return (x); } x only exists betwee... (by mobotus)
How to make transpose of matrix and sum of diagonal??????
[1 reply] : Do you mean and h... (by keskiverto)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 3536373839... 69
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