Beginners - December 2013 (Page 36)

Can anybody help me with 2 these problems ? 1) int count = 3; while (count-- > 0) cout << count << " "; the output of this code is 2,1,0 But 2)int co...
[8 replies] Last: x++ increments the value of variable x after processing the current s... (by MikeyBoy)
Swap Function
Does anyone know how to write a swap function? if so please help #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // SWAP FUNCTION PROTOTYPE...
[4 replies] Last: @popup271 I used notepad ++ with the command prompt on windows will it... (by closed account G60iz8AR)
stumped on arrays
I need write a program that inputs no more than 10 values from a program of tree growth. This program will be using arrays. This should show how much the tree h...
[1 reply] : How does an input file look? If the input file has the ten values on ... (by Catfish666)
Debugging a C++ program
Hi, I am new at programming and am completely overwhelmed in my class. Would any one please help show me what/how needs to be debugged in this program? Any help...
[3 replies] Last: Dammned Programmer, I am using Xcode since I only have a mac to work o... (by closed account L6Rz8vqX)
error LNK 2019
a class inherited form another class the book call in an exercise that we need to design a class carType, ihnerited from the class dealer. class carTy...
[13 replies] Last: @alex6es EDIT: Regarding the OP's question - you don't need to prefix... (by NPcomplete)
by mgo
Programm works only with breakpoint.
Hello, i'm pretty new to c++ and tried to play around a bit with SDL, but i got already stuck on my first application. First of all, my code: #include <ios...
[3 replies] Last: Welp, I'm stumped. (by helios)
by Ingek
Please help function class to main
We have a members function in our class: void Graph::Shortest_Path(vector<double>& dist) { .......(here is what it does) } But now we have a problem tr...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you ShodanHo! (by Ingek)
vector merging
What did I do wrong here I want to merge 2 vectors to 1 vector, and order them from the smallest number to the biggest. #include<iostream> using namespace...
[2 replies] Last: thank you. (by Alban Gashi)
by Fangel
Need Help choosing a compiler.
I'm going to start learning C++ with tutorials on this forum's website. Which C++ compiler would you suggest to start learning this language on beginners' leve...
[1 reply] : Choose good IDE/editor as well. this might be a start http://www.subli... (by codewalker)
simple function call not working, any ideas?
Getting expected primary-expression before 'char', why? #include <iostream> #include <math.h> using namespace std; bool IsVowel (char Ch) { s...
[2 replies] Last: I figured it out Its not necessary to declare functions' arguments' o... (by AlabasterFox)
Beginner C++ Projects(games preferably)
What are some good projects for a person who just finished learning c++ and allegro? I would prefer games but any suggestions would work.
[2 replies] Last: Try starting with some simple game for which the coding seems "obvious... (by rodiongork)
write neg and pos numbers
im supposed to create a program that reads in a list of integers from the terminal and writes the negative numbers to one file and the positive numbers to anoth...
[1 reply] : its not writting the negative numbers Do you mean they are not writt... (by rodiongork)
Integer Occurences
Hello there,I have this piece of code that outputs the occurrences of an integer. int Array ; int Value; int intOccur=0; cout << "Enter 25 integers ...
[1 reply] : You could do something like this: #include <iostream> #include <limi... (by xismn)
Array, pointer return types of function
Please check the following function, is it right? unsigned int* mul_arr(unsigned int arr_1 , unsigned int arr_2 ) { int i; unsign...
[1 reply] : you can't return a local variable from function. After the function ca... (by codewalker)
by MaxCU
Hello! I am nearly a beginner in programming and need some help with the following: I wrote a program which writes the calculated values into a text file. ...
[no replies]
multiplication arrays
Multiplication of arrays unsigned int trans_val_1 ; unsigned int trans_val_2 ; unsigned int mix_arr_0 ; unsigned int perm_arr_0 ; perm_arr_0 = trans_val...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <valarray> int main() { // http://e... (by JLBorges)
C++ Functions And Arrays
Okay I'm having trouble deciphering this program and how to do it. I've been tasked with adding code to implement function "search", which accepts an integer ar...
[1 reply] : Hello, I am noticing that you aren't acutally using your search funct... (by ritstudent)
High low temperatures. Error on high temp?
I have two functions here. one that records the average high temperature of the year and the other one that gets the highest temperatore of the year. When im ru...
[1 reply] : What error are you getting? 1. I don't believe that you can explicitl... (by ritstudent)
by mabbia
points of circle
i want to write a program that determine if a point (a,b) lies on the circle, inside the circle or outside the circle. center and radius are given..plz help me...
[2 replies] Last: Adding to what ShodanHo said: (by ritstudent)
Please Help me with this function
I am trying to get this function to work for a Tic Tac Toe game that I have written. I think the problem is in computer_move function. I think I might be going ...
[1 reply] : Hello bpedigo , Here is my feedback: 1. You are setting comp_col ... (by ritstudent)
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