by mohammed1112
sorting list in ascending order
[3 replies] Last: Here's the example you're looking for: (by yulingo)
by potatoeSalad
Nested for loops!
[3 replies] Last: For a while I thought that after the first IF statement you would move... (by potatoeSalad)
by fahmankhan75
Reading numbers from strings
[10 replies] Last: "red pandas." As you said so, I did fix that getline and used the cin... (by fahmankhan75)
by jshm415
Blackjack C++
[1 reply] : As for the immediate reason for crash: Lines 198-204: if (split == 0)... (by JockX)
by jstew07
Array project
[4 replies] Last: jstew07 - have you used C++ before? You forgot quite a few things. Fi... (by MatthewRock)
by vincent0777
Sentinel Loop
[5 replies] Last: huh... im confused. for some reason the overtime wage was actually cal... (by vincent0777)
Help with allegro. |
[3 replies] Last: A ton of tutorials: The A... (by Mats)
Debugging |
[5 replies] Last: More info if you're interested. (by booradley60)
by mohammed1112
error unresolved external symbol
[5 replies] Last: Thank you all now its working but i have question if i want to asce... (by mohammed1112)
by bknick24
study guide help
[8 replies] Last: Arg. Sorry (by i like red pandas)
by Xesna
Classify Numbers Again?
[1 reply] : You'll have to store the numbers in an array or a vector which you the... (by yulingo)
by kennyp5792
Arrary Coding
[4 replies] Last: You'll have to add some code. and you're probably better off writing a... (by yulingo)
by Emma Naylor
How do I write my own min and max functions?
[2 replies] Last: My instructor helped me a lot on this but I was also told this. Thanks... (by Emma Naylor)
by fahmankhan75
Stack error on variable corrupted? explaination please
[3 replies] Last: If you are trying to represent months from 1 to 12 with an array with ... (by yulingo)
Pseudocode for a game |
[3 replies] Last: Thank you! That really helped! (by closed account L6Rz8vqX)
by clarkkent
User input to determine the head of linked list
[8 replies] Last: Not sure how the program should be set up but right now the reason you... (by heebleworp)
by Jnelson21
Arrays homework question
[3 replies] Last: I had a bad edit in there for a couple seconds, make sure you look at ... (by booradley60)
by ngc64
Error LNK2019 and truncation (tips?)
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much. I knew it was something simple I was overlooking! (by ngc64)
by icebreath123
The differences between a++ and ++a
[10 replies] Last: cire you're right: It was a cut and paste error. Thanks for catching ... (by kooth)
by powerIien
Using main to immediately call another function?
[2 replies] Last: I would say no personally, but if you make the other function at least... (by kevinkjt2000)