Beginners - December 2013 (Page 34)

sorting list in ascending order
hi all if i want to sort my list in ascending order how can i do it #ifndef ORDLIST_H #define ORDLIST_H #include<iostream> using namespace std; te...
[3 replies] Last: Here's the example you're looking for: (by yulingo)
Nested for loops!
I'm having troubles understanding how this program works.. I didn't make this program, it was given as study material for an upcoming test! I was hoping that s...
[3 replies] Last: For a while I thought that after the first IF statement you would move... (by potatoeSalad)
Reading numbers from strings
Just need help getting started on my assignment. Never tried this procedure before but is it possible I can store numbers in strings and read numbers from strin...
[10 replies] Last: "red pandas." As you said so, I did fix that getline and used the cin... (by fahmankhan75)
Blackjack C++
Hello, I am making a blackjack simulation game in C++. I am currently working on the part of the program that lets a player split his card. Before playing a...
[1 reply] : As for the immediate reason for crash: Lines 198-204: if (split == 0)... (by JockX)
Array project
I have an array assignment for beg. programming, but he did not give any instructions, or explanation of purpose of the program. Just a list of C++ logic. I get...
[4 replies] Last: jstew07 - have you used C++ before? You forgot quite a few things. Fi... (by MatthewRock)
Sentinel Loop
Write a program to process weekly employee time cards for all employees of an organization. Each employee will have three data items: the employee's name, the h...
[5 replies] Last: huh... im confused. for some reason the overtime wage was actually cal... (by vincent0777)
Help with allegro.
Any tips on how i should start Allegro... I have the bin/include/lib files but i need help to start out with it! #include <allegro.h> ~ Thanks ...
[3 replies] Last: A ton of tutorials: The A... (by Mats)
Hi. I am having difficulty with seeing or interpreting the errors in this program. Any help with showing how/what needs to be fixed would be appreciated! Tha...
[5 replies] Last: More info if you're interested. (by booradley60)
error unresolved external symbol
hi all i have big problem can you help me please , i have a dynamic list //ordlist.h #ifndef ORDLIST_H #define ORDLIST_H #include<iostream> using nam...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you all now its working but i have question if i want to asce... (by mohammed1112)
study guide help
So, I have a final to take for C++ tomorrow and I have a few questions on the study guide that I can not figure out, if anyone can give me some answers to them ...
[8 replies] Last: Arg. Sorry (by i like red pandas)
by Xesna
Classify Numbers Again?
This code was given to me by swejnc , but with some modifications 'cause I'm trying to display every number the user inputs (to which I haven't figured how to ...
[1 reply] : You'll have to store the numbers in an array or a vector which you the... (by yulingo)
Arrary Coding
If anyone can help i am unsure how to make an array for the months so that when you input the number the actual month is put out in its place. ??? #inclu...
[4 replies] Last: You'll have to add some code. and you're probably better off writing a... (by yulingo)
How do I write my own min and max functions?
I know I need to use a for loop and compare it to each item in my array, but I am unsure how to set the min and maximum by doing this. All I have right now is t...
[2 replies] Last: My instructor helped me a lot on this but I was also told this. Thanks... (by Emma Naylor)
Stack error on variable corrupted? explaination please
Stack around the variable storehighlowtemp corrupted. First of all, what does this error even mean? To start of I have made a two dimensional array that will s...
[3 replies] Last: If you are trying to represent months from 1 to 12 with an array with ... (by yulingo)
Pseudocode for a game
Hi! The game is a guessing game. Computer outputs a riddle, player inputs the answer. My question is, should I use conditional statements or create a loop fo...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you! That really helped! (by closed account L6Rz8vqX)
User input to determine the head of linked list
I need to create a program where the user is asked to enter two chars which will represent a starting node and and ending node, the program is then supposed to ...
[8 replies] Last: Not sure how the program should be set up but right now the reason you... (by heebleworp)
Arrays homework question
I'm writing a program for class where employee names and pays are read from an input file into arrays. How would I go about writing the code to get this functio...
[3 replies] Last: I had a bad edit in there for a couple seconds, make sure you look at ... (by booradley60)
by ngc64
Error LNK2019 and truncation (tips?)
Can someone tell me where I am going wrong? I have been researching the Error LNK 2019 and I know what that is but I have tried changing the definitions and I c...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much. I knew it was something simple I was overlooking! (by ngc64)
The differences between a++ and ++a
Hello everyone,I would like to ask a question here.What are the differences between a++ and ++a? do{ a++; cout<<a; }while (a < 5); /...
[10 replies] Last: cire you're right: It was a cut and paste error. Thanks for catching ... (by kooth)
Using main to immediately call another function?
Is it okay to use main as just the entry point and immediately skip to another function? Here's an example of what I mean. #include <iostream> using namespac...
[2 replies] Last: I would say no personally, but if you make the other function at least... (by kevinkjt2000)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 3233343536... 69
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