Beginners - December 2013 (Page 33)

Array Help
Can Someone help me with this problem , been breaking my head over it for a while now :) //Problem. The first line of the file "trees1.txt" holds the numb...
[6 replies] Last: Understood. It looks like you have the correct logic to traverse the... (by EtDecius)
Stuck on array sort project!
Okay, what this project is supposed to do is take 6 numbers(money) from an input file, display the numbers, sort them in ascending order, then display the avera...
[1 reply] : you are using your averageNum and sum variables without initializing t... (by Yanson)
by h4ever
generate number
New target: I would like to generate number from sumerizing of the previous numbers like this: // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ...
[4 replies] Last: Topic changed: I would like to generate number from sumerizing of the... (by h4ever)
variable not declared in this scope
I'm basically supposed to find the the average of the course and the individual average and stuff, but I'm stuck on the course average. My other functions work,...
[1 reply] : The first two are simply, describing the error exactly. You are using ... (by Zhuge)
by genxi
Am I using atof wrong?
Hi Everyone, I am attempting to convert a c string to a float number with atof. But for some reason, atof always return an integer, which I really could not fig...
[1 reply] : You are using it correctly. #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #... (by JLBorges)
by tavuk
Can someone explain please?
I'm wondering what loop to use and whatnot to complete the assignment because I don't have the slightest clue. Ten cannibals begin to eat thirty missiona...
[4 replies] Last: - Check if NumberMissionaries==floor(NumberMissionaries). That means t... (by tavuk)
Game Development Engine Troubles
Hey all, I really would love to get involved in C++ GAME developement but can't find any way to install a graphics engine! D: I already know some basic C++ and ...
[1 reply] : There is always SFML: The links a... (by giblit)
by tengh
Please Help! Beginning C++ Through Game Programming Menu Chooser Excercise
I'm going through the book Beginning C++ Through Game Programming and I am dealing with an exercise that wants me to rewrite the menu chooser program that I cre...
[1 reply] : I hope std::strings aren't out of the scope of your learning material:... (by xismn)
Row code C++
Hello, i am beginner here. I wanna ask code in C++ about: >> make row/line code in C++ from THESE OUTPUT: 1) 122333444455555666666 and 2) 1121231...
[5 replies] Last: Okay, it's work, thank you eyenrique (by Ilham Pebry Pratama)
Print out Letters (1,2)
I have made a function that will read a string sentence and output the alphabets. So far I have made two letters. //Image of alphabets const string letters = {...
[23 replies] Last: Manga have been busy lately so didn't have the time to thank you. I di... (by fahmankhan75)
Stack around the variable corrupted?
I get this error: Run-time check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable "city" was corrupted. Please help! What is wrong? When I remove every instance of...
[1 reply] : when you call sizeof() to get your array size, you are getting the num... (by yulingo)
if statement
I am building a game name Othello and my problem is that when i get to b==3 and their is a piece at the location stating b=2; doesn't send my code back up the i...
[no replies]
Writing onto a notepad
Is it possible to use c++ to open a notepad.exe and then have a message read out on the notepad?
[2 replies] Last: Sorry, but your post is a bit unclear: Is it possible to use c++ to ... (by andywestken)
by hdn
Polish notation C++ code
I saw many people have problem with Polish notation code, so I decide to share my "Polish notation Code" (write in C++). Hope this would help someone. This is j...
[no replies]
Help With file output
Hi, I am trying to get this program to write out the inputted information onto the file "parts.txt", however it is filling the .txt file with garbage and huge n...
[no replies]
C++ Functions And Arrays Part 3
I'm need to make a remove function that removes the first occurrence of the passed integer value, if found, and shift each following element to the left and add...
[no replies]
Search function in array?
I have been trying to figure this out for 2 days and I keep getting errors, and I am just about to lose it haha. My teacher says to "Add code to implement f...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks so much for the help guys, I keep getting an error on the brack... (by wink91wink)
debug error
the pennies variable is being used without being initialized. I cant see the error. I'm getting an error #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> usin...
[3 replies] Last: input_coins() takes integer values as arguments, which means that take... (by heebleworp)
Stats class array problems
I have 3 files of a Rainfall/Stats class and I am having problems with array, it is not getting the input and making the total,average,etc not work and giving t...
[2 replies] Last: yeah after a couple of min I saw that and changed a few other lines no... (by OmegaZero69)
error C2451: conditional expression of type 'std::basic_string<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc>' is illegal
i am making a perimeter/area code that first asks which shape the user would like to find... i am pretty sure that my issue is that im using string incorrectly....
[2 replies] Last: that did the trick :D thank you. i never remember that double equal op... (by vincent0777)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 3132333435... 69
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