Beginners - December 2013 (Page 32)

hit enter as an answer
ok so i have a do- while loop and I'm trying to format it so when the user types a y or just leaves it blank and hits the enter button it gives a true statement...
[11 replies] Last: @ i like red pandas There was nothing wrong with your answer -- you s... (by Duthomhas)
String Subsript Error
I have been looking over my code for half an hour and yet still cant seem to find the "string subscript error." I'm mostly concentrating on my "row variable," b...
[5 replies] Last: Boras, thank you for the code you provided. I will definately look at ... (by fahmankhan75)
by Cmd
Can some on help me ):
Hello everyone can anyone help me with this question i know it looks easy but i don't understand functions the question : Write function totalOdd(in...
[6 replies] Last: The for loop should be from x up to and including y. Thus, totalEven w... (by i like red pandas)
Point of sale system
How to manage the codes on adding inventory, orders and view the sales? Having troubles on the codes. Pls help!
[no replies]
Error LNK2019 (cant find the missing Link)
Hello and thank you for your time. I am currently very new to programming and attempting to work through the book " Muli-threaded Game Engine Design I am ...
[3 replies] Last: congrats you found the missing link ;) (by coder777)
Help! Program terminating early :(
My program is building and running, but the program terminates after the input without going into the if else section, and nothing is outputted. I'm not sure ho...
[6 replies] Last: Hmm...that didn't seem to do anything, but thank you for the suggestio... (by jstew07)
Bubble Sort function
Do you know how to do this bubble sort function with these words india xray charlie foxtrot alpha echo golf delta bravo hotel ? if so, please help #include <f...
[2 replies] Last: Thats what I cant try to figure out I cant translate can you please he... (by closed account G60iz8AR)
Help determining output
Working on an exam review. We know that the output is 7, 11, 14, but we're having difficulty figuring out why. If someone could help explain/walkthrough this, t...
[1 reply] : You are calling mf(ma , &ma , &ma ), hope you have noticed the order o... (by cityhunter)
program structure using a makefile
Currently my program is structured like: program/ makefile main.cpp ...cpp_files ...header_files resources/ images/ ......
[1 reply] : i think i migfht of found the answer with VPATH in my makefile SRC_PA... (by metulburr)
how to use user-defined namespaces in another file?
Write your question here. //filex.cpp namespace xxx {int x = 5;} //file.cpp //and here i want to use the filex.cpp namespace xxx ... using n...
[4 replies] Last: In your namespace you only declare variables. You cannot give them a v... (by Mats)
by BDD
client /server
Hi top coders I was wondering if anyone can help me locating the header file in which is contained read(int, char*, int) and write(int, char*, int). I included...
[1 reply] : These are the only ones i know of (by Yanson)
Is there a way to exit an 'if' statement on condidtion?
I have an if statement that I want the program to exit if a condition is met: for(j=0;j<10;j++) if((syndrome ==hmatrix ) && (syndrome ==hmatrix ...
[3 replies] Last: you can not do : if(j == 10) { // nothing } else { //code... } ... (by density)
by Kamman
Else without previous if error
Write your question here. Hello, I am new to C++, but i have learned the basics. im trying to find a way to ask if the person inputted the right thing, if so, ...
[2 replies] Last: Tanks Chervil! That indeed fixed the problem. im actually going to use... (by Kamman)
Reading int's from bin file.
So i have been trying to read integers from a .bin file with no success. I have this code: int main() { ifstream file;"integer_numbers.bin...
[3 replies] Last: Alright i got it to work, instead of having the .bin file in the .exe ... (by Solicio)
Help with reference "&"
Hi, I'm learning C++ by my own with book "Programming:Principles and practice using c++" (I know something about C). I can't understand the meaning of "&"...
[3 replies] Last: i'm assuming you know about funtions int multiply(int a, int b) { ... (by Cronnoc)
Which header file to use
Can someone tell me which header file i need to use with this code. i am getting an error when i compile it. Thanks. My include consist of #include <iostream> a...
[3 replies] Last: is it sad that the only thing i looked at was if the pi decimals were ... (by Cronnoc)
Distance from Numbers
How can I write in the conditions of If some group of numbers between some of two numbers? Thanks. if ( SomeVariable == SomeNumber till SomeNumber) ...
[1 reply] : You use loops for that. Google "for loop". (by MatthewRock)
reading data into 2d array
I know that you can input multiple items at a time cout<<"Enter length and width: "; cin>>length>>width; but is it possible to read data like that into an...
[1 reply] : What you have looks correct to me you could do this cout<<"Enter row... (by Yanson)
loop counting
I'm having trouble counting each individual grade in a loop. Like how many A's, B's, etc. but I can get it to count all of the grades. Any help would be awesome...
[6 replies] Last: oh man your're a life saver! Thank you! (by GnarlyMartian)
Organizing my output
I am having some issues organizing my output and would appreciate some tips on how to fix it. #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> ...
[1 reply] : #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fs... (by Yanson)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 3031323334... 69
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