Beginners - December 2013 (Page 30)

How do I use "new" this way? Is it even possible?
Say I want to deal with an array of pointers to functions that take no arguments and return no arguments. I can declare an array of such pointers like so: voi...
[6 replies] Last: @Catfish it breaks at grammar level even without taking initializers i... (by Cubbi)
by Flynn
help me !!
Please help me with this problem ยป " Write down a program which reads lines of input from keyboard until you enter a blank line. After reading the lines ...
[4 replies] Last: thanks a ton :-) (by Flynn)
cin with an array
I have put a bunch of words from a text file into array1, then separated the letters and sorted them into alphabetical order. What i want to do now is put them ...
[1 reply] : Line 17 has cin >> " "; The string " " is a constant, you can't read... (by Chervil)
Console RPG storyline
Working on a fairly simple console RPG as a test project for what I've learned so far. I've got the majority of the classes I'll need developed and the combat ...
[11 replies] Last: When you go 2d... I strongly recomend sfml. Making a mini map with thi... (by Manga)
Need help on Dice Game!
Rather than flame me, please give me constructive criticism as Im very new to programming and still in the learning phase. My objective: make a dice game whe...
[7 replies] Last: Dont forget: this is my first program. I know what an array is but don... (by Lansana)
Facing trouble while installing g++ from cygwin
Hi, I know this might be off the topic/forum area but I am desperately trying to resolve a problem when I am trying to install g++ from Cygwin on wndows7. T...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks all. I finally got it working :-) Hope I'll post actual C++ que... (by patkipramod)
Adding Forever?
I am taking a c++ tutorial on and was asked to write a program that reads two numbers from the user and adds them together using one function to ge...
[6 replies] Last: I think your program is True (by CongDao)
Getting question in loop according to user input
Write your question here. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; void choice(int area, string name) { switch (area) ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for your help. I have found a work around without using the ... (by Accuracy)
hi there, just testing set_teminate() but i dont see what's wrong here.. i would expect the message to be displayed but the program just crashes without showin...
[5 replies] Last: thank you (by ardengo)
by zus75
smoothing function
hi, I have to write a function that gets values from a main programm and I have to return a smoothed value. this is what I thought it should be, but somehow the...
[1 reply] : I'm confused sorry mate. None of this looks like mathematics to smooth... (by mutexe)
Creating/Deleting pointers to class in if statement
This may sound dumb but I have a project where I need to create and delete pointers in if/else statements. Is it possible? It's basically regarding manager's...
[1 reply] : Not 100% sure what you're asking, but it seems like you want to clone ... (by sargon94)
cout and flushing the buffer
I'm doing an exercise with 'cout' and flushing the buffer. Upon reading in the forums, I came across this post: Most streams by default are line buffered wh...
[1 reply] : Generally cout and cin are tied together, so that using cin caus... (by cire)
How do I use system("CLS") without using system("CLS")?
Beneath is my (almost) completed first C++ project (self-made). As you see in my main_page function, I try to have a sort of main screen introducing the game, t...
[3 replies] Last: @DTS: That shows him how to clear the screen, but not how to keep his ... (by sargon94)
Virtual Key Codes( 3 Days to go for project Submission)
Hi all, i am making a keylogger application. I have successfully stored almost every key to Log file using Virtual Key Codes mentioned at http://msdn.mic...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks yulingo and MattewRock for your replies and help. i am done wi... (by programmerx)
Working with graphics
So I've been learning c++ for some time now, and I'm really waiting for the use of graphics. Back when I used Game Maker, I would create my own sprites in Photo...
[1 reply] : Get a lib like SFML. sf::Texture texture; texture.loadFromFile("you... (by Disch)
Binary Tree Help
I am writing program to insert elements of list to Binary Tree. These are the code from three files of project. I am using IDE code::blocks. TreeNode.h File ...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks (by zishanhyder)
shifting in arrays elements
i have data_word = {0x63}; I want data_word_lsb = 3; // got incorrect value "0x30" instead of "3" data_word_msb = 6; // got right value "6" in fol...
[2 replies] Last: thanks coder777 (by amitk3553)
by zhen07
Help with a program about reordering inventory
I need help trying to figure out how to read in a master inventory fi le that contains product ID number, short name with a maximum length of 20 characters, ...
[2 replies] Last: I'll give you a high level walkthrough: First you would create a prod... (by i like red pandas)
by ejcpp
I NEED HELP QUICK. I need help with this assignment, it's due by midnight. This is what i have to do: In addition to the existing main() function you will have ...
[4 replies] Last: thank you so much (by ejcpp)
question about "protected" member functions and derived class access
I don't agree with the compiler that what I'm doing is an error: in dma.h class abstractDMA { private: char* label; int rating; protected: cons...
[6 replies] Last: I think it's too permissive actually, I'd only allow access from the s... (by Cubbi)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 2829303132... 69
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