Beginners - December 2013 (Page 29)

If conditional statement won't run.
Hi, I'm making a program that converts inifx to postfix and then calculates the expression. But, for some reason my if statements dont run. It compiles, but th...
[2 replies] Last: yup facepalm moment. I put 1 < postfix.length() in the for loop instea... (by chiedozie)
by tavuk
Please help improve my code.
End of the year project completed! I'm so happy and proud. I'm wondering if there is away to make it more efficient and organized. Also is there a way to fix th...
[2 replies] Last: If you really want to make it better, try using classes to organize yo... (by IceThatJaw)
Pointer/Offset notation help
Hello all I'm having trouble with this program. I'm suppose to print out an array of 5 numbers then square them. I did that. But then I'm suppose to do it again...
[3 replies] Last: but pointer offset is basically just doing something like this cout ... (by Garion)
File seeking DLL issue, not functioning correctly.
Hello, I recently moved from using the rather primitive Game Maker tool, and I'm trying to port some of my old works into C++. I have a little experience in C+...
[no replies]
by tavuk
files and arrays, help
I'm lost about how I'm suppose to do certain things in this task, which i have made bold: A file contains the following as the first line. 15 11 68 85 4...
[12 replies] Last: I use Microsoft visual studios. return bool (in); worked! Oh and... (by tavuk)
If and else fail
Hello, i'm making a form of 'Quiz' program, with a menu and a point system. But, my promblem is that whenever i answer a question, the answer wil allways be c...
[4 replies] Last: ok you should not be using the .h version of these header files. So us... (by Mats)
debuging error help
Hey guys i'm working on some application and when i try to debug i get this msg "there were build errors, would you like to run the last successful build? now m...
[3 replies] Last: Little side-note here, most IDEs save automatically when you attempt t... (by sargon94)
by Nebur
Vector difference?
I am trying to write a function, that given 2 sorted vectors v1 and v2, returns a sorted vector with the elements of v1 that are not on v2. The code computes...
[13 replies] Last: Wow the code worked! Thank you so much for helping me this much, you ... (by Nebur)
by Nefri
Allocate 2d array of strings
Hello if i have 2d array of strings, how can i allocate first field ? and i need from this const int width = 5; string array ; make this const int wid...
[13 replies] Last: thank you :) (by Nefri)
by tavuk
Can't figure it out.
I only want the number of cannibals to decrease if the number of missionaries decrease by a whole number. Ex.30 missionaries, 10 cannibals. 29 Missionaries, 9 c...
[4 replies] Last: I get it know, thank you so much. (by tavuk)
by Komodo
Program I been making
So I have been making this 21 game, not finished yet and I know I need to make some changes to the aces and what not, but for right now I am stuck on the rand()...
[3 replies] Last: Still need help ;(. Haven't figured it out yet. (by Komodo)
Hello i am learning c++, im trying to understand some codes, it has lots of #includes ...., what does it mean? what does this #include... do? #include <cas...
[4 replies] Last: Thanx everyone! (by fatisati)
Select a line of text and delete it
How can I select a specific line, maybe based on the description such as "Pants" or by the entry number and delete that line? Thanks to ALL that read this. ...
[2 replies] Last: That's COOOOOOL!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!! (by jlpurnell)
Why does it keep going??? (kbhit())?
My program is too big to put here, but this is basically the problem. The user must press J to interact, and it is supposed to wait for every single time J is p...
[3 replies] Last: it makes perfect sense. its because kbhit is unbuffered input (i belie... (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
Array function
Do you know how to solve/fix this array ? if so please help ! #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; void printArr( int a , int cnt...
[1 reply] : You'll have to write a for loop for each function to iterate through t... (by yulingo)
reading items from a file and sorting using quick sort
hi there, I am new for c++. I was working on a small program that requires to read items from a text file and print out the sorted list using quicksort. The...
[3 replies] Last: You change the order of the years in the same place as you change the ... (by yulingo)
Plz Help! newbie stuff about pointers
Write your question here. Why does the program work onle when i remove the * before c on line 9, i don't understand how does it make sense under this circumsta...
[1 reply] : b is type pointer-to(pointer-to-int) c is type pointer-to-int This ma... (by heebleworp)
String Sentence Letter Replace
Im trying to replace any instance of the letter x with a space. The code only works for the first word, however. Is there a way that I can get it to replace any...
[5 replies] Last: Yea I have other instances of cin>> in other functions By clearing t... (by jose4001)
what's the difference
look at cout.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield) and cout<<setprection<<fixed. I'm just giving an example , I want to know what's the difference bet...
[2 replies] Last: oh thank you , so it's the same assuming I included " using namespace ... (by Cutefriendzoned)
by n0w4y
hi, i feel dumb for asking .. but i'm a very beginner ! i'm trying to make a program that keep taking integer numbers from user and calculate the positive and...
[4 replies] Last: Well if you do the code that you just mentioned, your while loop could... (by Lansana)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 2728293031... 69
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