Beginners - December 2013 (Page 28)

counting loops
I need to put it as so i can count how many loops happend. I need to keep using the formula "totalAmount = amount + (amount * rate)" until i get a number that i...
[1 reply] : /* Program: $5,000.00 or more Date: 12/14/13 Descri... (by Cody0023)
Excel or CSV output help
I'm attempting to output float values from a two dimensional array into either a csv or Excel file. The long term goal actually involves exporting multiple two ...
[5 replies] Last: they want the automated organizational features available through exc... (by Chervil)
Hello. I made an framework (Boost-based), but I have the following problem: if an variable is something do something, if is another something do another th...
[11 replies] Last: IQChange - write a chapter of a book that I showed to you - it has a r... (by MatthewRock)
c++ Arrays
Hello :) i'm trying to make an integer array of an unknown size with unknown elements and so fare have come up with the following code. but i keep running int...
[2 replies] Last: thank you very much :) (by CanOpener)
SDL partner
Hey guys.i am learning SDL these days.the thing is i just don't know how to apply what i learn into a real game. So it would be very grateful if someone can ...
[1 reply] : Well, I am also learning SDL. If you want, you can send me a message, ... (by MatthewRock)
Loops and intrest
Task: Write a program to calculate how many years it will take for the money in your savings account to be worth $5,000.00 or more, if it pays 7.5% interest com...
[2 replies] Last: Well, you haven't done anything yet. Try to think about algorithm(a li... (by MatthewRock)
use of a singleton
I've been reading a SDL dev book and came across them using a singleton for the texture manager. This is the first time i have ever heard of it though. Goog...
[2 replies] Last: People don't like the singletons, because they feel like global variab... (by MatthewRock)
Access objects from .cpp other than main
Is there a way to access an object (or a pointer to an object) which was created inside main.cpp, from another .cpp file, for another class? Right now the way ...
[2 replies] Last: So from my understanding of what I just read I should be using pointer... (by dmpaul26)
difference between | and ||
|| is used for logic operations normally used in if statement but what is | is it same as | if we write if (3||4) and than if (3|4) are both statements same ano...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you :) (by Sharan123)
by binf
Hello :D
Can anybody help me to write a program to print series of odd numbers starting from (m) and as long as the printed numbers are smaller than or equal to the give...
[1 reply] : void printOddInRange(int m, int n) { for i from m to n { // for num... (by i like red pandas)
Compiling .cpp file with Intel C++ Compiler error
Hi Everyone, I've only been playing around with C++ for 2 days now. I've started creating a small program in Visual Studio 2013 which compiled fine. I howeve...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks this seems to have solved my issue (by devedse)
Should I convert like this..
for example I want to convert from long long to long double but this does not work.. long long x; static_cast<long double>(x);
[1 reply] : long long x; long double y{x}; (by closed account G30GNwbp)
Can't add 2 numbers from different objects
I have two objects each has a number..I wanna add these numbers using operator+ overloading Thnx in advance :)
[4 replies] Last: Great..thnx :) (by MichaelFikry)
by Blank
change for a dollar game. so basically you input the number of coins you have for pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters which has to add to a dollar float ...
[4 replies] Last: @shadowcode56 thanks man i appreciate the help (by Blank)
Declaring and using static variables in a class
I am having a great deal of trouble declaring two static variables outside of a class. They are to be used in every class an are static. I am trying to initiali...
[1 reply] : // #include <iostream.h> #include <iostream> // #include <stdlib.h> ... (by JLBorges)
Why have to put prototypes and structure in every file using it in a program?
Can I understand it that way the prototypes and structures have the internal linkage by default?
[3 replies] Last: This is an error: extern int a; static int a = 10; http://coliru.sta... (by JLBorges)
Help with bubblesort program
I need to create a bubble sort program that will read a text file with 100 integers in it, bubble sort it, and output a text file with it sorted as a 10x10 tabu...
[3 replies] Last: With a help of a buddy of mine we were able to figure out how to get i... (by StarkTargaryen)
Getting a Minor Error! Help!
So i have written this for a school assignment. I am doing everything fine except I get this error. #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <...
[3 replies] Last: Here I modified the indentation to aid legibility. void column(int da... (by Chervil)
Need help understanding reference used in a self called function loop.
Hi, I need help understanding the reference &b used in function in this example: #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; void someFunc...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for explaining Smac89 , I had a friend explain to me detail... (by devezone)
by Garion
Clearing CIN/COUT
I was trying to make a simple program that would accept strings of input then ignore any input after a delimiting character. I've probably misinterpreted the f...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, it makes a lot more sense now. I wasn't quite sure which t... (by Garion)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 2627282930... 69
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