Beginners - December 2013 (Page 27)

What is "Run-Time Check Failure #2"?
The problem happened in line 32. Whenever it reaches the code "return 0", the following error appear. Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable...
[1 reply] : You're stepping out of bounds of your 'students' array. Remember that... (by Disch)
c++ self learning material!!!HELP
I have been studying c++ for more than 1 month. I have learned upto randomizing programs now learning arrays. Please anyone can provide me some good self-studyi...
[3 replies] Last: I'm in a similar boat and find Stephen Prada's book C++ Primer Plus to... (by EtDecius)
Question about functions
I've got a quick question about functions. I'm working on passing two variables through a function, which is working, I'm just noticing something.. #inclu...
[2 replies] Last: Ah! Thank you so much ats15, it was definitely confusing me. (by Protomega)
enter new record
program that consists of structure/s and file/s. The structure can store the following information about a customer account for a credit card company. Name Ad...
[2 replies] Last: my coding my im not sure either it correct or not. #include <iostream... (by nillynn)
using looping ?
Search for a particular customer's record and delete it.
[1 reply] : What is the question? (by ats15)
Problems with Partially Filled Char Array
I am trying to create a character array as a first step in a function that deletes repeated characters from the array. However, after I cin the first character,...
[3 replies] Last: One of your other problems is you are referencing foo in a for loop... (by Protomega)
Make Shapes With Arrays??
I'm trying to write a program where the user selects one of six shapes to be made with whatever character they desire but I've ran into a bit of the problem wit...
[1 reply] : I'm not a fan of just giving answers to problems, so I won't give you ... (by Protomega)
Need help with c++ question
I am really new to c++, this may be an easy program for some, but i don't know how to do the tests part. Here is the question.... --"Write a “Class Averag...
[1 reply] : I'm confused on what you mean by the "test parts"? (by Protomega)
by Kamman
Not repeating, not generating random numbers...
alright, so im making a dice game, and this is my code. i have 2 problems. first of all, its not repeating it five times. Second of all, my random numbers stay ...
[5 replies] Last: I'll try to explain rand / srand for you. When dealing with computers ... (by Yanson)
Help with void calculation
I probably just need to fix the if statements. But anyways, when I compile, the fedTax always ends being something like -0.00000000001293844... Any tips would b...
[2 replies] Last: Line 4: should be comparison operator== instead of assignment opera... (by OxBADC0DE)
help with string hw
I did half of it, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to code Excercises 1, 5, and 6. Any help would greatly be appreciated! Exercise 1. Write t...
[no replies]
Need real help
Alright, to start with, i know i totally suck at this but i need help. I am supposed to write a program in which a user enters an amount of "$" and it will calc...
[2 replies] Last: username: Yanson, you are awsome thanks!!!!!!!! (by moodle2drajner)
Vector of objects not updating outside of function
What I'm trying to do is initialize a vector of objects, pass the vector to a function, then initialize a new object with a constructor. After setting the objec...
[8 replies] Last: Don't return vector, and don't create vector inside menu. Okay. What... (by redunne2)
no output from program
I swear that I'm going crazy here. I've been working on a program and noticed that changes I was making to the program were not occurring. So I put st...
[3 replies] Last: Ah std::endl does the trick. I still think this is weird after the pr... (by rozick1)
Console stuff
Hello. I've two questions, but I'll explain them: I made an project, not that simple, but simple (console). I want a cross-platform app, but two things are "kil...
[3 replies] Last: Hello, and thanks! But I think that @whitenight1 forgot something: I... (by iQChange)
by rvrst
Array Help
I'm trying to create a loop in order to fill my array with character values. But for some reason, during my loop it gives me two errors: 1. Telling me that vari...
[2 replies] Last: I'm not sure how I missed that.. Very much appreciated. thanks! (by rvrst)
files and streams
Can someone explain write to it part of the program const int MAX = 100; //size of buffer int buff ; //buffer for integers int main() { for(int j=...
[19 replies] Last: It depends what exact changes you have made. I took the code posted ea... (by Chervil)
Selection Sort function
How do you do a selection sort in this function with these words india xray charlie foxtrot alpha echo golf delta bravo hotel ? if so please help ! #include ...
[1 reply] : You're not really asking a question. But here is an article on this s... (by closed account G30GNwbp)
program not doing what it should
Hei! So i found my problem with endless printing in my program, but the result is still not right. It should print out 1729 (12^3 + 1^3 = 9^3 + 10^3), but it do...
[3 replies] Last: oh you're doing cubes in the for loop and I guessed you're trying to s... (by Mats)
need a little help
Heyy! :) I just started learning programing and there is a little assigment that i need to do, but i cant figure out why my program is not doing what it should ...
[4 replies] Last: lol Your program keeps running because the inner loop is forced to exe... (by Cody0023)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 2526272829... 69
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