Beginners - December 2013 (Page 25)

by Edonis
Please Help.
Write a program that accepts the input from the keyboard, and the given sentence will be analyzed and it will display the numbers of vowels: Example: "Giv...
[4 replies] Last: Help us help you: (by xismn)
by Garion
If i use Unsigned without explicitly declaring a data type does it always default to integer? I made a short program to show what I mean. Are there any gla...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the response. It appeared that way to me, but sometimes so... (by Garion)
Finals questions! Need help asap
So for my final we are being given a list of questions, and of the 20 questions 5 will appear on the test. My best bet is to answer all of them just to be safe...
[1 reply] : I don't know if I fully understand functions myself either. I think h... (by Garion)
How to play/test program
I am new to Visual C++, and I just wrote my first code, but I don't know how to play or test it.
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. I'll try that. (by acerscout)
a program to store date with structure and print
i wrote this code can somebody check it i am not getting output please help me program #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> struct date { int day; in...
[4 replies] Last: This doesn't check if a date is valid, but it does print out a year of... (by closed account G30GNwbp)
by Math
Pointer array,
Hello everybody. First of all, thanks to everybody who will be kind to help me? I have created a class personne, with a variable (num_pers) which increments...
[2 replies] Last: It doesn't work because every personne will have their own copy of ... (by Catfish666)
by watted
i need help with "sub array with the largest sum"
hi ,I'm new in c++ trying to write function that take " input " array and return " show " the sub-array with the largest sum, for example:{-2,-2,4,-2,5,-3,...
[3 replies] Last: thank you:))) (by watted)
Urgent help
This is a sample of array : int data = {{1,2,3} , {7,6,8} {2,5}} Am I right in this : 1 - The value stored in int data is 17 2 - The value store...
[2 replies] Last: To help you visualize the array, here's a 2D representation: 1 2 3 7... (by i like red pandas)
by Garion
I was reading about the find_first_of() function and I had a question about why it was written in a particular way.
[4 replies] Last: 1 + 4294967295 = 0 1 + -1 = 0 yes -1 and 4294967295 has the same valu... (by tntxtnt)
Result not being displayed
I am writing a program that generates 8 random letters (vowel or consonant to the users choice). It then opens a file of words and checks to see if the letters...
[14 replies] Last: I'm very confused about how you attempted this. Here is a special case... (by Mats)
C++ averages
Ok, im reletivly new to c++ and i need help. I am trying to create a program in which the user is propted to enter the number of tests he wishes to calculate th...
[4 replies] Last: There's a few things that need to be said.. 1)You posted this questio... (by Protomega)
convert int to char
Should this work? unsigned long long int msglength; char message_length = {'(char)msglength'} They have the same amount of bits. It compiles, but ...
[4 replies] Last: thank you both for your help. I'l give that a try. (by Dan Feerst)
Problem Regarding GetAsyncKeyState()
Hi all , I am working on a keylogger application. I have used the function GetAsyncKeyState method to get the key pressed. while(1) { if(GetAsyncKeyS...
[5 replies] Last: When you use Sleep (), you're essentially telling your program to shut... (by sargon94)
urgently need help (while loop)
i keep getting run time error in this program. if I input a the loop still continue but if I put a for the second time, the loop will now stop and I can't figu...
[4 replies] Last: thanks (by xarmzon)
by winzer
can't read the whole file using .eof()
Hi Everyone! I have to write a small program that reads a file, remove the old (|)delimiter and replace them by a new one ( ,) so I can convert the file into...
[3 replies] Last: sorry I have posted the wrong codes. here are the ones that read only ... (by winzer)
by leo255
How do you approach learning new languages?
I know that you can Google something like this, but since C++ was the first language that I really started to learn, and the one that I know best, I thought it ...
[1 reply] : Apply design patterns and good coding practices. Google syntax. Honest... (by i like red pandas)
by Roua
If I don't now the size of the array?!
Write a program that reads integers, finds the largest of them, and counts its occurrences. Assume that the input ends with number 0. Here are sample runs of th...
[2 replies] Last: To expand on that, you declare an array with initial capacity X and le... (by i like red pandas)
how to pause in this simple C program
#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main(void) { float P, Rpct, R, M; int N; printf("\nEnter: Principal, Rate%, No. of year...
[1 reply] : (by mobotus)
Ideas For My Little RPG Game
Hey guys. So I have just finished my first semester of software engineering and Ive learned quite a bit about c++. I am trying to make a little text based rpg j...
[1 reply] : You could look at to start with for a little input validati... (by mobotus)
Am I correct?
Am I right in these two statements? A(n) vector array is like several arrays of the same type put together.. The C++ has no array s ubscript checking,...
[4 replies] Last: Well are you talking about STL container vector std::vector<int> a; ?... (by giblit)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 2324252627... 69
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