by Elenae006
Array errors?
[6 replies] Last: It's not an equation. It's an assignment. There are no equations in... (by Duthomhas)
by Dyrand
Probably a vector problem
[3 replies] Last: I figured out what the problem was, it was a matter of a switching of ... (by Dyrand)
by Fatty527
Reference in constructor
[2 replies] Last: > It says there is an error. > I am confused about it. Would you pleas... (by JLBorges)
Strings Greater then |
[3 replies] Last: > Why is output @world? Undefined behaviour. #include <iostream> us... (by JLBorges)
by hamada147
Need assistance :D
[2 replies] Last: thanks for replaying ^_^ (by hamada147)
by Minato
Program doesn't work
[15 replies] Last: Yes. Thanks a lot. (by Minato)
by gloister
[no replies]
by Garion
File Read/Write Operations
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the replies. The answer would seem to be: "It depends on w... (by Garion)
by Jon44
Can you use a string variable name as an array identifier?
[11 replies] Last: Now the above code is still very long - I actually missed out 274 line... (by Chervil)
by Malaxiz
What is &screen->clip_rect?
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the motivation! I totally forgot that the reference operato... (by Malaxiz)
by Werner2
How can I improve this event handler class?
[no replies]
by PK Willow
Super new at learning C++, what math should I know/be learning?
[5 replies] Last: Theoretical physics? That sounds so cool ~ it's so inspiring to know ... (by PK Willow)
by Sika
how to insert hex value inside an hex char array
[2 replies] Last: All your values are represented by the computer as binary, and hex and... (by yulingo)
by user100
Airline reservation system
[no replies]
by Denny001
help me for switch statement
[10 replies] Last: thanks, mutexe (by Denny001)
by winzer
still having issue with infile.eof() function
[7 replies] Last: Please use [ code] tags. re: FileConverter -- why wait? Remove it no... (by Duthomhas)
by Fatty527
Constructors in derived class
[5 replies] Last: Thank you all so much! Then the problem is solved with your help! Than... (by Fatty527)
by Mr User
dynamic multidimensional array c++ Probleme
[4 replies] Last: Thank You sooooooooo much (all of you) i didn't even notice that (by Mr User)
by Michael 11
Program to swap letters.
[3 replies] Last: Thanks very much Sam Adams. I've run the program and and it works for ... (by Michael 11)
by Harkins1721
Need help with "while", "for", "if" and "else" loops.
[8 replies] Last: ah no sorry dude :) That was just a bit of pseudo. (by mutexe)