Beginners - December 2013 (Page 20)

by izwan
combination loop and function
how to create programming that prompts user 3 question where each question provides 2 different answer. Then, the program recommends a solution based on the ans...
[4 replies] Last: Post what you have even with errors and you will get help. (by Chriscpp)
by aish96
Delete data from a data file
I wrote a code for deleting an entry from a file. The user gives the record number recno1 which needs to be deleted. recno is the total number of records. ...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you very much :D :D (by aish96)
what's the difference between cin.get() and cin.getline()
also suppose I have to arrays or string like in this code char name ; char fakename ; cout<<"Enter your name\n"; cin.get(name,20); // why does thi...
[3 replies] Last: get() method from the istream class reads until it bumped to the new-l... (by rich1)
Need help with do while loops
Okay so I've been getting along with C++ okay so far (came from a java background), but I think I've hit a brick wall and have been doing so for days. I'm try...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much tipaye. Really appreciate the help! (by Callum Mills)
Need help with a Function
Can someone please tell me what is wrong with my function? //Protoype void registration(HANDLE hdl, int x, int y, char str , char errMessage ); /...
[2 replies] Last: Im trying to display Car details by the regNo Here is the code. And ho... (by john78011)
by AmitH
Dynamic array to int array
Hi all, I'm trying to allocate dynamic array (its size will be changed a few times during the program's running) which contains pointers to int arrays. fo...
[13 replies] Last: You helped me out Thanks a lot... (by AmitH)
C++ file problem with endl; and "\n"?
Hello everyone, When I try to make another line in a file using endl; or "\n" it does not work. I don't think it's a problem with my code because I copied an...
[1 reply] : > I am using cygwin to compile. > How do I fix this? There is nothing... (by JLBorges)
by aish96
Deleting a Record in a Data File
How do I go about deleting a record from a data file? I haven't used classes and my textbook only shows me how to delete a record from a data file using objects...
[no replies]
by amjaad
algorithm the user choose the pivot
in this program i want from the user choose if he want the pivot in the first or last ! // // main.cpp // pivot // // Created on 12/18/13. // Copyright (c...
[no replies]
How to write a recommendation program that prompts user with two questions where each question provides two different answers?Then, the program recommends a sol...
[2 replies] Last: No idea at all.. (by cheque90)
Help understanding this assignment
Ok members, so to start it off I have an input data that will look like johsin 85 75 75 93 83 Ansiton 80 90 95 93 63 Cooper 83 82 23 34 24 The assignment as...
[1 reply] : I believe by parallel, it means to match the index of the name to the ... (by Smac89)
by pintee
unresolved external symbol
I' m creating a simple MFC text editor in VS2010 in order to learn C++ and I've hit a bit of a stumbling block.... Specifically, I get the following error in...
[5 replies] Last: Yup! Thanks. (by pintee)
School Code, Base Conversions
Hi everyone, this is my first post on this forum. I am currently writing a program that takes an integer in either base 2, 10, or 16 and converts it into base 1...
[1 reply] : Try this: Declare this array in getanint() or in main or whatever: ... (by i like red pandas)
help :'(
i need help in 'Bitwise operators ( &, |, ^, ~, <<, >> )'
[1 reply] : (by RadWayne)
This works, and I'm THINKING it's bad practice but I want to know why exactly. int main() { using namespace std; char * name = new char; cin >>...
[1 reply] : first of all, you have a memory leak (new without delete) second, whe... (by Cubbi)
by wahhaj
Making the application wait for input
I'm writing a win32 console application in windows 8 using visual studios 2013. The application will get the coordinates of my mouse click anywhere on my scre...
[2 replies] Last: I did some research on hooks and yeah that stuff is way too advanced f... (by wahhaj)
Have a project in mind but need help on where to start
I've taken classes in C++ and would like to continue exploring the subject, however it is difficult to teach oneself coding other than just doing exercises from...
[4 replies] Last: To implement a GUI into your program you'll need to use a graphics lib... (by RadWayne)
by amkans
Question about "else if"
I'm watching a video tutorial for C++, and this is a minor issue because I still got the program to work. But as it was explained to me, typing else if would ma...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you both for your quick replies, I'll be honest and say I'm stil... (by amkans)
Nested Loops, Count up then down...
I was wondering if anyone could help me point out whats wrong with my code. I want to use a nested for loop and have the loop count up like ive done. Only probl...
[3 replies] Last: You can reverse your outer for loop to count down from a larger number... (by yulingo)
I need help with my file stream part of my program.
my dad is trying to start a business and I am writing this program to simulate our profits. I am having trouble when the program tries to read a file back into ...
[2 replies] Last: the input file is exactly what it is reading and writing from the file... (by zedidiah)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 69
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