Beginners - December 2013 (Page 12)

expected ; or , before }, but at the beginning of declaration?
This will look like homework, but it's not. I'm teaching myself C++, and also college Algebra. For the Algebra, I need to count the number of prime factors of a...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. I had forgotten that you need to declare type almost everyw... (by roguemouser)
in C 'rand()' dose not seem to want to spit out the numbers i'd like it to.
Im trying to make a basic game just to test my skills. I googled a function that would generate a random number in C and it seemed to work... but when trying to...
[17 replies] Last: Thank you very much! That seems to have worked greatly! Haha and thank... (by Pmiccich1)
IOMANIP Help! Alligning character symbols
I have a function here that is suppose to output the character sign "*" in a perfectly aligned manner. My probem is that when row 10 starts, my stars shift one ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you Catfish :) (by fahmankhan75)
Quick question about storing values.
I'm writing this drill program to store differences between cities. For some reason the greatest distance or greatest "difference" is always equal to my input...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the help. This new code is kind of difficult to understand ... (by BlueBomberXTJ)
Help with allegro.
I just need to know how to use time in allegro... // code /* Time code */ // next code Amy help will be good, thanks :)
[4 replies] Last: First off it's probably a good idea to load the images ahead of time i... (by Albatross)
by Garion
Passing an object to itself.
Is there any pitfalls or negative consequences to doing something like this. Any ways to safeguard against somebody accidentally calling an object recursivel...
[2 replies] Last: This example was contrived as a simple way to convey the question. I ... (by Garion)
New version
hey so tell me what's the newest version of borland c++ for windows? thank you.
[11 replies] Last: woah thank you guys. and i'm a she @Catfish666 (by AidaVed)
help code c++
please can anyone code this program for me Question: We call the matrix where there is a matrix of zeros perforated so it is stored and the dimensions of the m...
[6 replies] Last: this is my try but in pascal Program test; Const nmax=50; Type ... (by z4all2011)
help convert from pascal to c++
Program test; Const nmax=50; Type Pemat = ^emat; emat=record col:integer; val:real; next:pemat; ...
[no replies]
by mlehto
Simple Question Regarding Functions
I'm just starting to learn c++, and I'm having trouble understanding why this doesnt work. This prints out "1" instead of the actual calculation of "8." Why is ...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int volume (int l, int w, ... (by Chriscpp)
what does x stand for here ? does it matter if I did it this way , or declared then used = ? int *ptr,x;
[10 replies] Last: What Cfz did isn't that bad. Double posting is obnoxious when it t... (by Duthomhas)
by Ionos
Min x
Hello everyone!I need help for something that is more a maths exercise than a programming.So i need to find the min x for this equation x+10^6=x. what i have d...
[6 replies] Last: Please condor type in google numerical analysis and computer epsilon.f... (by Ionos)
fstream project
The program should write and than read it does not read so it can not write i don't understand whats the problem int main() { ofstream infile("Record.t...
[no replies]
Hi there, I just wanted to know what vectors are used for and when they come in handy. Thanks
[2 replies] Last: Oh, that's neat. Thanks (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
enum type
Hey guys , so I've been reading about enum , but I never got what's the point from it ? does programmers use it a lot ? after reading the topic what I learn...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you guys , you helped a lot ^^ (by Cutefriendzoned)
Template Template trouble
How can I write a function that takes as argument a object of a template class ? For example: template<class type> struct simple{}; I tried to write a f...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks dude :) Wouldn't it work to do this ? : template<template<clas... (by Guzfraba)
Optional user data members?
Hello, I'm trying to write a game engine as a library that another application can link to. In the library, there's a class called "Entity". I'd like be a...
[4 replies] Last: > In the application that links to the library, > it might be useful ... (by ne555)
Weird characters when printing a char-array
I am making a program that takes in a word and reverses it. When the word is small say for e.g: Hello, the output is olleH@$ (note the weird symbols). But when ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks dude. What a silly mistake of mine ;o. (by Stormboy)
kbhit()- it's use and alternatives, and input buffer lag
Hello fellow coders, I've been working within the console on the logic of plotting positions, altering positional variables, clearing the screen or area a...
[no replies]
Quick Allegro/C++ Question.
I Just want to know why my program (in windows) sometimes Crashes, well i know the reason: its because of the bitmap(24) image... Any way i can fix that? ...
[3 replies] Last: You are not checking to make sure those bitmaps loaded properly. load... (by Disch)
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