Beginners - December 2012 (Page 49)

overloading extraction operator << as friend of class to display list
Having trouble with this, my prototype looks like this friend void operator<<(ostream& outs, const List& rhs); and my function to implement looks like t...
[7 replies] Last: thank you so much (by nickcplusplus)
C++ GUI Question!
So i know about Qt and win32 API but I'm wondering how professionals make their GUI? I doubt that they go through Qt. Do they make their own library or..? iTun...
[11 replies] Last: wxWidgets has all of the same advantages as Qt, but isn't designed by ... (by Volatile Pulse)
Heyy :L (imma supper noobie)
First of all, i'll like to said HI! to all the awesome people on this forum... :3 second... i have this problem as usual that doesnt make any sense :3 can u guy...
[7 replies] Last: Doh, you are absolutely right. I'm a stickler for details though. :) (by Raezzor)
How to Connect C++ windows form application with mysql
Hai all,, I want to ask how to connect C++ windows form application with mysql,,Iam using Xampp,, please help me,,,
[no replies]
Hi guys! I'm writing sort of a pacman game. up untill now it was based on 2 "Computer players" but now i'm adding another human controled player. the prob...
[no replies]
C++ Video: Duality of Public Inheritance
The seeming innocent public inheritance has a duality in it: inheritance of interface and inheritance of implementation. A software designer needs separate ...
[no replies]
Dice Game
I'm trying to modify a dice game to run a set number of loops and give the total wins and losses. I'm using srand(time(0)) to make it random but most of the tim...
[3 replies] Last: [quote=HellfireXP]Move your srand(time(0)); outside your function and ... (by Volatile Pulse)
by phil94
Freaking Functions
A function of mine reads as follows: int number, count = 0; double, sum = 0; fileName >> number; sum = sum + number; count++; while (!fileName.eof()) { file...
[2 replies] Last: I know you probably know how loops work by now so we will start there.... (by helpplease911)
by carl89
Help with Tic tac toe winner Search
I don't know it is working or not in proper way but Following is my code for winner search function: any help to fix it appreciate. char Checker(){ int i; /...
[4 replies] Last: I accidentally exited the page after I wrote up a good explanation for... (by Volatile Pulse)
How do I insert a 1D array into a 2D arary?
Writing a program that insert a 1d array into a specific spot in a 2d array How do I insert this 1 array? Thank you!
[1 reply] : As far as I'm aware, there's no way to "insert" one array into another... (by Raezzor)
Max Grade Problem
I'm having trouble figuring out how to calculate the highest grade (A,B,C,D) in my GPA program. I have everything else working. #include<iostream> using nam...
[1 reply] : First, please use the code tags (<> button to the right when you post ... (by Raezzor)
Splitting a string by space into array?
Hey. Say I have a string "This is a string" How do I split it into {"This", "is", "a", "string"} ? This is the equivalent of .split() in...
[1 reply] : C++ has a split() function too, but it's part of boost: #include <io... (by Cubbi)
by phil94
I'm having trouble. I was looking at a YouTube video tutorial about passing parameters by value (or by reference). To make this short, I was wondering what it m...
[3 replies] Last: I love you guys so much. Very thorough post, Raezzor. Thanks a million... (by phil94)
by mmfane
Vector of lists of pairs of ints
Hi, I've never seen such nesting of types, but my professor sprung it on us for our final project this semester. He was kind enough to make the code to load ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks. The nested for loop was what I needed. I think I understand ho... (by mmfane)
array problem
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { int x ={2,2,1,3,1,}; int y; y=x +1; cout<<y<<endl; x...
[1 reply] : So the line cout << x[x ] << endl; // Explain how this printed 2 ? ... (by Scorpic)
How do I make a program in c++ that prints on char at a time?
Here is my code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; void beginning() { cout << "H"; sleep(1); cout << "e"; sleep(1); co...
[4 replies] Last: The cout.flush(); fixed my problem, thank you (by dingo25)
Help with finding average
Hello, Im having problems getting the right answer for finding the average high and low temperature on a project. It runs but i know the answer is wrong but can...
[1 reply] : The low should be: 48 The high should be: 61 But my answers are no w... (by closed account z8q4izwU)
Main menu to call on instructions/game
Hey guys so I am making Hangman, I am almost done. I have a menu and the game itself as well as instructions. But the menu and the game are both separate files....
[5 replies] Last: yeah works just as well for c++ (by programmeraie125)
Write a C program to read floating point numbers from a file until the end of file. Assume a maximum of 200. Output the entire array. Replace any number less th...
[1 reply] : I think you would do best to open your course's book and read some cha... (by methodos)
calculate class average function
hi i have to Write a program that reads a student's name, together with his or her test scores for at most 50 students from a file, provided by users of your pr...
[4 replies] Last: any help please (by abdelboch)
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