Beginners - December 2012 (Page 45)

How's this look? loop?
How does this look before I submit? Thanks for reviewing. Question A for loop header that uses a counter variable has the form for (int i = 0; i < n; ...
[9 replies] Last: You're right, repetition is more accurate. The way I said it is the on... (by maeriden)
link list
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class LinkedList{ private: struct node{ int data; node* next; }; node* head; n...
[3 replies] Last: In delete_current() you may call next() after the while loop. Not... (by coder777)
Cstring problems
I am having trouble getting this program to work can someone show me what I am doing wrong? Design, code, and test a function that accepts a pointer to a C-s...
[3 replies] Last: Arrays and pointers are very similar but not the same. Arrays have a ... (by maeriden)
Classes and member functions program.
My Goal: Suppose that the Customer class is going to be expanded to keep track of total year-to-date purchases.Declare data fields, accessors and mutators wh...
[3 replies] Last: I'm still receiving over 25 errors from your code. Make sure you're at... (by Volatile Pulse)
by devinc
Perfect Numbers help
I need help with my perfect numbers program. I have it working how i need it to but it is not displaying the factors correctly. I need it to display the perfect...
[9 replies] Last: Ok I see. Thanks you!! Syntax : 2 n * (2 (n + 1) - 1) So, you ca... (by Imadatobanisa)
User input crashes cmd?
Hello all, I'm new here, and have just recently started programming in C++ at university. I was wondering if you guys could help me with a problem I can't seem...
[2 replies] Last: Oh my god....I can't believe I missed such a tiny thing. >< That's w... (by VictusBcb)
Need help with program for class
So far everything in this program works as it should, except for my "add" class Matrix function. Here's the assignment:
[1 reply] : Nevermind! Sorry, just figured out I was missing a variable ---> m.da... (by angymartinez)
by Tulock
error with strcmp
SO I'm getting an error because of this function. Everything thing in the program worked up till I try to implement this. The error I'm getting is error C...
[9 replies] Last: Did you understand what I was saying about comparing floating point nu... (by TheIdeasMan)
how to create a new row of values in an array?
ive searched the forums and the web cant find what im looking for how do you create a new row of values in an array from user input or cin?
[2 replies] Last: im looking at the tutorials under documentation on this site under Arr... (by krogdin)
by falcor
Need help with rand(). :'(
This has been driving me nuts the past few days, I am supposed to spawn random monsters in a text based game (Win32 App) and have them randomly move one unit (x...
[8 replies] Last: ok got it working, couldn't really understand at first but after going... (by falcor)
Nodes and stuff.
Ok. I have spent several hours today reading about and trying to understand nodes. And it's just not happening. I have a project due tomorrow which requires me ...
[2 replies] Last: If you're still having issues, I sent you a message. I struggled with ... (by Volatile Pulse)
by sirc89
dynamic array from an input file
I keep getting the error that incomplete type is not allowed for empData dynamicArray ; I don't want to set the elements because the first number of the inp...
[1 reply] : For all arrays, you need to tell the compiler how many values you want... (by Volatile Pulse)
Guessing Game Help
How can i separate this game into 4 rounds please i need immediate help, this program is due tomorrow. #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime...
[3 replies] Last: Well, your current loop is using the assignment operator( = ) instead ... (by nano511)
Pointer dynamic allocation
Hey I am trying to work on some practice problems about dynamic allocation There is apparently a problem with this function //What is the problem with this fu...
[5 replies] Last: No, there you are dereferencing the pointer and so modifying what it p... (by Raezzor)
How to #include properly in Dev-C++?
I downloaded the Boost libraries and I can't get them working. In my Compiler Options for libraries I put "...\boost_1_52_0\lib" and for C++ includes I put...
[4 replies] Last: No, I use Code::Blocks, but I did have to update the GCC compiler runt... (by Raezzor)
Random Word Selector won't work?
I got a problem. This random selector doesn't seem to work. Only selects the word corrosponding to the number on line 3. srand(time(NULL))...
[6 replies] Last: Cheers man! You are such a helpful person. I am still at Uni with my m... (by BushMuffin)
Calling Pure Virtual Functions
[1 reply] : 00111001 (by dudeman007)
Do While Program
Hey guys, Just starting to learn C++ language. Hope you guys can help me a way or other since every forum I have joined has been a huge help with me. :) I hav...
[7 replies] Last: Hmm, ya I see your point about the whiles. They could work if you incl... (by Raezzor)
assistance getting setup for C++ programming $$
Hi,my name is Jonathan Colby I live in san diego, I am looking to get my computer set up to do c++ programming and so I can begin learning it. I need help...
[1 reply] : C++ Netbeans, and CodeLite (by joncolby)
for_each algor
for (std::vector<char>::iterator i = myBuffer.begin(); i != myBuffer.end(); ++i) *i -= 1; for_each(myBuffer.begin(), myBuffer.end(), bind1st(...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you, you solved my problem. I just lost my patience in debug. (by littlepig)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 4344454647... 65
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