Beginners - December 2012 (Page 44)

by odai
hi , mm please who can till me something about this question ? What situations that give us syntax error in enumeration ??
[4 replies] Last: thanks for all ^_^ (by odai)
by GVH4ck
Help for amateur thing (1,2)
// Programi Kodi #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main () { const int m=8, n=8; double A , c; int C = 1 ; int i,j; for (i=...
[25 replies] Last: What do you mean by "Is there any way that this numbers come out after... (by nano511)
by Hucaru
Reversing vector content
Hi I am trying to reverse the contents of a vector, and at run time the programme does not like the fact that I am calling .size() inside of .at(). Here is my c...
[3 replies] Last: The runtime error results from two coding errors. std::vector<cha... (by Chervil)
by sog
while loop inside while loop
Hi everyone, I posted this on the General C++ board but I have a feeling that might have been the wrong place. If this is a double post or not allowed please...
[5 replies] Last: Great, I put a link to this post from the one in General C++, so peopl... (by SamuelAdams)
by ft95
prime numbers
this program should display the prime numbers between 1 and 1000 I don't understand what is the problem. #include "stdafx.h" #include<iostream> #incl...
[4 replies] Last: thank you so much... (by ft95)
Where is the compiler software in Visual Express 2012
I'm starting off learning c++ with Visual Studio 2012. I don't understand where and how I can check and update my compiler to c++11. Thanks in advance for...
[1 reply] : Microsoft provides updates for Visual Studio directly. I don't use Vis... (by Volatile Pulse)
inheritance shared attribute
Hi boys. I have base class A and i need inherit from class A to class B1 and class B2. class A may have shared attributes for B1 B2? I do not want a static...
[1 reply] : You aren't leaving us much to go on, but inheritance in C++ is simple:... (by Volatile Pulse)
Rainfall Statistics assistance
Hey dudes! I'm looking for some help with my code. I have almost everything working except my averageRainfall function. I don't know what I have wrong and I nee...
[3 replies] Last: I'm sorry, I found my error. Thanks anyway! Here's my code if anyone w... (by SpanishViking13)
Which GU project can I use in linux
Guys I have just started programming in c++ but which project can I use to create GU in linux Ubuntu. Thanks in advance
[1 reply] : (by Moschops)
Trouble with change
Hello guys. I'm new to here and sorta new to C++. This is the final program of the semester I have to write, and it mostly works, except for one thing. I'll mar...
[2 replies] Last: There are a lot of undefined variables here. For example, total, chees... (by Chervil)
by Tate
Need help with understanding/calculating Output in an Array
The answer is "9" for this problem, but I can't figure out how to reach this conclusion. Could someone please explain to me (step-by-step) how I can calculate t...
[2 replies] Last: I expect the explanations provided for an earlier question should guid... (by Chervil)
Program using 2-D arrays, pointers, infile etc.
I have difficulty compiling my code. I don't know what is wrong or what I have used wrongly. This is the Assignment: 1) create a data file of the following ...
[1 reply] : you should edit your post and use code tags. comment out all the code... (by SamuelAdams)
Can't figure out how to approach this problem [inputs, arrays, records]
Hi guys. This forum has been ridiculously helpful in the past, and I'm back with my newest assignment. So basically I'm having problems figuring out what kind...
[2 replies] Last: I agree with Maeriden, read the file, remove spaces and then work with... (by SamuelAdams)
Output all line with string
Hi! I want to output the whole line with strings, not chars with the cin.get(name, 30); array. Can I do that with the #include <string> only? Please don't use...
[9 replies] Last: There are two different versions of getline. One looks like this, cin... (by Chervil)
by SoS
infinite output loop if non integer entered. :(
cant for the life of me think of why my validation goes in to an infinite output loop when non integers are entered. part of my main function: do { ...
[1 reply] : When a non-integer is entered, the fail flag is set for the cin stream... (by Chervil)
ifstream and csv
I have a text file thats separated by colons for example c:toyota:2006:corolla:56000 (type(car or truck):make:year:model:mileage) I am running into errors...
[6 replies] Last: atoi() takes a character string and returns an integer - assuming th... (by Chervil)
CPP homework (need to realize what this does)
My teacher wrote a code for us to determine what it does line by line. I skipped some intro parts which are library, main. Here is the code; int array ={7,3...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you, that was really helpful. (by badcode)
I need help trying to understand graphs
So I am currently using the textbook "C++ Data Structures 3rd Edition", and I have taken some code out of the book. I need help understanding why I keep getting...
[3 replies] Last: No problemo, but I don't think this is much more than a workaround. I ... (by maeriden)
by falcor
delete NULL
In my text game when the character has the same x and y co-ordinate as the enemy I am trying to delete them however this does not seem to be working as they wil...
[7 replies] Last: This is a good idea. Otherwise you'll spend LOTS AND LOTS OF TIME DEBU... (by pogrady)
by devinc
Column Transposition Cipher
Does anyone have any code or a link to any code for a Column Transposition Cipher? I would like to see some to reference to mine since mine does not seem to be ...
[no replies]
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