Beginners - December 2012 (Page 40)

by Niven
Need some help with SDL
I recently tried to learn some SDL and just started on a small program. The problem is that I'm having trouble receiving input when a button that's held down (i...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks you two. It works now (by Niven)
BFS Cascading Numbers
Hey guys, first time posting to this site. Just to forewarn you, this is a homework question but i'm not looking for a solution, simply a push in the right dire...
[1 reply] : Strictly speaking, this isn't a C++ question. Refreshers on BFS: http... (by Catfish3)
by lolwe
Problem with 2 functions
2. Compile program functions for: -Enter of a keyboard and a file into an array (by adding) data to 30 girls in the competition "Miss World" number, name, su...
[3 replies] Last: Initialize that variables to a reasonable value before using them. (by Fransje)
Changing Boolean
Ok, so I made a simple program to calculate pay for employees, but booleans behave strangely, as they somehow automatically change values. This problem is fo...
[3 replies] Last: Ah, right, thank you all, I'm getting rusty... (by AnonymousAccount)
Problem with reading from a .txt
Hi everybody! I have a text file with both numbers and text. ex. 12 2 3 h j \n 1 6 7 j k \n 5 8 k m \n I want to store the first c...
[2 replies] Last: I would use cin >> n to get the required integers. After the two in... (by Chervil)
How to restart the program after loop?
I have been trying for hours, this is a guessing game and its suppose to have 4 rounds the program is supposed to restart(expect for inputting the start/end val...
[8 replies] Last: Repost your final code and we'll show you why. You only need to seed t... (by Volatile Pulse)
by Izzle
Issues with my nested if statement
Hi guys I'm new to programming and for one of my assignments I have been asked to write a noughts and crosses program that never loses. I have decided to tackle...
[6 replies] Last: thanks for pointing that out; I knew there was something that could ha... (by Izzle)
by khal
Vector of Vector
Hi I am having difficult accessing the data in the code below. struct Node { int target; double weight; }; vector<vector<Node> > a; // A...
[2 replies] Last: //Error here: cout << a .target << endl; cout << a .target << end... (by Volatile Pulse)
Calculator Problem (Console Skipping Lines)
Hi guys, Here's the problem: I've made a simple calculator following instructions from However, after putting in the operator, the program goes...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, guys! I changed Operator and theoperator to a char and now... (by Prodevus)
by bitani
How to continue learning
I've messed with programming since I was 9. I've made websites, worked on private server code, etc. etc. but I've never really made my own programs to further t...
[1 reply] : A lot of the members on this forum look towards Project Euler (http://... (by Volatile Pulse)
by dcftci
get function for files
hi, I'm trying to read an integer value from file and I was wondering if I could use get function I wrote a simple code to understand how get function works bu...
[7 replies] Last: Oh ok I got it now:) thanks for the help bcoz although I used it in on... (by dcftci)
by ohc4r3
Hey guys, it is my first post in here, I am starting my journey with c++ and have encountered some if statement that I do not understand, the thing is '>>=', I...
[4 replies] Last: >> is the bitwise shift operator along with <<. They are also overload... (by Raezzor)
I was wondering if it is possible to call functions from a loop. (more specifically a 'for' loop.
[5 replies] Last: Alright, thanks! (by closed account LN7oGNh0)
trouble with cout formatting
It seems that setiosflags isn't even working here. I could set any of them right or left and the output on my screen looks the same. I'm running g++ in gnome-te...
[5 replies] Last: No particular reason for it, but it does force the hypens over by one ... (by Volatile Pulse)
Uninitialized local variable???
I'm trying to make this code which counts from 1000 to 0, then finds the remainder of each number that is 'less than 1000 but still greater than 0' by 5. I thin...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much. (by closed account LN7oGNh0)
selecting a row of variables from a text file into c++
Trying to use a text file to output various timber properties for calculations later in the program. so far it will read the first line of the text file but the...
[no replies]
Weird issue with ascii codes
Hi guys, so im having a weird issue when im running my cypher program when it shifts the alphabet it adds a random char to the end which im guessing is because...
[6 replies] Last: that works perfectly thanks alot now to make sure i fully understand w... (by Aalnius)
Function and sqrt
Hello, I've made a function and I want to find sqrt for a*y, but it keeps printing strange results.. Any help? Here's my function. #include <iostream> #i...
[4 replies] Last: The real question is, in what way were the numbers wrong? The sqrt() ... (by Chervil)
by maroun
error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
Hey all, This is the header checker.h #include "player.h" #ifndef CHECKER_H #define CHECKER_H class checker { public: checker(); ~checke...
[2 replies] Last: 14 , 15 at checker.h 6,7 at checker::checker() (by maroun)
by KarolM
Hi, I have a doubt about arrays: is there any way to generalize an array? Like int x; array ; ? I need to write a program about matrix multiplication us...
[4 replies] Last: I'll try it! Thank you so much =] (by KarolM)
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