Beginners - December 2012 (Page 37)

Member Functions
First I want to put it out there that yes this is homework and no I'm not asking for it to be done for me :) For my assignment I have to create a class that sim...
[7 replies] Last: You need 3 parameters: the stream, the array, the array's size. But th... (by ne555)
Vector Struct as function Parameter issue
I have a function readData() that takes a vector of structs as a parameter, and adds values to it. When I run the function, the code works fine, However, the va...
[no replies]
vector trouble
The goal is to create 25 random numbers in between 0 and 99 and place them into two lists which tells the user if they are even or odd. I cant get it to put th...
[3 replies] Last: I fixed line 8 thank you I probably wouldn't have seen it for a while.... (by GIjessiebear)
Warning C4244
Ive looked up on this warning, but i dont really understand what is being explained in the code. This warning comes up but the console window comes up. Also the...
[2 replies] Last: I've no idea what C5344 means. However, this code is not correct: if... (by Chervil)
i cant figure out how to exit the function when i input "no". any solutions? heres the function. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int yes=1; int no=...
[4 replies] Last: ok (by programmerrz)
help with vectors
Hi guys. Need help with a C excersise. The teacher wrote the function for 2 vectors, V1 ( x1,y1,z1) and V2(x2,y2,z2) to see if they are ortogonal. That means ...
[14 replies] Last: So (float) is used to say that 1/x will be a float? More accurately... (by Chervil)
Calculation Error
Again, back with an easy picking for you guys... Oh, and as a side note, I unindented everything because it passed the text limit. The calculations are all '...
[no replies]
Multidimensional array of classes?
Hey. I need to have a multidimensional array of a specific class. You see, I have a class named particle, and I want to create an array that is particlemap. Eac...
[1 reply] : Show us the actual code that produces the error, and the particle clas... (by ModShop)
code please
Please give the c++ code for following problems. 1) Write a C++ program to calculate x raised to the y power. The program should have a while repetition co...
[5 replies] Last: tx master, here I got the simple code.. #include <iostream> using ... (by dipen45)
by guiyii
problems in loop
I couldn't run this program as i had not expected.this is basically an unfinished sudoku generating program.the codes showed below is for generating the #s but ...
[2 replies] Last: sorry,but how to do that,i couldn't make it as what everybody else did... (by guiyii)
operator= function not working?
Hey guys, I'm trying to do something very simple, which is to get a Platform object using a function Platform retrieve(int n) from a CTrainList object, which...
[no replies]
bad ptr array cannot be evaluated
Hey guys, So im running into problems when trying to execute the encrypt function of my program. The error im getting is Unhandled exception at 0x00bb185e...
[2 replies] Last: yeh the passing to main was because i was trying to get cypherbet to b... (by Aalnius)
Classes (and not getting them)
I've been throwing things at this problem since Wednesday and I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. I figure that when a programming problem reduces you to ...
[7 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Point //creates a cl... (by nano511)
what is wrong with the code?
what is wrong with the code? #include <iostream.h> struct Employee { int empno; char name; char dept; int salary; char category; }emp; void main() { ...
[15 replies] Last: no problem (by guatemala007)
Question about 'getline' ?
So, its like this... i have a bunch of arrays which i fill thorugh user input. But i have a problem with a string array... when i use a 'getline(cin, blabla...
[1 reply] : why don't you try this: cin.getline(competitors, a); Just a friend... (by guatemala007)
While Loop Logic
can someone tell me where i am wrong with my logic? The console asks for a char of 's' || 'c' || 't' || 'e' || 'n' || 'o' and if it is not one of these a whi...
[3 replies] Last: Because otherwise it doesn't compile right 100% of the time. If you do... (by guatemala007)
Calling Functions
I have a function called polynomialFunction() in my file derivative.cpp and am trying to call it in main.cpp. derivative.h is included in main with #include "...
[7 replies] Last: If there is an error post the error. If it compiles fine but breaks... (by nano511)
Can't open a .h file in main.
In the code we have a Derivative.h and a Derivative.cpp Classes inside our code. When we try to #include "Derivative.h" in our main.cpp an error shows up Error:...
[10 replies] Last: Yes that worked thank you (by knnstarbuck)
Please help me out!! URGENT,NEWBIE to C++....
void main() { int user; // Splash(); do { clrscr(); cout<<"Please select one of the following options:\n"; cout<<"1.Issue a Book.\n2.Depos...
[4 replies] Last: As I said, NEWBIE... Quite easily frustrated...... (by adityamanglik)
Printing Quotient and Remainder of two value
Write an algorithm that computes and displays the quotient and remainder of B divided by A. However, do not perform the operation if the divisor is zero, inste...
[5 replies] Last: It shouldn't be a problem because you shouldn't be using conio.h or v... (by Branflakes91093)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 3536373839... 65
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