Beginners - December 2012 (Page 34)

by Izaks
Programming C++
Please help I am getting a conversion error in my program i have spend the whole of weekend and I can seem to figure out what the exact problem is. the error s...
[2 replies] Last: Oh I appreciate for your help the program is working now. I will use y... (by Izaks)
by malt
Derived class in main
I can't figure out why when I try to declare a function of a derived class in the main part of my program, I get an error saying 'SalariedEmployee' undeclared (...
[8 replies] Last: and dont exclude any file make all file included . what compiler you u... (by Felicia123)
double vertex[0,1,2];
Is this legal ? double vertex ; if (vertex[0,1,2]<90) //Is this legal ? cout<<"Obtuse"; My compiler doesn't give me an error, but I am not sure i...
[no replies]
Homework help. Address book.
1.) Create a project called addressBook 2.) Add a header file and cpp file for your project 3.) All of your definitions should go in the header file. 4.) In ...
[4 replies] Last: Just by the directions. And your code. As far as your errors go I''m ... (by jlillie89)
by emk0
Sorted insert using Linked List (iterated function)
I have some difficulties to implement one iterative function for sorted insert in linked list. I have previously done that with recursion which is much easier w...
[no replies]
Couple additions
So I worked pretty hard on this code but I need to add a couple things to do that I have no idea how to do. 1) Here is the data given to me in a .txt Wiley, ...
[5 replies] Last: //Structure struct infoType { string fname; string lname; string ... (by jlillie89)
Graphics APIs and making graphical based games
Hello! I have been looking all around the Internet today trying to find out how to use a graphics API. I have looked up openGL, DirectX, SFML, and Allegro a...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you so much for your help everyone!! (by twiggystardust)
Program just stops
Im having problems with this program. It finds the average high/low, and the index high/low temperatures. But for the index high it just stops at one number eve...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the help! (by closed account z8q4izwU)
demonstrate the use of files to access data in secondary storage
C++ program that reads text from a file and decodes the file by subtracting 5 from the ASCII value of each character.
[6 replies] Last: ok here is my c++ code and I will post my input file but it is not com... (by nenakay)
Extremely confused
I am working on my class final project in which we have to make an array and selection sort, but mine isn't working. #include <iostream> #include <cmath> ...
[3 replies] Last: this is the error code im getting on line 12: error C2447: '{' : miss... (by MAD1986)
Help with simple code
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> using namespace std; void displayTotals(int num, double priceBushel , double bushel, double subtotal, d...
[13 replies] Last: Thanks everyone, and sorry about the code tags (or lack thereof). I w... (by travyes1)
Need help with callbacks
So for an assignment I need to implement a callback and I need help. I have 3 files to write. The second and third file implement the callback functions. The fi...
[1 reply] : make the functions global. and then use #extern to access them. And ... (by snow 56767)
Xcode vs PC file handling, specifically string compare
## Xcode vs PC file handling, specifically string compare We started this code on a Mac and then finished on a PC. On the PC we used Visual Studio and on the...
[1 reply] : Are you using O/S specific file handling routines or the standard C li... (by snow 56767)
by skarla
I am trying to make a progress bar in win32. the error is in this code. INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX InitCtrlEx; InitCtrlEx.dwSize = sizeof(INITCOMMONCO...
[no replies]
how do i initialize this node push_front function?
See this sexy little snippet, im trying to initialize this; node (char arr ,node *link):arr (arr ),link (link) {} but theres a flaw, how do i declare th...
[18 replies] Last: oh thats a prototype and not a constructor too :P (by devonrevenge)
Changing an integer's type?
My topic isn't extremely accurate, nonetheless, here is my question. My question is how to make an int value take a different type of value? This sounds very...
[9 replies] Last: ...that is also the wrong thing to do, because you are telling the com... (by Duthomhas)
Need help making this code.
Produce a program to calculate VAT and discount on purchased items. The program should accept as inputs the item cost. If the cost is £100 or more, a discoun...
[no replies]
String Loop
I have to write a loop that reads in a collection of words and makes a sentence out of them by appending each new word to the string being formed. There are als...
[5 replies] Last: You're not changing the value of termination anywhere in your while ... (by Thumper)
structure problem
Does anyone know why side will not pass to the other functions right after set.Side? #include <iostream> using namespace std; // FILL IN THE CODE TO DECLA...
[6 replies] Last: You're not actually storing the value of side anywhere. Going off of w... (by Thumper)
initialising a vector from iterators
Hey, I m trying to tokenize a string into its words and found a code example on stackoverflow that puts the string into a stringstream and uses a istream itera...
[1 reply] : Any range is defined by a pair of iterators, begin and past-the-end. ... (by Cubbi)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 3233343536... 65
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