Beginners - December 2012 (Page 33)

Writing to possition in a file
Hi, Can someone tell me what to set my ios to so this works right? I'm trying to make a function that writes a line of text to a set position in a file without ...
[2 replies] Last: OK, so I think I've got it, if I set my ios to (ios::in | ios::binary)... (by newbieg)
Calculations using Arrays and loops please Help!!! :'(
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int main() { //declaring the variabl...
[1 reply] : There is no question (by SamuelAdams)
Hi hello , Im just new to c++ and im using turbo c++ 4.5 or borland c++ 4.5 as i want to learn first the old one before the new one ( i dont know why) ___...
[5 replies] Last: If you emulate the stack... void paint(int row, int col, int key, in... (by ne555)
array question
I just started learning c++ and am working on a problem that has a data file with 10 rows and 4 columns separated by a semi colon. I need to read the data into ...
[1 reply] : Read the file, cout the storage container, and verify the file is bein... (by SamuelAdams)
by xzbit
How to copy a file then send it to the desktop ?
hi, can anyone help me ? i'm trying to copy a file then put it on the desktop, for any users i tried CopyFile("sample.exe", "%desktop%\\sample.exe", false)...
[1 reply] : (by SamuelAdams)
Error changing character in a multi-dimensional array
Hey there all. I know you must get this a lot but I'm tearing my hair out trying to get this program to work. For it, I need to display a grid (6*10) and change...
[3 replies] Last: I'd probably use a single array of ten string objects. (by Moschops)
Dev-C++ "Could not create process"
After I successfully compile the following example taken from, I get a "Could not create process" error message from Windows XP when I run th...
[7 replies] Last: I'm glad the problem was resolved - even if you didn't find the cause.... (by Chervil)
Quick Sort
Hi, I am having trouble getting my quick sort to work. Any Help would be appreciated. #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> // for exi...
[1 reply] : What is the trouble you are facing ? (by kameswarib)
C++ Assignments
Hi guys I'm new to C++, just started snooping around it. Is there any website where I can find C++ assignments to work on and solve in order to start learnin...
[5 replies] Last: There y... (by IvanIvkovich)
Woohoo. Finally figured this bad boy out. Just a couple things I need to add that I have no idea doing. 1) How do I make it so it calculates the average of t...
[1 reply] : 1) How do I make it so it calculates the average of the 3 test scores... (by Moschops)
# include <limits>
Please would like so guidance and tips as to how to use the directive-# include <limits>.
[1 reply] : You put #include <limits> at the top of your code, and then you can ... (by Moschops)
Hex to Decimal. Trouble with my Formulas
Trying to convert Hex to Decimal. Having some trouble. I think there is something wrong with my formula at the bottom of hex2dec.cpp or the for statement locate...
[1 reply] : Yes, the for loop at the end goes on forever, since i is increasing an... (by kameswarib)
Virtual Key Codes in video game seems all scrambled up. Why?
In the game I play, SendInput with the key code 0x20 is used to press your A key to move your character left. 0x1E is used to press your D key to move your char...
[3 replies] Last: You shouldn't know the values. Use the facilities of the library to co... (by ne555)
Run-time error Not sure where, how, or why
I'm ashamed that I wrote this program and am having a runtime error. What's even worse is I can't track it down. I also can't debug it since I'm not the one ent...
[10 replies] Last: I made the correction, and after I while I began to realize why I was ... (by Volatile Pulse)
A simple IOstream game not compiling
Help!!! Here what I want to do: a simple game where a player is given the choice of two buttons to click, if he clicks them in the correct order he wins. ...
[1 reply] : Typo at line if ( game1 ==1 && game1 == 2 && game1 = 1) { game1... (by kameswarib)
I suck at explaining my question.
Ok I have this code made, but now we are given a new assignment and instead of a user inputting the data we are getting it from a .txt file, how do I do that an...
[5 replies] Last: You'll want to use ifstream. Its very simple, and you include <fstrea... (by pogrady)
c++ if statement will not end
I am fairly new to c++ and am not sure if i am explaining this correctly. I have a piece of code( a function) that does not end when running the whole progra...
[6 replies] Last: i sent you the files! (by Avni Choksi)
URGENT!!!Nested Loop Help
I am trying to write a program to output like so, has to be a Nested loop used. I dont know why I am having such a brain fart now. 1 12 123 1234 but I can't get...
[1 reply] : lol i guess its too late. (by pogrady)
Ugh, help. Easy I think?
Below I have a .txt file that I have to make into a program that displays the following as an output.. Name (First M Last): Test Averages: Grade: Absence...
[13 replies] Last: Here is the only function I really use besides the file I/O string f... (by Binary Thoughts)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 3132333435... 65
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