Beginners - December 2012 (Page 32)

allegro help
ok I am just starting to get into graphics. I have the allegro file and everything that it needs but when I put it into Visual C++ it says it can't open the sou...
[3 replies] Last: Ok, 2D I'm guessing? It maybe be worth it to learn OpenGL BUT it is al... (by snow 56767)
C++ Visual Programming
I am want to get tutorial of C++ Visual programming . But i can't find something about it . Please guide me ......
[no replies]
operator *= function
This program Should write by friend operator *= function .unfortunately It only answers triangle area.where are mistakes?plz correct this program and don't give...
[5 replies] Last: I seem to remember this question: (by Stewbond)
Caesar cipher print problems
The following code should print a suitable caesar cipher. In my encrypt function (see below) the output is: === === =ogpf which is not what i want. pleas...
[7 replies] Last: How about the offsetvalue what do i declare that as? You know what a... (by Moschops)
by iloveu
Binary files with function
Write a modular C++ program that includes the following functions: A functions to : 1. Create a Binary file. 2. Check if the Binary file exist. 3. Populate the...
[no replies]
AVerage help
I'm trying to get the average of 3 test scores in the code below but it won't work, how do I go about doing it? friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostr...
[6 replies] Last: (by SamuelAdams)
by LeonD
Issue with command line input
I'm currently using Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express for the following exercise: Write a program that copies your keyboard input (up to the simulated...
[no replies]
Something is messed up
Hey everyone! I want to make a program that acts something like a dictionary. Meaning: i have a file dictionary.txt with words and their definitions each on one...
[no replies]
hw help please
can someone please help me understand why i keep getting an error for double array ; is says that lenght it says expression must have a constant value... than...
[6 replies] Last: int myArray ; // Static Array with a size of 5 int *myArray = new int... (by Volatile Pulse)
M cert@inly aint Chris
Chris Hardwick you ruined all da fun Mannnnnnnnnnnnn! Chaz Brett This is the EA GameFace for the Nitro DX Xbox Gamertag, also from France. http://cdn.conte...
[3 replies] Last: Whichever naming convention you use for headers is fine, although your... (by cire)
Defining parameters of mountain
Hi, I really need help with c++ code made a 3d program where i want to simulate a grupp of particles going down mountain. Below is written code for mountain ...
[no replies]
Fibonacci Rabbits that die
A pair of newly born rabbits (one male, one female) is put in a field. Rabbits are able to mate at the age of one month so that at the end of the second month e...
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How to Search a .txt Loaded into an Array
I have successfully loaded my text file into an array. However, when I use a function to search the array for a certain element and then echo another one, it do...
[2 replies] Last: You have a global variable currentIndex at line 16. In addition, ins... (by Chervil)
Wait for a user input for a certain period of time?
Suppose i have a loop which waits for a user input only for a small period of time and continues executing the rest of the body of the loop once this time frame...
[no replies]
by Loizza
boolean function gives wrong answer
Hi all, I have a problem with my boolean function check_gift. I have text file giftstore.txt containing a price and a gift on each line. I copied the file in...
[1 reply] : I think the problem is that when you read the name using getline you a... (by Peter87)
Pointers in C++
Is it true that pointers are the most difficult to understand concept of C++? I am having a hard time to understand how char pointers work and I use the #inclu...
[15 replies] Last: As far as I understand it, you'd use char and string dynamic memory if... (by newbieg)
Convert string to equation ADT
I'm writing a function to convert a string to an equation ADT which has got two members: "grado" that is the grade of the equation and "coefficienti" that is a ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, kbw, you've been very helpful. (by fpiro07)
Date Validation
This program works fine, but I need help on adding proper date validation. The code that I have will only check for integers 0-9, allow dashes in mm,dd,yyyy fo...
[1 reply] : A few strips of code you might like: const int daysInMonth = { 3... (by SamuelAdams)
Coding help, please!!!
So I have been working on this old program trying to comprehend some stuff for a final coming up soon. I have gotten this far and now I must give up because I h...
[1 reply] : Please edit your post and Format with code tags. (by SamuelAdams)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 3031323334... 65
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