Beginners - December 2012 (Page 30)

Example from class
Hi, We did this example from my course. It is just a into c++ so he was sort of telling asking if we knew how to do something that was beyond my course a little...
[6 replies] Last: OK, I will practice this concept. Thankyou all. (by jlillie89)
by rey9
there is something wrong with my code. i am doing a c++ database. i used getline() to read the line I've inputted but when i used cin.ignore(), my program was ...
[1 reply] : cin >> cmd; // this reads in cmd and leaves '\n' unprocessed ... getl... (by Cubbi)
Rabin Miller Test
In Number Theory, I learned about the Rabin Miller Test to check if a number is prime, so I began writing a code using the test, and for some reason, the code s...
[no replies]
Text File with strings and integers to an 2d Array
Hello, I want to read a txt file that contains intgers and string in c++ prgram. i know how to do it with one single array with intgers or strings only. can y...
[1 reply] : It depends on how the text file is formatted. At first glance this loo... (by Chervil)
hello everyone can someone help me about array plsss i really need help right now using one-dimensional array. create a program that will count the number of t...
[8 replies] Last: cout<<"THANY YOU"<<; (by closed account 4y79216C)
how can i summation 2 huge number for example 2 number with 12 character? please explain arrays and the way of transformation char to int thank you...
[4 replies] Last: thank you very much (by Soorena)
by EZX
Why is my code not doing the task im asking?!
Calculate a massive A elements which are randomized within the interval of [-5, 5], n and m, is inputted by user. Afterwards get all the positive numbers from...
[4 replies] Last: Note that median is not necessary the same as the average. I don't thi... (by Peter87)
help with functions please
im trying to make a program that uses functions to break up the code blocks but can't figure out what im doing wrong // PP4.cpp : main project file. //James ...
[2 replies] Last: You've got a number of problems: Lines 37-43 - You don't put the ty... (by AbstractionAnon)
Erase white spaces from stream
I input 9X^3 + 5X into a string using the getline() function. I want to erase the white spaces in order to obtain 9X^3+5X . I can do that with a simple f...
[3 replies] Last: To swallow the leading whitespace before an unformatted input function... (by Cubbi)
switch statements
Hey, ran into a little bit of a problem. I'm making a menu that uses switch statements which uses function prototypes. I guess my question is, do I have to wr...
[11 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; void rows(); void convert()... (by supcello)
Need to convert xml file into property tree using Boost::property_tree
Hi, I have written this code for reading xml file and converting it to property tree using boost, but I'm getting few errors . I am new to c++ and might have d...
[1 reply] : You have declared PositionManagementDetailsSave and PositionManagement... (by AbstractionAnon)
First Program in VS 2012 failed -- help?
Hi, I've just picked up my first book in C++ and tried one of the beginning codes they sample in the book. I downloaded Visual Studios 2012 and created a new...
[4 replies] Last: @guestgulkan Yes, this fixed the problem thank you. @alistjazz You ... (by chili2424)
columns and rows.
Hey, if anyone could help me I'd greatly appreciate it. I need to write a function that prints a 10 x 10 pattern of X's. Thank you! ++
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot! I wrote this before, but if you don't practice it goes a... (by supcello)
by ft95
about arrey
How we can define one arrey in two type? for example I want use of an arrey as char and int. how can I do it?
[7 replies] Last: @OP, how would such a structure help you do that conversion? (by hamsterman)
Get unformatted input with variable length
Is there any way to get unformatted input with variable length? I know there's getline() but in order to use it you have to tell it the length of the strea...
[4 replies] Last: Ok thank you very much guys you helped me a lot. (by fpiro07)
Error I've Never Encountered before.
Hello, I have an error that I am having a hard time comprehending because there isn't a lot of explanation, and I have tried searching for hours for similar...
[1 reply] : You're stepping out of bounds of your lookup tables. Take a closer lo... (by Disch)
Tic-Tack-Toe problem
I had to create a program for my c programming class for a tic-tack-toe board. the program worked just fine until I found out part of it was suppose to be a fun...
[3 replies] Last: By the way, use the bar on the format. It looks like this: <>. Thi... (by closed account oN3AqMoL)
Help please confused
So, I'm new to this and I just watched a tutorial I have copied everything he had, except for system("pause"); because the thing wouldn't launch with that every...
[2 replies] Last: @Blazing. please use code tag and make your code easier cout << "P... (by Felicia123)
by dancks
Best way to advance c++ knowledge?
This is basically the run of the mill "what books do you recommend for programming?" But with a twist: Im gonna be moving out soon, and I'll need to save money ...
[1 reply] : If you'll be Internet-less then you'll wanna find a good source of doc... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Having Trouble with C++ Checker
Hi people, I have problems with the following code. It is supposed to expand on the green tao theorem. // Efficent Prime Check 1.cpp : Defines the entry po...
[2 replies] Last: it still does not work. (by Sutton Shin)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 2829303132... 65
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