Beginners - December 2012 (Page 27)

What's the point?
Okay so I've got an exercise giving me the next variants: a. 18&16|5&8 b. 18|16&5|8 c. 18&16&5&8 d. 18|16|5|8 and it asks me to choose the one which retu...
[4 replies] Last: Okay guys, thanks for the fast replies :) (by steryman)
Return to int main from an int.
Hi, just wondering how would I return to the "int main" from another int? For example int CallInfo() { string sClientName; int sClientChoice...
[5 replies] Last: Sounds like you missed the point of functions. When a function finishe... (by Moschops)
how to get a certain part of a char array
let's say char buffer = "JOIN_QUEUE " I want to get rid of the extra spaces at the end to strcmp() it. How do I do that? char* cmpmsg = buffer; ...
[no replies]
stream problem
hi, I'm doing a project in which I'm accepting a tag and content string and converting into an XML which is my extended class of the string class. However I'm ...
[3 replies] Last: Also, I tried something else something like: CXMLString::CXMLString(s... (by noisycoder)
Variable Choice
I'm writing a Statistical Calculator for a videogame. Some of the statistics use numbers that are longer than 16 digits, and from what I can tell, a long doub...
[6 replies] Last: You could use a char array to store nos. See the foll code as an examp... (by PalashBansal96)
I am writing a program for school that is supposed to take an array and print its contents. I have reached out to the teacher but I don't know when I will hea...
[7 replies] Last: First off a little tip for your for loops. You are currently writing t... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
Gives Letter Grade
Ok so I have this code I made but now I have to add so it gives a final grade as an output depending on the "Test Average" This is the rubric: A 93-100 A-...
[2 replies] Last: #include "genlib.h" #include "simpio.h" #include <stdio.h> if ... (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
by maroun
error LNK2001
Hello I have these 2 classes, all classes are in the same header... class player { class moveit; public: player():pcolor(-2){}; ~player(); ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you !!! :D (by maroun)
i need help with saving file into a binary file
this is my code i don't know why it isn't doing it #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <iomanip> #inclu...
[3 replies] Last: i fixed the code but still this is my output Enter file name: e:\wa t... (by juancarpinteiro)
by KAB11
Help with getting my calendar to start on the right days.
I am attempting to make a calendar for my c++ class, but I can't seem to figure out what to do. Here is my code: #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using...
[1 reply] : I have played with calendars and it's tough. There are so many ways t... (by SamuelAdams)
by harsha
COMPILER ERROR: "Sort" was not declared in this scope
gimme the solution pls.... #include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; bool myfunction (int i,int j) { return (i<j); } str...
[2 replies] Last: uh! that was a stupid mistake!!! thanks mate! (by harsha)
by eselar
Help With Bubble Sort
Hey everyone, I'm sorting an array randomly populated with the numbers 1-52 from least to greatest using multiple sorting algorithms, right now I still cant ge...
[3 replies] Last: Sorry i forget to mention some things. yes it is an int array I chan... (by eselar)
delete last node of a circular linked list
can i delete last node(that points to the first node) of the circular linked list in constant time?
[3 replies] Last: Lets call the target node to delete (the last one): discard // Set p... (by HoneyBoy)
Print the highest and the lowest number
Please help me. I'm going to input number each 3 variables, the highest and the lowest should be printed. Please guys help me ;[
[2 replies] Last: Something like that would be better I think: int highest = number1;... (by Machtl)
by joy666
explain function
Hi, i do not understand this code. Pls can someone explain this one, especially the function nacitajString #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #inclu...
[1 reply] : I will explain to you what nacitajString does, maybe you can figure ou... (by Machtl)
by mathlo
Mistery word : can't display a string
Hi, first of all, excuse my english, i am french. So, i am trying to make a "game". First user writes a number, the program mixes it (ex : dog -> ogd), and a...
[6 replies] Last: Your mistake is that you are trying to assign the result string which ... (by vlad from moscow)
Really really basic vectors.
I've writtena code for the gcd of two integers a and d and these functions apply to an arithmetic progression a_n = a + n*d n a natural number including 0 and ...
[3 replies] Last: After it's created, you can use them just like arrays. for random ac... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Output data to file
I'm trying to output data to a file. I half killed myself trying to get the program to work , everything works all data is working. Heres my code // Week 13...
[1 reply] : Have not tried your code but this looks wrong outFile << left << set... (by SamuelAdams)
Can you initialize and array in a constuctor?
What am I doing wrong? Can't I initialize an array in the constructor? #include <iostream> class TypeHolder { private: int Items ; public: ...
[3 replies] Last: Only error I really see is that you try to initialize Items with 5 va... (by Raezzor)
Determines the highest and lowest
Write an algorithm that determines the highest and lowest among 3 numbers. Assume that the 3 numbers are unique. Can anyone help me with codes for this probl...
[7 replies] Last: @mathalo: maybe you want to try this: #include <algorithm> #include ... (by Darkmaster)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 2526272829... 65
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