Beginners - December 2012 (Page 23)

Class combat, Please Help!
I am trying to make a combat system. I have a function called checkSpace() that checks whether or not there's a wall, monster, etc. Here's my checkSpace() v...
[1 reply] : You mention the function called combat could be causing problems but I... (by Hippogriff)
What's wrong with this declaration? Syntax error
Hey guys, Getting a weird syntax error. Can't put my finger on why. I have a struct TreeNode that holds a string and 2 pointers. I'm trying to write a functi...
[3 replies] Last: Ok, I found the issue. It's because TreeNode was declared as a member ... (by jojo212)
please help!!!!
required :The game starts by showing the user a number of cards on the screen. Each card is represented by a character ā€˜Cā€™. Then, the computer chooses a ran...
[no replies]
by ft95
Hello,what is different between these programs that one of them oprate true but another not. I really worked on them but I didn't can fix the first program. ...
[13 replies] Last: thank you every body. I could resolve it finally... (by ft95)
A little problem
I made a calculating program, in which I used several variables to store specific numbers as the codes shown below. But when the program executes to the point "...
[1 reply] : It does print the "true" number, however the calculation overflows. A ... (by Athar)
fatal error C1020
hey every body i have this problem while i compile my program fatal error C1020: unexpected #endif the error occur in the header file : //assign...
[2 replies] Last: for more info on why that #... (by maeriden)
Stating a char
I am programming a small game for my D of E skills section. I am doing some practice text and I have done, so far, this. // Star Fighter Mini - Lite // Author...
[5 replies] Last: Yes. Just try it. (by Athar)
Help with a program
Ok I'm new here and I thought I can get some help with a program I'm working on. First let me give you an idea of what the program is about. I have to write a ...
[1 reply] : First of all, please use code tags ( ) in the future to make your p... (by RangerDanger)
Help me pleasee?
I am trying to write a program but i have ran into a problem i need to save a sentence and output it into a text file and i can not seem to get it to work can s...
[6 replies] Last: thanks everyone its solved now :D (by tommythetwinkie)
by Sergi0
Should I learn C++?
I am 13 and I wanna learn C++ I wish to have a career as a programmer in the future will C++ help? I already know HTML and a little of Python(I am still learn...
[1 reply] : C++ would definitely be a good skill to have in the programming world.... (by RangerDanger)
I need Efficiency suggestions
Hello, I made my first program, I know its newbie and lame... Anyway, I have a problem. I used the techniques I learned so far. This should calculate powers:...
[5 replies] Last: Wow! Thanks! It worked... i just added 'else if' to all other statemen... (by shalito)
open source for android app ?
I did google and couldnt find any.... I want to start making apps for android...( i know they are in java(i think)..) anybody know anything ..?
[3 replies] Last: ohh thats sweet ! i didnt know that. (by thundemanx)
by z350zx
Help in c++ plzzzzzzzzzzzz?
i need help in this question (write an c++ code that reads ID numbers of a sequence of salesmen and the amount of sales they made and prints out the ID number ,...
[2 replies] Last: look i did it #include <iostream.h> void main () { #include <iostre... (by z350zx)
by ak2013
Overloading functions -- int& vs. int arguments
Hi all, I started learning C++ in September and am studying up for an exam on Monday. The correction to a past exam says these two function declarations can...
[3 replies] Last: > .how does the compiler know whether to modify i (&) or to modify a c... (by JLBorges)
Problem with strtok
This keeps printing out the last string read starting at the beginning of the string lineIn and ending were the string was parsed. This is the last string re...
[no replies]
Help Me plz ::non-lvalue-in-assignment problem:
Peace be upon you all. Can any one plz help me as i am a begner to programming, i am develping code to solve cubic equations by under given formula:: Cubic Equ...
[no replies]
I have a couple short answer questions that I need help with. I have gotten a few but needed some assistance with others. 1. Given the array int x [ ] = {1,...
[1 reply] : 1. Given the array int x [ ] = {1,2,3,4,5}, write a loop that multipl... (by Volatile Pulse)
How do I return a 2D array from a function (1,2)
Hi again, since I last posted I have got a much better understanding, and my program is coming along. I am making a lottery program for college, and I have to d...
[31 replies] Last: I got a guy to help me with it, it turn's out that getline doesn't jiv... (by WilliumBobCole)
Truth Table
Please Give me C++ source code to create a truth table for any No. of variables For Example: for 3 variables truth table should be as 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0...
[1 reply] : *Hands shahbazsaleem the source code for the best truth table ever!* S... (by Volatile Pulse)
data types
what is the difference between int and long int even when both occupy 4 bytes??
[5 replies] Last: All that the C++ standard guarantees is that short <= int <= long <= l... (by Volatile Pulse)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 2122232425... 65
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