Beginners - December 2012 (Page 22)

cin.getline and cin behave strangely. Problem with buffer?
Hello, i am messing around with operations on strings using pointers (i am not sure about translation. I mean char*). I recreated strcpy without problem. It wor...
[4 replies] Last: Chervil, i send thanks to you and bless your family :) It should be li... (by janekkubek)
After String Concatenation first word is not displayed
Below is the code given i have made this program to concatenate two strings concatenation but after concatenation in display it doesnot displays the first word...
[1 reply] : Indiscriminate use of cin.ignore(). The problem is that you ignore a ... (by cire)
Heh, weird bug
Hi people, I've got code that does something kind of random, I was playing with pointers and was really bored, so I know this isn't supposed to work but check i...
[5 replies] Last: You don't need an output file. You have two options. In the console wh... (by Volatile Pulse)
program just stops working when i execute it i need to pass an array of size , if i decrease the size of the array it starts working. but it is not my requir...
[3 replies] Last: There is no immediate error with the code you presented (aside from th... (by Volatile Pulse)
Resistor Project. Help on reading in Enum Types
I'm gradually starting to understand how to start building a program to calculate the value of a 4 band resistor. However, I'm stuck on how to work with enum ty...
[1 reply] : Here's one way. #include <iostream> #include <string> int main() { ... (by cire)
Quasi connect 4 help
Hi there. Totally new to this forum, and am sort of picking up programming again after not doing it for quite a while. I was just messing around, trying to make...
[4 replies] Last: Yeah I think you're right on the real board size. It makes more sense ... (by NiMRODPi)
Switch from console to window.
Hi all, Over the last five years I have developed a console application in C++. It is basically a football management game. Having finished the main program ...
[2 replies] Last: Wow, great reply thanks. I'm going to check out Code::Blocks now. I mi... (by GoldenBoy)
floating point issues
can anyone plz give me a link to a tutorial for understanding floating point issues and reasons behind behind these issues in c?????
[1 reply] : http://docs.ora... (by JLBorges)
Temperature Converter
Hello guys, a little while back maybe a few weeks or so I made a Temp. converter program and would just like to hear your feedback on it good or bad.In case you...
[6 replies] Last: [quote=guatemala007]I don't understand what you mean by brace style is... (by cire)
Help with some code
Ok, so I am making a simple betting game here is the code #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namespace std; int main(){ sr...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much! that solved my problem (by Sharpie)
Why is this random integer repeating?
This is my program: void roll_strength() { srand(time(0)); strength = rand() % (21 - 1) + 1; } void roll_constitution() ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by dingo25)
by pooshi
Shared Memory
Hello all, I have a question about shared memory and I was looking for further understanding. I am making a program that uses shared memory on Win 32 API an...
[2 replies] Last: Or you could use the _T or TEXT macro to have it define the correct ty... (by cire)
Help! I have a problem in running a program! It compiles but it doesn't work (The black one doesn't pop-up)! I uninstall it and install it then. But then, it ha...
[5 replies] Last: I was using dev c++, but I was having problems. Now I am using code::... (by Sharpie)
by dim4s
manipulation string
sorry i need help to finnish my project in C++ (i use the library "include <iostream>"). 1. how to change the type integer to string ? 2. how to change th...
[1 reply] : Looking into the basics of stringstreams should give you the answer pr... (by Hippogriff)
How to make a random integer?
I want the program to generate a random integer between one and twenty, but I don't know how someone could go about it...any suggestions?
[5 replies] Last: Thanks! (by dingo25)
hello, I am having problem with my Borland C++. the problem is, if i'll run my script for 2 X without I edit my script, is is not working, (cant to run),,,...
[no replies]
< overloading issues
Can't seem to get my program to work class Outer { class Inner { bool operator<(const Inner& other) const; }; }; How to overload < ? ...
[2 replies] Last: So why the nested class declarations? And why the address in the if s... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Jofasa
Why wont my function work here?
#include <iostream> #include <istream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; void FindName(ifstream& inFile); int main() { char r...
[10 replies] Last: Thanks again for your input, you have been a great help. (by Jofasa)
Quick Question about Classes (1,2)
I am learning classes this week and I have an assignment to use a class labeled date to have a user input a date, then read it back in 1/1/1111 form. My code s...
[21 replies] Last: OK, I am pleased to see that you have figured out the functions so tha... (by TheIdeasMan)
Problem With Two Dimensional Arrays
I'm writing a program for school that has the user input the cost of a plane ticket, and the program outputs where the user will sit on the plane, based on the ...
[8 replies] Last: I have solved it, and it works using the operator =. It had something ... (by Xethaios)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 2021222324... 65
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