Beginners - December 2012 (Page 21)

functions!!!! ahhhhh!!!
i have several c++ books and i am on functions and arguments and i am finding it really hard to understand. I feel like giving up but i really want to make it i...
[3 replies] Last: @Blue Shell INDENT YOUR CODE!!! Do you realize how hard that is to re... (by Volatile Pulse)
Vectors trouble
I've searched through the vectors portion of this website and I've been trying to figure out a way to remove a specific value that a user inputs from a vector a...
[8 replies] Last: It's in the algorithm header. (by Catfish3)
About functions
I'm a self learner and I just started learning about functions, I have probably a stupid question, Yet I have to understand it! So here it is, This is a prog...
[1 reply] : I mean why cant the program start with the main, And move to the func... (by Chervil)
by Tylerr
Basic Calculator Code... doesn't work. Help please?
/* This is my code for a basic calculator. Im learning from a book called "Sam's Teach yourself in an hour a day" and I've had it for three days. Can someone ...
[11 replies] Last: It worked! Thank you for all your help. (by Tylerr)
Bubble sort won't sort anything... (1,2)
Me again ;P I have my code working perfectly now, my whole game works, it prevents duplicates, it stops when you run out of virtual money, it let's you re us...
[23 replies] Last: I'm surprised that sync() didn't work. I don't know why that would... (by cire)
logical ror c++ integer 4bytes byte rotation
Assembly code: ROR AL,3 MOV BYTE PTR DS: ,AL In the code above the byte found at AL is ror-ed 3 times and then the result gets stored in the byte at addres...
[10 replies] Last: Yeah, you would find it in hundreds of places. Compiles to a straight... (by JLBorges)
Random Number vector
I need to know how to take the variable I have for random to check it's value and say how many times each number 0-9 occur within the 500 generated numbers ...
[3 replies] Last: So I added an array of 10 integers to the beginning of my occ functi... (by GIjessiebear)
Do-While statements do not look neat!
Whenever I use a do-while statement, it does not look neat. Its really annoying because most of my code looks quite neat then this just messes it all up! Can ...
[12 replies] Last: Ya, thats what I do as well... I guess im being a bit too pesky. Anyw... (by closed account LN7oGNh0)
Whys isn't this working?
I have a combat system... void combat() { int a=1; CPlayer player; cout << "You intiate combat with a " << furbolg.getname() << endl; w...
[2 replies] Last: I tried to interrupt the loop with in a=0; but the commands in which ... (by dingo25)
Hello, I have some questions I'm unsure about as I review. They are true and false 1.Global constants have no side effects in a program? I think this is ...
[2 replies] Last: And object is not same as member, class can have function and variabl... (by jlillie89)
from char arry to int
so here's my problem: i have a char array: char start_arry ={ 0x64, 0x61, 0x74, 0x61, 0x2E, 0x74, 0x78, 0x74, }; and i want to copy the first 4 bytes to...
[5 replies] Last: nevermind: int *p = reinterpret_cast <int*>( start_arry+3 ); ... (by frescofrs)
C++ Video: Koenig Lookup - Argument Dependent Lookup (ADL)
This Youtube video explains the details of how Koenig Lookup works under different scenario.
[no replies]
by Noob32
Basic encrypt/decrypt code
The code is working with just one problem. The first letter in each encryption (and possibly decryption) is not changing. I don't believe it's my mapping func...
[3 replies] Last: Nevermind! I'm a dumb###! I was not using the SAME key to encrypt/decr... (by Noob32)
second cin.getline is ignored in some cases
Hi, i don't understand how cin and cin.getline work exactly. I had problem with cin, which was solved here , ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you, Chervil. Your explanation is all i need :) (by janekkubek)
Read integers from a text file and store into array
Hello, everybody! :) I'm trying to write a program that reads integers from a text file, and then stores the values into an array. The trick is I'd like to h...
[5 replies] Last: Ahh, nope. I haven't messed with new yet. I'll study it after I fini... (by alexbomb)
How to make general monsters?
I am making a text-based RPG for class and I want to know how to make general classes for monsters. So far I've made a CMonster class and a CFurbolg class that...
[5 replies] Last: Solved it! Thanks for input (by dingo25)
display number in array
hye guys, how to repair this coding? -request size array from user, -request numbers (any) from user, -display numbers that has been input and, that is my cod...
[3 replies] Last: An array is nothing more than a pointer. To understand an array, you m... (by Volatile Pulse)
bubble sort -array
this is my bubble sort. hope usefull :3 #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int number = { 4, 2, 7, 4, 5, 1, 9, 8, 7, 3 }; int...
[3 replies] Last: First, edit your post. Then select all of your code, and press the <> ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by ong
Hello world, i would like to ask some help regarding about my coding,
Hello world, i would like to ask some help regarding about my coding, i have done it, but it mention there is an error which i need to correcct it, and i did ch...
[3 replies] Last: below are the question = Function Description main() contain function ... (by ong)
Error message saying pow is ambiguous?!?! Any suggestions
I have a rough time with this code. Trying to use the formula at the bottom. It has a problem with pow(10,Band4). It says "call to pow is ambiguous" on line 141...
[3 replies] Last: Has anyone suggested having a function for getting the colour? Lines 3... (by TheIdeasMan)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 1920212223... 65
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